Sunday, 29 September 2024

Carnage After Carnage; Letter To Ibrahim El-Zakzaki By Alhassan Haruna Dambatta



For quite some time, i have been searching for any available opportunity to communicate to you my honest opinion regarding your activities and that of your Islamic movement In Nigeria, and to call your attention towards the desperation of the duty of security forces to terminate any perceived threat emanating from any quarters, so long it is not for peace and prosperity. I only hoped, since you are under custody,Nasir El-Rufai the governor of kaduna state will show you this letter since you may not be allowed the comfort of a mobile phone.

First, please accept my deepest condolence to the many, yet again the lost of innocent lives of your faithfuls, adherents and neighbours, not forgetting innocent passers by who may have lost their lives in yet again a recorded carnage promoted and executed by enemies of peace and Nigerian stability.

I have no words to express how enraged and furious i was when i heard about the military, once again killing many of your members at the last confrontation recorded in Zaria, i cannot imaging how you feel and the agony in your heart due to the action of these sojas who enjoyed the movement called ‘triger slash’ before committing their thoughts into ‘triger operation’.

Just some months ago, in another recorded carnage, three of your well trained and educationally sponsored sons were killed due to one of your many violent confrontation employed by both side in order to establish supremacy.

I cannot comprehend how you feel at this stage, especially with the many heirs you lost to these violence that have consumed so many of your deciples who blindly confronted death in order to express and show in the physical, their un-diluted loyalty to die in the cause of propagating and promoting your teachings and ideas of your Shi’a islam.

The history of your movement started with many of us who accepted the newly introduced “Muslim brothers” as a new movement for friendship and brothers keepers, only to discover that it was Shi’a introduced in disguise, hence, the reason why so many people left with their support in drove to avoid the anger of God, in contrast to your highly held belief that it Is the only way to achieve God mercy and salvation.

Furthermore, you will agree with me that enough blood have been spilled over the land and that has got me thinking whether you as a person do, from time to time contemplates over these issues of violence involving your students and amazingly, at all times, the military, who have been your arch enemies, recorded in your black book, and in my assessment of the various situations, i have since concluded that revenge is your daily breath, though, of cause, if you are a man of wisdom, my assessment would have been uselessly packed and trashed in a dust bin because people of wisdom always looked at what goes around and how it will comes around.

Your activities  created a government within a government, we even heard that your Kano governor, Muhammad Turi, earlier rumoured to have died, was among the unfortunate ones who sustained various degrees of injuries both of the physical and that of the heart and soul, i was outraged when i saw you been pushed in the wheelbarrow, the El-Zakzaki of all people, the untouchable, this is why i always asked the question, why?. Why is violence the first resort to solving the evolving problem? why violence?. We are very lucky you are well and sound, for the wound, a General (in the midst of his students) like you will survive it through and document it as part of the struggle.

One of the bitter truth i want to tell you is about the Shi’a brothers and sisters, i mean your members, who have since seculated their religious activities only to themselves and perform their religious obligations only amongst their members. They withdrew away from the public, they relate only to their members. That idea have since made the public to regard them as a sought of an outcast in the society. Perhaps that was the reason some members of the public would cheer whenever a calamity visited you. Your members , especially the high heads, have only made matters worst, they disrespects anyone not part of them. They disobeyed the law of the land whenever movements are restricted due to some security breach in the country or in the state, they are usually the first to breach such restriction order. They intimidate the public and insult other movements schoolars and further desparaged and intimidate the public, whose loyalty and support should have been of your primary concern.

Your members do expressed that they are not obliged to obey any law as implemented by the state, they bragged that only laws made by  you and your subordinates are to be respected and obeyed. What is the problem, why would you not obey Nigerian laws, why would you not succumb to the signature and dictates of the law of the land?

The nuisance created by your members is annoying and intimidating, especially during the many of your unending processions within the northern Nigeria, traffic obstructions and many other unlawful acts of your members have rubbished the sanctity of government and the laws that supposes to have provide direction for all of us, since we all lived in a country governed by provisions of a democratic constitution. My only problem and many others problem is you keeping mute to all these uneasiness caused by your members who only listen to your commands relayed through your subordinate governors in each state of Nigeria.

You were once crowned ‘the leader of peace in Nigeria’ by the cunning former president Olusegun Obasanjo, utlizing the premism that, ‘if you cant beat them,join them’. Obasanjo’s idea quite frankly worked and helped greatly in sustaining peace and stability in Nigeria during the period.

You have had issues with various governments in the past and it seems you feel stronger when ever such carnage is recorded, your inability to utilze the wisdom in your grey hair only compound issues, this is because the wisdom in you would have inform you of the need to postpone your activities since it co-insides with the passing out parade, and ofcourse from experience you must be aware that military high brass will be visiting zaria, your domain, inorder to attend the passing out parade and allowing some of your disrespectful members to intimidate the convoy of the chief of army staff (COAS) will only compound the insecurity situation presently recorded, perhaps, with Boko Haram part 2 and that will only worsen matters.

Sir, iam very sure you are very aware of the stuff the Nigerian army is made up of, not to talk of an army general in the Nigerian army, but your members have shown the world how to disrespect an army general by punching him on the shoulders and telling him they won’t give passage to his convoy. I cant imaging such happening to an army general in Nigeria, for sure Brutai is a democratic military general who without pride attended the negotiation with some rag tags filled with disrespectful comments that an ordinary soja will not accept. Such negotiation with an army general should have been with you not some of your students that visibly lack manners.

Sir, in my view, i think is time you change the orientation of your members who have on previous occasions generated tension, probably without your knowledge and consent, this is before you are provoked into an all out war or you provoked the authorities who may not differentiat between shi’a adherents and the rest of us who are not shi’a.

Obstructions in islam is a great sin, so your members should be educated towards that direction, nobody is to deny you the right for peaceful processions and gatherings and at the same time non of your members should deny the public the right to passage and free movements by eliminating the various traffic obstructions caused by the many various gathering of your members.

Iam very sure you will be allowed to go, but from then on you should tutor your members to be law abiding and should remain the custodian of peace since nobody removed you as peace promoter in Nigeria. I can tell you that you certainly hold the four ACEs and your ability to play the game doing the right thing at the right time will enderer you to many peace loving Nigerians.

Many are afraid of your members intimidation and may not advice you bluntly, but you dont need anybody’s advice since you are a man of your own, but advice has to always be given and must always be regarded, because wisdom is key greatness and people of wisdom always regard advises.

I thank you for your time hoping you will come out safely without any episode of Muhammad Yusuf part two.

Comrade,Alhassan Haruna Danbatta.
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