Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Pistorius gets more privileges in jail, upgraded to A status

Oscar Pistorius can make more personal telephone calls, access a radio and wear jewellery now that he has been upgraded from B to A category status in prison.

Pistorius' spokesperson, Annalise Burgess told the Daily Mail, that her client would now enjoy a wider range of privileges. These would include personal contact with visitors - he would be allowed to hug and kiss them and a substantial allowance to buy toiletries and treats.

The Daily Mail also reports that Kgosi Mampuru prison authorities believes he poses little threat and this influenced their decision to upgrade his category status which comes two years after he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius will also have the freedom to pick a hobby of his choice and wear jewellery.

A family source said: 'We have a family Whatsapp group on which we all hear the news about Oscar as well as other family business. Since Aimee and Carl (his sister and brother) are his most frequent visitors, it is usually them who let the rest of us know what is happening with him inside.

'This has boosted him a lot. He has been very low in prison, although he seems to be getting all the support from the prison authorities that he needs. His new status means he will be able to have more visits – there are a lot of family members who would like to go and see him, but in the past have stayed away so that it is mostly Carl, Aimee, his aunt and grandmother who take the allocated slots.'

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