Saturday, 06 July 2024

WWE Night of Champions 2015: The Results & Highlights You Need to Know


WWE Night of Champions 2015 is here! Seth Rollins has to prove himself and his worth to The Authority by facing two challengers – John Cena and Sting. The WWE World Heavyweight, United States, Intercontinental, Divas and World Tag Team Championships will be on the line. We’re here to give you a rundown of the entire event and let you know who won/lost. Here are the results and highlights you need to know for WWE Night of Champions 2015!


Neville and The Lucha Dragons (Kalisto and Sin Cara) vs. The Cosmic Wasteland (Stardust and The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) (6-Man Tag Team Match)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winners: The Cosmic Wasteland (Stardust and The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor)!

Highlights: Cara and Konnor got things underway. Konnor and Cara engaged in a back and forth sequence that Cara got the better of. Kalisto got tagged in to land a tag team maneuver on Konnor. Konnor shook off the effects of that move quickly, tagged in Stardust and got him to wear down Kalisto. After Stardust’s work on Kalisto, Viktor aided in the beatdown after a tag. When Stardust returned he was soon caught off guard with Kalisto’s lucha offense. Soon all six men entered the ring. The Cosmic Wasteland ended up on the outside, where they all got put down by a triple team, over the top rope mix of planchas. Back in the ring, Kalisto hung onto Stardust’s arm to further injure it. After a great exchange between both men, The Ascension managed to get back into the bout to assault Kalisto. The Cosmic Wasteland began tearing down their smaller foe for several tense moments. Kalisto countered a top rope powerbomb from Viktor into a big Frankensteiner. Afterwards, Neville got the hot tag and went crazy on The Cosmic Wasteland. The action got even more off the charts when Cara launched himself through the middle ropes at Konnor. Stardust caught Neville with a Side Effect-type maneuver, but failed to truly finish him. Neville soon caught Stardust with a super kick and looked to go for his finisher. Stardust pushed Viktor into Neville to get him off the tope rope and then finished him with The Queen’s Crossbow.

Ryback (c) vs. Kevin Owens (WWE Intercontinental Championship)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winner: The new WWE Intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens!

Highlights: Ryback’s power was too much for Owens to handle at first. Owens tried everything from kicks to the leg to chops to the chest to weaken the big guy, but to no avail. Ryback ended up gorilla pressing Owens right over the top rope. Both men got back into the ring, but Owens caught Ryback’s arm on the ropes and then pushed him into the steel ring post. Owens then focused his offense of weakening Ryback’s injured arm and shoulder. Owens soon locked in a arm submission that further antagonized Ryback. Ryback fought back to a standing position, but got dropped again with an arm DDT and then a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Owens stayed on Ryback with more offense and submissions that tore down Ryback’s arm/shoulder. Ryback made another comeback and caught Owens with a quick clothesline. Ryback then put together a series of more power moves to destroy his championship challenger. Owens countered a powerbomb, but got slammed down right after with a Spinning Spinebuster. Ryback went for his Meat Hook lariat, but he ran right into an Owens Superkick instead. Ryback kicked out of the following pin, though. Owens almost landed his finisher, but Ryback dodged it and finally landed his Meat Hook clothesline. Ryback tried to go for his Shellshock, but his weakened arm/shoulder prevented him from doing so. Owens took advantage with more arm focused offense. Owens arm submission almost worked in his favor before Ryback picked him up and dropped him. Ryback looked for his Shellshock once again, but Owens scratched out his eyes and grabbed the quick roll-up for the final pin.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev (with Summer Rae)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winner: Dolph Ziggler!

