Saturday, 05 October 2024

WWE Survivor Series Results - New WWE World Heavyweight Champions, The Undertaker, More

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Miz, Bo Dallas, Stardust, Konnor and Viktor vs. Neville, Bubba Ray, Devon, Titus O'Neil and Goldust

We go to Michael Cole, JBL and Jerry Lawler at ringside. Lilian Garcia announces the rules for this 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match. The Miz is out first to boos.

Bo Dallas is out next. Stardust and The Ascension are out next to complete the team. Neville is out first for their opponents. The Dudley Boyz are out next followed by Titus O'Neil. Goldust is the last man out to a big pop. Goldust and Stardust go at it to start the match. Viktor comes in and Goldust pins him. Viktor is eliminated. Titus and Konnor go at it next. Titus overpowers Konnor and unloads on him. Titus gets fans to chant for Devon and in he comes to keep up the attack. Bubba Ray tags in for some double teaming.

They hit the big headbutt on Konnor and he rolls out of the ring. Bubba calls for tables. Miz and Stardust get knocked out to the floor, as does Bo. Neville runs the ropes and dives out onto all of them. We go to a break with the babyfaces standing tall.

Back from the break and Konnor is working over Bubba Ray. Bubba comes back and pins Konnor. Konnor is eliminated. Stardust comes in and goes at it with Devon. Bo gets involved and they beat Devon down in their corner with quick tags and attacks. Fans chant for Cody Rhodes. Miz comes in and nails Devon in the face for a close 2 count. Stardust comes off the top but Devon catches him. Neville tags in and clears the apron before going to work on Stardust. Miz ends up stealing a pin after Bo does all the work and eliminating Neville. Goldust comes from behind and rolls Miz up. Miz is eliminated. The Miz argues with a referee about being eliminated. Stardust attacks Goldust from behind as it's 4-on-2 now. Stardust goes to work on Goldust as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and the heels are in control. Goldust finally makes the hot tag to Titus and he unloads on Stardust and Bo. Stardust comes off the top but Titus catches him in backbreakers. Fans bark for Titus as he splashes Bo and Stardust at the same time. Goldust and Bubba come in and pay tribute to Dusty Rhodes on both. Titus hits Clash of the Titus on Bo for the pin. Bo is eliminated. Stardust is terrified and hops off the apron as fans boo.

Stardust runs into Goldust but drops him. He runs away, back into the ring, and The Dudleyz catch him in a 3D for the pin and the win.

Sole Survivors: The Dudley Boyz, Titus O'Neil and Goldust

- After the match, we go back to the panel.

- We go back to Tom Phillips with Tyler Breeze and Summer Rae in the Social Media Lounge. Breeze is insulted by all the questions and the two take shots at Phillips. We go back to the panel for discussion on The Wyatt Family vs. the Brothers of Destruction. Renee leads us to a video package for the match and that's it for the pre-show.

- The 2015 WWE Survivor Series pay-per-view opens with Eden introducing Lilian Garcia. Lilian sings the National Anthem from the ring and the arena is lit up with red, white and blue. This appears to be WWE's response to the reports of a potential Islamic State (ISIS) terror attack at tonight's show. Fans chant USA as we go to an opening video package.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio

We go to the ring with Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton on commentary. Roman Reigns is out first through the crowd. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio is out next with Zeb Colter. We get a sidebar video of Zeb talking earlier today. They lock up and go to the corner. The crowd is hot as they chant dueling chants for Reigns.

Back and forth now. Del Rio mounts Reigns in the corner with right hands as fans count along but Reigns slams him to some boos. Reigns pulls Del Rio to the floor and decks him with a right. Del Rio counters and sends Reigns into the barrier. Del Rio brings it back in and goes to the top for a right hand and a 1 count. Reigns turns it around and mounts Del Rio in the corner now. Reigns drops Del Rio for a quick pin attempt. Del Rio makes another comeback and hits the running enziguri, knocking Reigns off the apron to the floor. Del Rio sends Reigns into the steel steps as we see Triple H watching backstage with a smirk on his face. Del Rio brings it back in and comes off the top for a 2 count.

Del Rio keeps control and continues to work on the shoulder. Del Rio ends up flying through the second rope and landing hard on the floor. Reigns follows and keeps control before slamming Del Rio's head into the announce table several times. We see the WWE World Heavyweight Title at ringside. They come back in and run the ropes. Reigns hits a big right hand. Reigns with clotheslines in the corner as fans count along. Reigns with a big boot. Reigns calls for the Superman punch as some fans boo. Del Rio ducks it and hits the Backstabber for a close 2 count.

