Sunday, 29 September 2024

The real winners are the few who dare to leap

When was the last time you attended a workshop and seminar or listened to a life-transforming talk? Most people are fully charged and often leave seminars and workshops with a lot of new ideas but very few people actually take action.

In any seminar, only three per cent of any group of participants acts on the information they have received. The rest do nothing. They find an excuse for not acting. Winners take action, while losers give excuses for doing nothing.

The difference between winners and losers lies in three words-philosophy, attitude and action. Philosophy refers to one’s approach and outlook to life. It informs their very being and the things they do.

Attitude is a result of one’s beliefs. If you think that working in a farm is dirty work, you will not do any farming. Action is always a result of one’s philosophy and attitude.


Some of the excuses include difficult economic times, or that they don’t have the right education, resources or time. If you are committed, you will do it anyway. If you are not, you will always find an excuse not to do it.

Successful people see in their mind’s eye the new changes that they need to make and then they take action.

Ideas don’t have to be profound for them to make a difference. You may have heard of Lorna Cherono Rutto, who turned trash into cash. Following the lessons she learnt in high school, Lorna was able to fashion fencing posts out of plastic waste. The waste had always been there —  all Lorna did was to put the knowledge she had acquired to good use.

In addition, making a difference has nothing to do with age or genius. There is the story of young Richard Turere, a twelve year old herds-boy who invented lighting to keep lions away from his herd.

Lions were fond of attacking his father’s cows. Although he had tried other ways of keeping the lions at bay, nothing seemed to work. Then he discovered that lions were afraid of moving lights. Armed with this knowledge, he put together a battery of lights after taking apart his mother’s radio and using a solar panel and some light-bulbs. The lions never bothered his cows again.

There are three things that seem to be common to anyone who makes a difference, regardless of their field of endeavour. First, they have a clear set of ideas on their purpose and role in life. These people seem to believe that they are capable of solving problems.

They set out to make a difference and have a philosophy of life that says, ‘If this thing is going to succeed, I will make it happen’. Such an attitude does not take no for an answer. They are natural winners who have indefatigable energy levels. Such people seem unstoppable. They are unstoppable because they will only stop when a solution has been found.


Their second attribute is their positive mental attitude to everything. They see the bright side of things and have a winning mindset. Whenever they come across challenges they view them as part of the puzzle they are solving.

Finally, these people take action. Winners are distinguished by their ability to do what it takes to succeed for as long as it takes to do so. They do them to the best of their ability.

Begin by examining your philosophy of life. Whenever you find yourself reluctant to do something, interrogate your reasons for doing so. Next, find out what you need to do to change your life and then do it to the best of your ability.

Right now, what stands between you and greatness is your philosophy of life, your attitude and your inability to take action.

Examine your philosophy of life and attitude then take action. Do it today.

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