Rose Mbula from Ol Ndonyo flew to India in search of greener pastures in November 2014 but five months later her family received a call from the Kenyan High Commission in India informing them that Ms. Mbula had fallen off a skyscraper and was in hospital.


Her aunt Florence Ndolo, who recently conducted a fundraiser to meet her niece’s therapy expenses, spoke to Nairobi News about what transpired.

She had only called her mother once (during her stay in India) informing her that she was yet to settle down but promised to keep in touch, something she never did until her brother-in-law received the sad news

Sadly, the Kenyan High Commission only provided scanty details they had gathered from the hospital as the people who had taken her there did not leave their contacts.

We never got to know what she was doing in that building when she fell; the high commission did not have any information on her employer

Doctors who received her at the hospital performed an emergency surgery to stop the bleeding in the head. Some parts of her skull were removed and preserved in her stomach, at body temperature.


They assured her kin that the bones in the stomach would be retrieved and used in the reconstruction surgery.

Ms. Mbula’s brother-in-law, who was contacted by the Kenyan High Commission in India, traveled to India only to find Rose in a comma. He waited for two months before she woke up and was allowed to travel back.

The Kenyan high commission in India catered for the hospital bill accrued, but said it could not fund her reconstruction surgery because she had not registered with them when she arrived there

Ms. Ndolo

The young woman was taken to her parent’s home in kilimambogo, Ol Ndonyo Sabuk where they have been taking care of her. The family consulted doctors at Thika level 5 Hospital and got a specialist who visits their home to carry out therapy to help her be able to walk again.

Her parents and five siblings have exhausted all avenues to raise Sh700,000 for the reconstruction surgery, and an additional Sh300,000 for traveling to India and other expenses.