Del Rio with kicks in the corner. Del Rio with a DDT for a 2 count. Fans chant "si!" as Del Rio readies in the corner. Reigns ducks the superkick and nails a Samoan Drop for another close 2 count. Reigns takes Del Rio to the top for a superplex but Del Rio fights him. Del Rio turns Reigns upside down in the corner but misses the stomp. His knee buckles and Reigns hits a Superman punch. There are some boos as Reigns readies for a spear. Reigns runs into a superkick for a close 2 count as Del Rio suckered Reigns in with the knee injury.

Reign blocks the cross armbreaker for a roll up but Del Rio kicks out at 2. Del Rio tries to turn it into the hold again but Reigns lifts him up for a powerbomb. Del Rio kicks out at 2. Fans chant "this is awesome" as both Superstars are flat on their back. Del Rio catches Reigns in the armbreaker again and has it locked good this time. Reigns powers up and tries to put Del Rio out of the ring. Del Rio keeps the hold locked for as long as he can and lands on his feet on the floor. He goes to the top but misses the stomp and Reigns hits a spear for the win. Reigns advances to the finals.

Winner: Roman Reigns

- After the match, Reigns recovers as we go to replays.

- We come back from a break and JoJo is with Roman Reigns backstage. Dean Ambrose appears and Reigns tells him it'll be them in the main event for the title after he defeats Kevin Owens. Ambrose leaves and Reigns tells JoJo it will be best friends going at it tonight. Owens walks up and says Reigns has been close to the WWE World Heavyweight Title before and tonight, Reigns will come close again but Owens will be the one to stop him. Owens says this is The Kevin Owens Show and walks off. JoJo asks for comment and Reigns says that's what Owens does - run his mouth. Reigns says Owens is about to get his ass kicked by Ambrose.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Tournament Match: Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose

We go to the ring and out first comes Dean Ambrose to a pop. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens is out next. The winner of this will face Reigns in the main event.

They lock up and go at it. Ambrose with a headlock takedown and a 1 count. Fans chant for Ambrose as Owens fights out and applies a headlock of his own. Owens drops Ambrose with a shoulder. Ambrose with arm drags and a roll up for a 1 count. Owens with a big right hand and a roll up. Owens beats Ambrose from corner to corner and his shoulder thrusts. Ambrose ducks a clothesline and drops Owens with a forearm. Ambrose runs Owens' face on the top rope and clotheslines him to the floor. Ambrose leaps out and takes him down. Ambrose brings it back in for another 2 count. Ambrose goes to the top but Owens crotches him. Owens ends up hitting the corner cannonball for a 1 count.

Owens with another headlock as he tells the referee to check on Ambrose. Ambrose fights back with strikes. Owens scoops him for a TKO and a 2 count. Owens talks trash and keeps control as fans do dueling chants for both. Owens drops Ambrose with an elbow and mocks the fans before covering for a 2 count. We see Triple H watching backstage. Ambrose looks to make a comeback but they both go down after colliding. Ambrose goes for a double underhook DDT but Owens blocks it. They trade shots and Ambrose unloads. Owens throws him onto the top rope. Owens drops him over his knee. Owens goes to the top for a moonsault but misses. Ambrose goes to the top for the Big Elbow and a 2 count.

Ambrose takes Owens to the top for a superplex but Owens fights him. Ambrose fights back but Owens headbutts him to the mat. Ambrose runs back up with a forearm. Owens counters and ends up suplexing Ambrose to the mat for a close 2 count as fans chant "this is awesome" again. Owens yells at Ambrose to stay down. Owens yells at Cole to tell Ambrose to stay down. Ambrose hits the big rebound clothesline. Owens rolls to the floor. Ambrose runs the ropes and nails a dive. Ambrose brings it back in the ring but Owens rolls right back to the floor. Ambrose goes for another dive but Owens catches him and slams him on top of the announce table. Owens brings it back in the ring for a pop-up powerbomb but it's blocked. Owens nails two superkicks. Ambrose counters another pop-up powerbomb and hits Dirty Deeds for the win. Ambrose advances to the main event against Reigns.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

- After the match, Ambrose recovers in the corner as we go to replays. Ambrose gets up and looks at the WWE World Heavyweight Title at ringside as Cole shows us the updated brackets. Ambrose limps to the back as we go to break.

- We get a video package on The Undertaker.

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Ryback, Sin Cara, Kalisto, Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs. Big E, Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods, Sheamus and King Barrett

We go to the ring for another Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match and out first comes Ryback. The Lucha Dragons are out next followed by The Usos. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are out next with Sheamus and King Barrett. Woods says this is his city and asks everyone to quiet down. He says they want to celebrate two very important things tonight - Big E points out Woods' new hairstyle and the other is Thanksgiving. They cut promos and take shots at Atlanta, local sports teams and their opponents, including Ryback for not being able to grow hair. It's going to be Woods and Jimmy starting things off.

