Saturday, 06 July 2024

Wi-Fi: A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly By Babangida Ruma

Wi-Fi stands for wireless networks and it means we don’t have to use cables to connect our electronic devices. Wi-Fi is everywhere and it is present even in places where it is not needed. Its mainly used by mobiles and mobile manufacturers give out instructions with them for their proper use.

But the most common scenario is we are getting exposed to Wi-Fi signals, which cause long-term damage to our health.

Wireless devices including mobiles and tablets connect to a router through Wi-Fi signals. These Wi-Fi signals are actually electromagnetic waves, which are harmful for our body. 

Most people ignore the risks due to lack of proper knowledge. Over time these signals cause harm to our vital functions. Even British Health Agency has confirmed that Wi-Fi signals have a bad impact on growth rate of both people and plants. 

Exposure to Wi-Fi for long term can cause following problems-

Ø  Chronic fatigue

Ø  Ear ache and loss of concentration

Ø  Frequent and severe headaches and lack of sleep


We can’t survive in today’s world without technology and it’s a true fact. So following certsteps we can enjoy the benefits of technology and keep our health intact at the same time. 

These steps allow us to handle router safely and use it when required.


Ø  Switch off the Wi-Fi device when you are going to sleep

Ø  When you don’t need just it switch it off

Ø  You can replace cordless phones with wired ones for minimize   exposure.

Ø  Do not keep them in kitchen or bedroom.


Danger of Wi-Fi to human brain.

Wi-Fi is convenient but many have raised doubts concerning the safety of unseen forces that permeate everything around us. Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, researchers have performed dozens of studies to explore the subject. The results are clear and shocking — Wi-Fi can negatively affect overall health and brain health, especially in children.

Affects Cell Growth

When a group of Danish ninth graders experienced difficulty concentrating after sleeping with their cell phones by their head, they performed an experiment to test the effect of wireless Wi-Fi routers on garden cress. One set of plants was grown in a room free of wireless radiation; the other group grown next to two routers that released the same amount of radiation as a cell phone. The results? The plants nearest the radiation didn’t grow. 


Derails Brain Function

Just as the Danish high schooners noticed problems with concentration, scientists have begun to look at the impact of 4G radiations on brain function. Using MRI technology, research performed just last year found that persons exposed to 4G radiations had several areas of reduced brain activity. 


Reduces Brain Activity in Females

A group of 30 healthy volunteers, 15 men and 15 women, were given a simple memory test. First, the entire group was tested without any exposure to Wi-Fi radiation — no problem. Then, they were exposed to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi from a wireless access point for about 45 minutes. During that portion of the testing, brain activity was measured and the women had a noticeable change in brain activity and energy levels. Sorry ladies! But guys, don’t get too comfortable.


Neutralizes Sperm

Because we’ve known for a long time that the heat generated by laptops kills sperm. Well, now it turns out that heat isn’t the only threat to a man’s virility. Research has found exposure to Wi-Fi frequencies reduce sperm movement and cause DNA fragmentation. Both human and animal testing has confirmed that exposure negatively affects sperm. 

May Impact Fertility

 And, it’s not just sperm. The results of an animal study suggest that some wireless frequencies may prevent egg implantation. During the study, mice exposed 2 hours a day for 45 days had significantly increased oxidative stress levels. The cellular damage and impact on DNA structure from exposure suggests a strong possibility of abnormal pregnancy or failure of the egg to implant


Limiting Exposure and Staying Healthy 

Although melatonin and L-Carnitine offer nutritional defense, they don’t block exposure. And that’s very hard to accomplish. Look at coverage maps from cell phone companies, or notice how many Wi-Fi networks your smart phone prompts for you to join. We’re surrounded and bombarded by electromagnetic radiation. Blocking exposure is difficult but there are a few small steps you can take. For one, do not keep cell phones, laptops, and tablets close to your body. And if it’s not being used, shut them off (your wireless router too). There are also a number of devices available to counteract electromagnetic frequencies.


Babangida Ruma

Information Communication Technology Specialist 

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