Highlights: Ziggler, in his new decked out tights, got the better of his bigger foe with a nice dropkick that pushed Rusev to the outside. Rusev finally returned and locked Ziggler in a brutal face/arm submission. Ziggler escaped it, landed a 2nd dropkick and tried to go for a sleeper hold. Rusev shook his smaller opponent off and laid him out a with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Rusev then shoved Ziggler right off the ring apron into the security barrier. Rusev soon went on a rampage with more body slams and power-based offense that put down Ziggler. Ziggler almost grabbed a quick and easy pinfall, but Rusev powered out of it with no problem. Ziggler got caught in Rusev’s submissive grasp for a bit, but Ziggler fought out of it. Rusev grabbed Ziggler’s legs after a dropkick attempt and flung him right into the corner ring post. Ziggler landed a shocking body slam on Rusev and ten forced him right into the ring corner post. Ziggler then entered into his usual flurry of comeback offense. After taking a beating, Rusev countered Ziggler with his spinning side slam. Ziggler survived and got into another tense exchange with Rusev that got capped off with a Fame Asser. Ziggler took to the top rope, but Rusev got him off and then swiftly kicked him right in the arm. Rusev went for his running Superkick, but Ziggler moved out of the way and locked in his Sleeper Hold. Rusev soon got him off, but Ziggler landed another big move with his running DDT. Rusev powered out of the next pin. Ziggler looked to land his Superkick and Zig Zag, but Rusev dodged both and dropped him with his own Superkick. Rusev thought he prevailed after a pin attempt. Rusev then looked to land his Accolade, but Ziggler escaped and finally pulled off his Superkick. Summer Rae got involved by hopping onto the ring apron. She fell into the ring after Ziggler was thrown near her while she climbed on the ring ropes. Rae cost her man the match after she mistakenly and blindly threw her shoe at Rusev. Ziggler capitalized on it and won the match with his Zig Zag.

The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Big E, and/or Xavier Woods) (c) vs. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley) (WWE Tag Team Championship)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winners: The Dudley Boyz by disqualification…

Highlights: D-Von and Kofi got this tag team bout underway. Kofi used his quickness to drop D-Von with a beautiful dropkick. Kofi disrespected D-Von by slapping him on the back of the head, which sent D-Von into a fury. D-Von clotheslined Kofi and called in Bubba to land a 3D. Kofi escaped at the last minute. Back in the ring, Bubba and Big E got into an intense exchange. Big E locked Bubba into a headlock, but Bubba soon countered out of it with a belly to back suplex. Bubba and D-Von landed a humorous double elbow right after. Big E soon found himself on the top rope, which then led to Bubba superplexing him back down to the mat. All three members of The New Day were on the receiving end of a Bubba beatdown for a few moments. Soon, Kofi got his team back into a better position after landing a dropkick. The New Day soon got to work by beating down Bubba. Big E even landed his ring apron big splash right onto Bubba’s prone body. After several grueling moments, Bubba finally made a comeback by landing his Bubba Bomb on Kofi. D-Von then got the hot tag and went crazy with his comeback offense on Kofi. D-Von called Bubba back in and they then landed their Reverse 3D on Big E. They then dropped Kofi with a 3D, but Xavier stopped the pin and cost the Dudley Boyz the tag team titles. After the match ended, The New Day grabbed themselves a table. The Dudley Boyz fought back and then KO’d Woods with a 3D through that same table.


Nikki Bella (c) vs. Charlotte (WWE Divas Championship; If Nikki gets counted out or disqualified, she will lose the title)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winner: The new WWE Divas Champion, Charlotte!

Highlights: Nikki got in a little workout to kill time and play mind games with Charlotte once the bell rang. Charlotte finally got her hands on Nikki for a but before she got shoved off the ring apron to the outside. Back in the ring, Nikki soon got the better of Charlotte by suplexing her and getting her knee to land on the bottom rope. Nikki then began her next set of moves on Charlotte by targeting her injured knee. Nikki even caught Charlotte’s leg with a dragon whip on the outside. The next few moments resulted in Nikki doing everything in her power to weaken Charlotte’s bad knee. Charlotte almost got back in fighting spirit by landing a stiff elbow shot to Nikki, but Nikki quickly recovered and went right back to work on Charlotte’s bad knee. After several grueling moments, Charlotte almost grabbed a quick pin on Nikki. Nikki escaped and locked in a tight single-leg Boston Crab. Nikki then took a page out of Bret Hart’s book by locking in a steel ring post Figure-Four Leglock on Charlotte. Nikki locked in another single-leg Boston Crab and her two partners looked to help her. Fearing a DQ loss, Nikki released the hold only to see her two partners get laid out by Charlotte’s allies. This distracting moments then led to Charlotte making a triumphant comeback. Nikki got caught with a number of big moves from Charlotte, but she soon made her own comeback by going back to work on her knee. Nikki looked to land a big move off the top rope, but Charlotte speared her out of her boots. Charlotte then locked in her Figure-Eight Leglock and grabbed the submission victory.

Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and TBA vs. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Braun Strowman) (6-Man Tag Team Match)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winners: The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Braun Strowman)!

Highlights: Before the reveal of the big 3rd partner, a crazed fan almost entered the ring before security intervened. Then Chris Jericho turned out to be the mystery partner for Ambrose and Reigns! Ambrose and Harper started things off. Ambrose went on a tear as he used his flying body press and elbow drops to put down Harper. Soon him and Reigns pulled off a swift tag team maneuver on Harper, which then led to a big tag-in move from Y2J. Jericho went to work with a flying body press off the top rope onto Harper. Jericho looked for his Walls of Jericho afterwards, but Harper escaped. He got caught with an Enzuguri anyways. Reigns then got tagged in and had to deal with the newest Wyatt Family member, Strowman. Reigns landed a few punches, but soon he got held up for a body slam. Reigns escaped and tagged in Ambrose for some help, but Strowman took them both down with a double shoulder press. Then Strowman caught Jericho off the top rope and launched him right onto his two partners. Strowman then began his torture treatment of Ambrose while the crowd looked on. Bray then got a piece of the action after getting tagged in. Bray went for a body splash into Ambrose in the corner, but both men ended up countering one another before Ambrose ended their exchange with a neckbreaker. Reigns got tagged in and landed a Samoan Slam, a Sitdown Powerbomb and several corner clotheslines on a tagged in Harper. Reigns went to the ropes for another move on Harper but Strowman grabbed him by the back of his head. Reigns escaped his grasp, but then walked right into a Harper Superkick. Soon, the entire Wyatt clan worked over their prey in Reigns. Harper even launched himself at Reigns through the middle ropes and Bray landed his Running Senton on his prone body soon after. Reigns’ punishment continued. Strowman went to the outside to get his hands on Reigns, but Ambrose cut him off with a sleeper hold. Strowman threw him off quickly. Reigns then caught Bray off guard with a kick to the face and theN tagged in a fresh Y2J. Jericho used his signature comeback offense to wear down Bray, which led to Y2J locking in his Walls of Jericho. Harper saved his partner, which then led to Ambrose and Bray getting into a big fight. Soon after, Reigns and Strowman ended up in a big brawl. Ambrose aided Reigns with a top rope elbow drop after a Superman Punches. Strowman finally came off his feet and got caught with a Lionsault. Strowman still survived after that onslaught of offense. Strowman used his immense strength to slam Y2J and then choke him out. Strowman grabbed the submission victory for his team. In a shocking moment, Y2J walked off a pissed mood and bumped shoulders with his partners for the evening.



Seth Rollins (c) vs. John Cena (WWE United States Championship)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winner: The new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena!

