Saturday, 06 July 2024

South Africa Universities to Offer B.Sc degree in Witchcraft

Universities in South Africa are now allowed to offer B.Sc degree in Witchcraft, thanks to Blade Nzimande

The Minister for Higher Education and Training met representatives from Universities across the country and after two hours of discussion,Mr Nzimande noted:


“I think this is a good idea. We have agreed that from next year, 2018, all universities will be allowed to offer B.Sc in Wichcraft. After consultations, we unanimously agreed to incorporate the program into the curriculum”.

The minister also agreed that witchcraft will help reduce traffic jam, solve marital problems and heal chronic diseases like HIV, Cancer and Diabetes.He also believes the degree program will help improve security as well as increase the level of fertility among the citizens.

Traditionally, witchcraft was a source of calamities like drought, death, sickness and marital problems. But with time, the practice, which has spread across the continent, has been embraced.

Witches from all over the country have been invited to apply for available vacancies in various universities .Before they are allowed to lecture, they must showcase their skills, including how to solve the issue of poverty by providing shortcuts to wealth.

There is now a sigh of relief among witches in South Africa, with a number foreseeing “pamper harvest “from their skills.

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