Woods is yelling about not wanting his hair to get touched. He stalls some and they lock up. Woods gets upset and smacks Uso around for touching his hair. Uso drops him with a big slap. Uso grabs a handful of hair and the referee warns him. Jey tags in and Woods ducks a double superkick attempt. Kofi tags in and gets slammed by Jey. Jey tags Jimmy back in and Cara comes in for a triple team. Cara with a 2 count. Cara and Kofi go at it now. Kofi takes control and tags in Sheamus. Cara counters Sheamus with a roll up for 2. Cara sends Sheamus to the floor and dropkicks Barrett off the apron. He backdrops Woods to the floor. Kofi gets dumped on the floor as well. The Usos come in and run the ropes with The Lucha Dragons and now we have 8 or 9 Superstars out on the floor. Fans chant "feed me more" as Ryback goes to the top and dives out onto everyone. Barrett ends up pushing Uso off the top and Sheamus covers for 2 as they bring it back in the ring. Barrett tags in and works Jey over in the corner.

Sheamus tags back in as they keep up the assault on Jey. The New Day gets in on the action with quick tags and lots of stomping on Uso. Barrett and Sheamus work over Uso as Woods plays the trombone and Big E dances on the apron. Barrett does some dancing also. Jimmy finally gets a tag and slams Woods on his face. He drops Barrett off the apron after a distraction but turns around to Kofi taking back over. Barrett tags back in and beats Uso down. Uso hits a superkick on Barrett and in comes Cara with a swanton for the pin. Barrett is eliminated.

Cara and Kofi go at it now. Kalisto comes in with a double team and a 2 count on Kofi. Uso comes back in and unloads on Kofi for a 2 count. Uso fights off a few of his opponents but Kofi holds him while Woods hits a big stomp from the top. Woods pins Uso. Jimmy Uso is eliminated. Cara comes right in and goes at it with Woods. Cara with a moonsault for a 2 count. Woods with a knee to the face and a tag to Big E. Big E ends up spearing Cara from the apron to the floor. Sheamus tags himself in and Big E doesn't like it. Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick on Cara for the pin. Sin Cara is eliminated.

Sheamus and Big E have words now. Ryback comes in and clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Ryback nails Big E and Kalisto comes in to slam him on his face. Uso tags in and hits the big splash on Big E for the pin. Big E is eliminated. It's now 3-on-3. Woods pitches a fit about Big E being eliminated and suddenly they say he's injured. Kofi and Woods help Big E to the back for "medical attention," leaving Sheamus on his own. Uso, Kalisto and Ryback stare Sheamus down. He comes in and goes at it with Kalisto.

Sheamus takes control and works Kalisto over with power moves for a 2 count. Sheamus with forearms to the chest as fans count along. Kalisto turns it around and tags in Uso. Uso with a crossbody and a 2 count on Sheamus. Uso drops Sheamus in the corner and hits the Rikishi splash for another close 2 count. More back and forth. Sheamus with the Irish Curse backbreaker and a 2 count. Ryback tags in and fights Sheamus into the corner. Ryback with shoulder thrusts and clotheslines. Ryback runs into boots but nails a spinebuster. He gets a "feed me more" chant going. Sheamus ducks a Meathook and rolls Ryback up for 2. Sheamus with a powerslam and a 2 count. Ryback catches a Brogue Kick but Sheamus fights out. Kalisto tags in as does Uso and they double team him. Ryback tags back in and turns it into a triple team with Shellshocked for the pin.

Sole Survivors: Ryback, Jimmy Uso and Kalisto

- After the match, Ryback and Uso put Kalisto on their shoulders as we go to break.

- We get a video for tonight's Divas match.

WWE Divas Title Match: Paige vs. Charlotte

We go to the ring and out first comes Paige. WWE Divas Champion Charlotte is out next as we get formal ring introductions from Lilian. Back and forth to start until Paige takes control. Paige with knees on the apron. Charlotte catches one and they trade stiff shots on the apron. Paige sends Charlotte into the ring post and she hits the floor. Paige slams Charlotte face first into the announce table and brings it back in the ring. Paige keeps Charlotte grounded now.