Highlights: Cena made sure to get the staring advantage by using his brawn to back Rollins into a corner. Soon Cena landed a few strikes to damage his rival some more. Rollins got his payback soon enough with his somersault top rope neckbreaker onto Cena. Cena laid down dormant for a few moments before making a play for a comeback. Rollins cut him off by locking in a quick sleeper hold. Cena pulled himself to the corner ring post, but Rollins cut him off by picking him up and landing him on the top rope. Rollins then stuffed Cena down with his double foot stomp. Rollins wasted no time afterwards as he put the boots to Cena. While Rollins played to the audience and their wave taunt formation, Cena almost beat him with a quick school boy. Rollins got his focus back and went back to damaging his challenger. Rollins went to mock Cena with his comeback offense, but Cena cut him off with a running shoulder block. Rollins got back to his feet and hit Cena with a neckbreaker, but Cena got up in a hurry to drop Rollins with his spinning backdrop. After some intense back and forth moves from both men, Cena got the better of Rollins with his flip over sunset pin. Rollins escaped somehow. Cena went for his AA, but Rollins dropped Cena’s neck on the top rope. Rollins and Cena then got caught up on the top rope soon after. Cena was in position to land a top rope AA, but Rollins hopped over him and looked to land his running powerbomb into the corner. Cena scouted this counter and responded with an Frankensteiner into the corner. Cena and Rollins exchanged punches once again, but Cena won the strike war and then went to finish Rollins with his AA. Rollins flipped out of it and then dropped Cena with two Superkicks. Cena soon fell to the outside and was cut down to the security mat when Rollins landed an over-the-top-rope plancha. Rollins put Cena back into the ring to land a Frog Splash, but missed and got put down with Tornado DDT from Cena. Cena took to the top rope for his big leg drop, but Rollins hopped to to the top rope to land his Superplex and Falcon Arrow combo. Cena still managed to survive. Cena stayed in the match by getting up and then locking in his STF. Rollins was stuck in his hold for a while before he escaped, released himself from an AA, picked up Cena and Powerbombed him into the corner. Rollins was ready to land his Pedigree, but Cena flipped him over is back. Cena ran to the ropes for a body splash, but got caught in the AA position from Rollins. Cena escaped it and made a final comeback with his top rope leg drop and a climactic AA. CENA WINS, CENA WINS, CENA WINS! Before Rollins could leave the arena, Cena handed out another AA to Rollins and threw him back into the ring.

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Sting (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

WWE Night of Champions 2015

Winner: And still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!

Highlights: As soon as the bell rang, Rollins got caught by a Stinger Splash. Sting then locked in his Scorpion Death Lock, but Rollins grabbed the bottom rope for survival. Rollins laid Sting’s neck over the top rope and tried to capitalize. Rollins had no luck however as he got grabbed out of a flying body press and almost ate a Scorpion Death Drop. On the outside, Rollins tried to catch a breather but Sting threw him into everything that was nailed down. Rollins finally got some offense of his own going by landing some gut kicks to Sting, but Sting proved to be too much for him still. Sting took Rollins back to the outside for even more punishment. Once Sting returned Rollins to the ring, he flung him back first into both ring corners. Sting and Rollins ended up on the outside once again, but Sting ate an epic tumble through the table. Sting was finally brought down to his feet and Rollins did his best to stay on top of him. The action returned to the ring once again and Rollins began a series of big moves on The Icon Sting. At one point, Sting fought back with a few punches. But Rollins cut his comeback off by powerbombing him into the ring corner. Rollins looked to put Sting away with the Pedigree, but Sting pushed him away. Rollins got caught on the tope rope for a big move, but Sting shoved him right off into the guard barrier. Once Rollins hopped back into the ring, Sting made his comeback with two Stinger Splashes and a clothesline over the top rope. Rollins ended up on the outside only to be squashed by Sting’s top rope body splash. The action got back into the ring again and ended got the crowd hype again when Sting landed his Scorpion Death Drop. Rollins almost lost, but he grabbed the bottom rope just in time to escape the pin. Sting went for another big Stinger Splash, but Rollins prevailed by moving out of the way and getting dropped in the corner with another Powerbomb. Sting seemed to be truly injured when the ref and ringside doctor checked on him. For several tense moments, the crowd checked on the legend before he was given the OK to keep going. Rollins and Sting restarted the bout, but all of a sudden Sting countered Rollins’ Pedigree into his Scorpion Death Lock. Rollins almost tapped, but he managed to roll up Sting after a 2nd Scorpion Death Lock attempt to get the win. Out of nowhere, Sheamus ran out to cash in his title shot. Sheamus dropped Rollins with a Brogue Kick and almost won the title. Kane returned and turned on Rollins with a big Chokeslam. Sheamus egged Kane on to land another finisher on Rollins, but Kane ended Chokeslamming Sheamus. Rollins then ate a Tombstone Piledriver to end his hectic evening.




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