Saturday, 06 July 2024

Latest News

KodakOne could be the start of a new kind of intellectual property

It’s easy to be a bit amused about Kodak’s new blockchain and cryptocurrency, the KodakOne. The old photography company is the…

New research must be better reported, the future of society depends on it

Newspaper articles, TV appearances and radio slots are increasingly important ways for academics to communicate their research to wider audiences. Whether that be…

How blockchain can democratize green power

Imagine buying a solar panel from a hardware store, mounting it on your roof, then selling the green electricity you…

Robo-journalism: computer-generated stories may be inevitable, but it’s not all bad news

If the ongoing demise of newspaper readerships was not enough to persuade prospective journalists to pick an alternative career, there’s more bad…

How to safely watch an eclipse: Advice from an astronomer

Everyone knows that you should not look at the sun! Not with your naked eye, not with sunglasses and certainly…

Popular News

bombermoon/Shuttterstock Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National…
AllUNeed/Shutterstock Asma Aziz, Edith Cowan University When you graph electricity…
Thx4Stock team/Shutterstock Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology At a…


The Nigerian Police Force have said that making phone calls at filling stations is a criminal offence which could land…

Bicycle Which Rides On Water

Kudos to a young man in Ghana has got himself trending online after designing a bicycle which rides on water.…

WhatsApp to Stop Working On These Devices From Jan 1

WhatsApp company has announced to its numerous users that the app will stop working on some devices come new year. …

How to locate your missing phone

If your iPhone has been stolen or lost, Apple offers a free tool to help you get it back. And,…

Can you keep your kids safe watching YouTube?

In recent weeks parents have been shaken by media reports about upsetting, offensive or crassly commercial videos that children using YouTube and YouTube…

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