Saturday, 06 July 2024

NFF says it will withdraw its support for Blatter if he is found guilty of corruption


NIGERIAN Football Federation (NFF) officials have revealed that they will withdraw their support for Fifa president Sepp Blatter if he is found guilty of corruption after the ongoing investigations are complete. 

Last week, at least eight senior Fifa executives have been arrested by police for collecting bribes to influence the deciding of World Cup venues. Although Mr Blatter himself was not among them, the scandal led to requests for his resignation as he has been blamed for presiding over the crisis. 

Coming at a time when Fifa elections were holding, several delegates voted against Mr Blatter who was running for a fifth term but despite the opposition, he still won. Nigeria, along with most other Confederation of African Football federations backed Mr Blatter as payback for his unflinching support for African football. 

NFF president Amaju Pinnick, who led the Nigerian delegation to the Fifa congress, said they supported Mr Blatter because the allegations against him were not yet proven. He added, however, that the NFF has zero tolerance for corrupt practices as well as any form of high-handedness or impunity. 

Mr Pinnick added:  “In the eight months that we have been in office, I have consistently told my colleagues on the executive committee and the members of management and staff that there will be no room for corruption in Nigeria football. Corruption has no place in the beautiful game and will not be tolerated at the NFF or anywhere in Nigerian football and I have also given that message to all coaches of the national teams in clear language.” 

“In law, a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Yes, there are issues of corruption on ground and a number of officials have been arrested bit Mr Blatter has neither been indicted nor arrested and he even moved swiftly to suspend those officials who have been arrested.” 

European football's governing body, Uefa, had initially suggested they were in favour of postponing the Fifa Congress in Zurich. Although Fifa has now accepted that the elections will go ahead, most of its members supported Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan, saying Mr Blatter should accept responsibility for the corruption scandal. 

However, with Mr Blatter winning the election, there have been calls for his resignation but some Europeans even saying the 2018 World Cup should be boycotted in protest. Russia is due to host the 2018 World Cup and Qatar the 2022 tournament and Swiss police are investigating the circumstances around both bids. 

Mr Pinnick added: "The NFF gave its full support to Blatter because we believe in a strong and focused body, committed to using football to promote global peace and making the world a better place for all. Should Mr Blatter be indicted or arrested, he will immediately lose our support. 

“Mr Blatter has promised to make Fifa stronger and we will work with him to achieve that. The NFF will continue to do all within its powers to maintain the ethics of football administration in Nigeria and will continue to work with Fifa to protect the image of football.”

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