Monday, 30 September 2024

APC USA: Our Hearts Bleeds at Found Chibok Girls and Calls forConsistent General Medical Examination

There are so many unanswered questions lingering into the North Eastern Nigeria abducted girls: their total number, how many  found-how many left, family attestations, ravaged North Eastern Nigeria, perpetrators, interventions, approach, consequences, general medical attention-plan of care, family and community reconciliations and reassurances, financial accounts - justification of resources expanded, timeframe for recovery of others, community rebuilding plan, commencement of All Nigerian school security surveillance and fencing, school emergency crises report chain, first responders, “what is leant-what is in place-who’s to blame”, recommendations, we can go on and on. In solicitation of continuous support, the bottom line is we join advocates   “#BringBackOurGirls Now and Alive!” We demand a thorough independent investigation, including “#BringBackOurMoney Now and In full!” It is now very clear why Senator Binta Garba is advocating for North East Development Commission.

We like to share our sympathy with families, friends and #BringBackOurGirls groups for being together, consistently called on the deaf ears of President Jonathan’s administration to provide answers in locating the where about the rest girls and reunite them with their respective families before handing over, May 29th. Because, its PDPs responsibilities to secure and protect every Nigerian at all times, this we never saw. A detail report should be included in the handover notes, interventions and approaches for the benefit of reoccurrence. Notable, posterity and humanity will remember gone President Jonathan leadership with for instant and indecisive decision toiling with lives and properties among other ills and nuisance perpetrated in 6 years. As the commander and chief of the military failed to provide Nigerians the Bill of Rights, gave into threats and virus to take over our sovereignty.

At our popularly renowned what’s App forum with about 700 followership, Shettima Ali remarked,   am sad we are adding salt to the wounds of those women and girls rescued from Boko Haram. They are Nigerians, most from Borno State and Adamawa State and are by no means part of any baby factory! The fact we only heard about the Chibok girls because of the various drama surrounding their capture. Hundreds of women and girls and young boys have been taken by the Boko Haram without anybody saying anything.

He added, perhaps, as part of Agenda setting for President Elect, we suggest he goes beyond sacking Boko Haram to investigate the numerous abuses the people of the North-East suffered from Boko Haram and the government, and all the atrocities they suffered. To start with, we should criminalize insulting all women and girls that suffered in the hands of the Boko Haram. This is the least we can do to accept them back and help them to deal with their very sad situation. They did not chose to inflict themselves with this calamity!

Diaspora Woman Leader in her own commitment, leads a delegation of women form around the United States of America to deliver food and water to destitute in Kaduna, unable to fulfil her dreams at the recent Inaugural ceremony of President Muhammadu Buhari   for scarcity of gas; to get return gas from Chibok, where she intended to take initial assessment for onward assistance. Even though Ms. Mesi Ada Usiade based California is overwhelmed of her visit to Nigeria, remain optimistic to go to Chibok when next in Nigeria. As a nurse practitioner, specialized in sourcing free medical donations for Africa, shuttles Nigeria biannually, additionally worked at different humanitarian capacities, most especially at the launch and rallies of #BringBackOurGirls across United States.

Compiled by Francis John

APC USA International Secretariat Working for you!!!

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