Paige with an abdominal stretch as the referee checks on Charlotte. Charlotte eventually breaks the holds and looks to make a comeback. Charlotte with a big kick to the face. Paige drops her for another 2 count. Charlotte comes back and mocks Paige before applying the Figure Four. Back and forth in the hold. Charlotte rolls to the floor and keeps the hold locked as Paige screams in pain from the apron. The hold is broken after the 5 count. Charlotte gets Paige on her shoulders and drops her face first on the apron. Charlotte screams that this is her house and slams Paige into the apron again. Charlotte brings it back in the ring and stomps on Paige.

Charlotte keeps Paige's head in a Figure Four lock and manhandles her around the ring. Charlotte with shoulder thrusts in the corner. Paige eventually comes back and drops Charlotte on the floor. Paige regroups in the ring as the referee counts Charlotte. Paige goes back out and the trade shots on the floor. Paige brings it back in the ring and keeps control. Paige with a running knee in the corner. Charlotte drops her over the turnbuckle. Charlotte blocks a kick and nails a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Paige fights back and they trade big shots in the middle of the ring. Paige slaps her. Back and forth off the ropes and Charlotte hits a spear. Charlotte slams her but Paige rolls to the floor. Charlotte follows and brings it back in the ring. Paige rolls right back to the floor but Charlotte follows. Paige slams Charlotte face first into the apron and kicks her against the barrier. Paige tosses Charlotte into the barrier. Paige stands on the barrier and yells about her house. Charlotte jumps on the barrier and spears Paige to the floor.

Charlotte brings it back in the ring and applies the Figure Four. She goes to bridge it into the Figure Eight but Paige fights her. Charlotte gets it locked and Paige taps out.

Winner: Charlotte

- After the match, Charlotte celebrates as we go back to the panel for discussion.

- We see video from earlier tonight with JoJo talking to Dean Ambrose after his win. Ambrose talks about facing Roman Reigns and says he's going to fight his brother with no regrets tonight because his goal is to win the WWE World Title as well. Reigns walks up and congratulates Ambrose. He would normally give Ambrose a hug and some love but it's not about that tonight, it's about gold. Reigns knows Ambrose is going to bring it and says he will see him out there after showing respect.

Tyler Breeze vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring and out first comes Tyler Breeze with Summer Rae. Dolph Ziggler is out next. Breeze with some showboating early on after offense.

Ziggler comes back and mocks Breeze's turnbuckle pose. Breeze tries to fight back but gets dropkicked and then sent to the floor. Breeze uses Summer as a shield and goes back in the ring. Breeze tries to crawl back out of the ring but Ziggler grabs him. Breeze suckers Ziggler in and sends him face first into the ropes. Breeze takes control and beats Ziggler down in the corner as the referee warns him.

Breeze drops Ziggler with an elbow and covers for a 2 count. Breeze with a half crab now. Breeze keeps control and goes to the top but Ziggler dropkicks him out of the air. Ziggler makes a comeback and hits a neckbreaker. Ziggler with a big elbow drop for a 2 count. Breeze blocks the Fame-asser and rolls Ziggler up for 2. More back and forth. Breeze almost gets the win using the ropes for leverage. Ziggler with a 2 count. Breeze blocks the Fame-asser again but Ziggler blocks that. Several more pin attempts and counters. Ziggler slams Breeze on his face from up high. Ziggler calls for the superkick but Breeze catches it and backslides him for a 2 count. Breeze ducks another kick. More back and forth until Breeze hits the Unprettier for the win.

Winner: Tyler Breeze

- After the match, Summer and Breeze celebrate in the ring by taking selfies. We go to break.

- We get a video package for The Wyatt Family vs. the Brothers of Destruction.

Kane and The Undertaker vs. Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt

We go to the ring and out comes The Wyatt Family - Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. The lights come on and fans are chanting for The Undertaker. The flames go off on the stage as Kane's music hits and out he comes. Kane and everyone else waits as fans chant for The Deadman.

The bells start tolling and flames start shooting from columns on the stage. The Undertaker starts making his grand entrance. Images of Taker's various looks from over the years flash on one of the screens. Taker stops on the ring steps and makes the pyro explode again as the lights come on. Wyatt looks and the lock eyes. Taker takes his hat off as the lightning strikes. Rowan rushes the ring and gets hit with a double boot and a double chokeslam. Fans chant for Taker. Wyatt and Harper get on the apron now. Wyatt tells Strowman to stay as the bell rings. Harper starts off with Kane.

Kane works Harper over and hits a big sideslam. Kane keeps control as Wyatt laughs. Taker tags in and unloads on Harper, sending him to the corner. Taker snaps at the referee's warning. Rowan has left the arena it appears. Fans chant for Taker as he keeps control of Harper. Taker with headbutts and strikes now. Taker goes for Old School but Harper cuts him off. Harper with big right hands as Wyatt tags in and keeps control of Taker. Taker takes Wyatt down with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Harper comes back in and Taker takes him back to the corner, this time hitting Old School.

