Saturday, 06 July 2024

Keshi is angry: Keshi threatens to drag NFF before FIFA over sack

Sacked Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi, is ready to drag the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), before FIFA’s Court of Arbitration.

The Big Boss’ contract was terminated, following allegations that he applied to become coach of the Ivory Coast national team. Keshi faced a disciplinary committee, where he vehemently denied interest in the vacant position.

However, the NFF claimed he did not put forward strong evidence to prove his innocence and subsequently found him guilty of breach of contract.

Keshi, who led the Eagles to AFCON glory in 2013, was then fired without any financial compensation.

NFF’s report stated that his contract had stipulated that he “shall not engage in any other service or business whatsoever during the term of his employment and shall, unless prevented by ill-health, devote all his time and attention to the service of the NFF as may be necessary for the proper exercise of his duties.”

Keshi is seeking for his entitlement and justice via the FIFA arbitration process.

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