Sunday, 29 September 2024

Life is Turn By Turn

This world is like a company or organization, it is mere perpetual succession, human beings  come and go but the world remains. When a man grows old, he dies, another human being comes to continue the human race by filling the vacuum.  When officers like, presidents, prime ministers, managers,  directors, supervisors etc die, or leave offices one way or the other, their offices become vacant and given to others to occupy. Old building must be imploded to give way for new building because it is the new building's turn to be in place.

It is only in certain parts of this world that Politicians, Military officers, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Senators, Ministers, Chairmen, office managers, directors etc. want to hold on to powers and positions forever even when clueless, gravely ill, mentally and physically incapacitated and even though they are functionally inactive, they still prefer to stay for life or die on duty.  When hospitalized or on annual vacation they still follow up or monitor their office activities despite being delegated to others to do, thereby hindering the effectiveness of delegation of duties or authorities tantamount to a blow to natural principles of "Turn-by-Turn".  Where are some of  the yesterday's leaders who held on to powers as if they were inherited and they did not want "Turn-By-Turn?" They were either turned in for imprisonment or  cudgeled to death by their own people.

Adducible factors  to the above behavior are not far-fetched;  fear of avenging, ricochetting  cataclysm consequent upon their acrimonious manners, arrogance, large scale corruption, nepotism, favoritism and power intoxication.   Some of our leaders  cut or burnt down  the bridges while climbing the stairs of success, some bit the fingers that fed them, whilst some now believe that they have powers in their pouch forgetting that power is transient as power is turn by turn.  Nothing is permanent in life except change because change is constant.

Do not under-estimate one another because of where you are today. Pastors that pray for others will one day request the congregation to pray for them too. A very good heart surgeon  can not perform an open heart surgery on himself no matter how good he  or she is, a manager will be managed by others one day, a professor may receive a lecture from his student who is proficient in the use of computers. 

When one wakes up in the morning it is the turn of the next person to you to say good morning. You cannot say good morning to yourself. If you greet yourself good morning  while others are beside you then you will be advised to seek for help. When one is dead, it is the turn of the people surrounding you to perform the burial rites as it is turn by turn.  A dead body can never rise up and bury itself, or have you heard where someone installed himself as a President, Ruler  or King? Your answer is as good as mine.

Did I hear you talking garrulously  as a landlord  to your tenant this way; "Get out of my house?", "Do you normally pass insults to your tenants like "go and sleep on the street.?" As a manager, did I hear you say; "I am your boss and can fire you or  recommend your dismissal at any time.?" or "I will not approve your request because I have the authority?". As a person in position of power must you collect kick-back or bribes  before awarding a contract?  or as an employer do not say this  to the applicants "Before you are employed I must sleep with you".   I concur with A. V. Dicey  that "power  corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".   Life is turn-by-turn, one way or the other we were once Tenants, landlords, Junior staff, Managers, penniless, or rich.  It is by chance that anybody is somebody or nobody.

Today's landlord may be a tenant tomorrow, or haven't you heard of a dropout that suddenly became a star or a big time politician and a millionaire?. Today's president will bow down for tomorrow's president when his time comes. A beggar on the road today may be a mansion owner tomorrow. 

Let us not cut or burn the bridges of turn-by-turn love,  let us take our turns.  The snail climbs tree gently.  We take one step after the other when walking just to remind us that; in this life it is Turn by Turn.  This wonderful world is beautiful, let us live it turn by turn, it may be your turn today but nobody knows whose turn tomorrow.  Therefore, the world is a stage, act well your part and leave for others to take their turn, otherwise you will be rolled away from the stage of life because the next turn belongs to someone else.  It is Turn-By-Turn. The earth according to geography rotates on its own axis. Let us take it turn-by-turn so that when next we see or meet we smile again. Wherever you are today and if you are in the position to assist others do it, touch others' lives.  It may be your turn tomorrow.  There is a reward for everything. The life is turn-by-turn.


Michael Kehinde Abiodun is the Editor-In-Chief/Publisher of OASES NEWS.  Toronto, Canada. 

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