Fans chant "you still got it" as Taker keeps control and hits the big leg drop on the apron. Kane tags back in and brings Harper back in. Harper kicks him in the face and clotheslines Kane to the floor. Strowman charges but Kane boots him. Wyatt comes over to assist and Strowman tosses Kane over the announce table. Taker comes over but the referee gets in between and Strowman laughs at Taker. They bring Kane back in the ring and keep him on their side of the ring. Kane fights Wyatt out of the corner but Wyatt comes flying off the ropes and takes him down. Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail and mocks Taker by cutting his own throat. Kane fights out of the hold and hits a big DDT.

Taker gets the hot tag and unloads on Harper. Taker with a DDT and a leg drop for a 2 count. Taker grabs Harper by the throat and in comes Wyatt. Taker grabs him also. Strowman interferes and Taker lands on his feet on the floor. Taker grabs him by his throat on the floor. Kane comes over and clears the Spanish announce table. Kane assists and they double chokeslam Strowman through the table. They come back in the ring and Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Taker while the referee is distracted. Harper with a 2 count as Kane breaks the pin. The Wyatts have both Kane and Taker down now. Wyatt turns upside down and does the spider walk. Taker and Kane sit up. Taker chokeslams Wyatt and Kane chokeslams Harper.

Taker scoops Harper for a Tombstone and the win.

Winners: The Undertaker and Kane

- After the match, Kane comes back in and stands with The Undertaker as fans give them a standing ovation and Taker's music plays. Taker drops to one knee and poses as the lights go out and we go to replays. We come back to Taker making his exit. He joins Kane and they head to the back together, stopping at the entrance to look back and raise their fists to a big pop as the thunder and lightning went off one more time.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Tournament Finals: Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose

We come back from a promo and Roman Reigns makes his way out first. Dean Ambrose is out next. The winner of this will be the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Lilian does formal ring introductions.

The bell rings and they go right at it trading blows. Reigns tosses Ambrose. Ambrose comes back with a knee and unloads with chops. Ambrose leaps but Reigns knocks him out of mid-air with little effort as some fans boo. Ambrose ends up clotheslining Reigns to the floor. Ambrose angers Reigns with a shot to the face and Reigns counters a whip, sending Ambrose into the barrier hard. Reigns rolls Ambrose back in but he does the rebound clothesline on the floor. Ambrose goes back in and dives out, sending Reigns into the barrier. They come back in and Ambrose hits a missile dropkick for a 2 count.

Ambrose with a DDT and an armbar now. Ambrose with lefts and rights in the corner now. He mounts Reigns with elbows. Reigns powerbombs him out of the corner. Reigns with a sitdown powerbomb for a 2 count now. Ambrose ends up on the top but Reigns rocks him. Ambrose slams Reigns on his head out of the corner. Ambrose comes off the top but Reigns knocks him out of mid-air with a Superman punch. 2 count by Reigns. Reigns calls for another Superman punch but it's countered. Reigns blocks Dirty Deeds. Ambrose with the big rebound clothesline. Reigns with a spear for a 2 count. Reigns goes for a spear but Ambrose kicks him. Reigns runs into the ring post and Ambrose rolls him up for 2. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds for a close 2 count.

They both sit up on the mat and mush each other in the head before trading strikes. They fight to their feet and trade big shots. Reigns with a knee to the gut. Ambrose with a harder knee to Reigns. Ambrose with a series of forearms to the face in the corner. Reigns with clotheslines in the corner. Ambrose with more forearms and then kicks. Ambrose runs across the ring and Reigns nails a huge spear for the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Roman Reigns

- After the match, Reigns is handed the title and starts the celebration. Ambrose hugs him and stands with him before leaving the ring. The confetti starts falling and the pyro goes off as Reigns' music plays. Triple H comes out next and raises Reigns' arm. He offers a handshake but Reigns turns and walks away. He stops and stares at the title before turning around and leveling Triple H with a spear to a big pop. Reigns turns around to a big Brogue Kick from Sheamus. He cashes in Money In the Bank and covers for a pin but Reigns kicks out at 2. They have a quick match and Sheamus hits another Brogue Kick for the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Sheamus

- After the bell, Sheamus is handed the title and Triple H recovers. Sheamus poses with his title and stands over Reigns. Triple H raises his arm as Sheamus puts a boot on Reigns' chest. We go to replays. Survivor Series goes off the air with Sheamus and Triple H leaving together and Reigns looking up from the mat.

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