Sunday, 29 September 2024

‘Jonathan’s victory still within reach’


OUR dear President Jonathan, on behalf of like-minded Nigerians in Southern California, I send you our greetings and wish you the best of luck in the forthcoming elections.

We thank you for your leadership quality and the general path of honour you have led our country since your assumption.

It is on record that since you took over as president, there has been no cases of political assassination, jailing of political opponents without trials or suppression of fundamental human rights as experienced during the tenure of some leaders before you.

Except for the Boko Haram insurrection and a few occasional communal clashes in some states, the country has enjoyed relative peace and prosperity with you at the top.

Of course you have your critics. And they are probably right in their complaints against the shortcomings of your administration. Among their complaints are un-employment, rising cost of living with no appreciable rise in incomes, inadequate infrastructures like roads, water transportation, dependable and reliable energy, the rise in high brow crimes etc.

The truth of the matter is the fact that these maladies have been part and parcel of our society for years; it is unfortunate that most of your critics are blaming you for them.

United State’s First Lady, Michelle Obama, would always remind her husband during tough moments in the Whitehouse, especially when the country is gripped with some national crisis that, “That’s the job you signed for!”

Mr. President, from time immemorial, citizens have always held their leaders responsible for their plights in life. Nigerians are only venting their frustrations, which have piled up for years, with no palpable relief in sight. The average economic, social and existential status of the ordinary Nigerian ought to be better than what it is currently, fifty years after independence!  As President Harry S. Truman, would remind his apologists who defended him from those who would criticize the real and imagined failings of his administration: “The buck stops here!” In other words, President Truman accepted the responsibilities and the blames leveled against his administration during those times it did not measure up to the expectations of the citizens. That is a very healthy and courageous attitude to have. Of course, presiding over a potentially great and dynamic nation such as ours would always be a herculean task for mere mortals!

Mr. President, at this critical period in your presidency and in the life of our nation, you should take a cue from other leaders in history who have faced similar situations as you are currently facing. Yes, these are challenging times for your presidency. But all is not lost by any stretch of the imagination. You could still turn the ship of state and your presidency around to a safe and glorious harbor!

Mr. President, some people are of the view that your main opponent, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari would beat you in a free and fair election. But some of us hold a contrary view. The good news is that the “fire” is beginning to show as you campaign all over the nation. People are beginning to see that you could be engaging, forceful and compelling! We hope you’ll keep it on as you improve your campaign and delivery styles.

Mr. President, there was a young Black American Senator with a funny sounding name from the State of Illinois who fired the imagination of American youths and soon after the whole world, when he announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America! To most people, his chances of success were one in one trillion! “A black in the Whitehouse? It ain’t gonna happen!” So thought millions of rednecks, racists and other assorted doubting Thomases!

The young man and his fellow dreamers were however not bothered about the odds. He and his fellow dreamers – mostly young white men and ladies at first, in the State of Iowa, a predominantly white state were “fired up and ready to go” with their mantra, “Yes, we can!” Mr. President, you know the story how this man with his young dreamers- the American youths who cared so much about their country and the future of their fellow citizens won against all odds and achieved the impossible dream!

Today, that dreamer, that courageous, irrepressible and unrepentant believer of what is possible, and his young idealists now occupy the most prestigious and powerful office in the world! Of course you know and have met him; the President of the United States of America, Mr. Barak Obama. I am sure you have heard about the legendary fights President Obama has had and is still having till today, with the Republican-controlled Congress and the Republican appointed US Supreme Court. You see, Mr. President, from the very first day of Obama assuming office, “The Old Guards of the Estate” were determined to cripple his presidency and administration and make him a one term president! Of course they failed in all counts!

If you think your job here in Nigeria is tough, then multiply it by one thousand times to have a semblance of the challenges President Obama faces every day! For instance there are hundreds of television and radio stations that feature nothing but anti Obama programs twenty four hours, seven days a week! In fact there is a saying in the US that if Obama should invent a drug for curing the deadly disease of cancer or even Ebola, the Republicans will accuse him of denying medical doctors and undertakers the means of earning their livings!

Mr. President, if you can duplicate Obama’s courage and winning ways, you can have the last laugh on your political naysayers, despite the fact the Mr. Axelrod, the political guru of Obama’s election victories is now a political consultant for your opponent.

So first and foremost Mr. President, let’s start with your current political assets: You have what we call in the American ‘political speak’, ‘ The Bully pulpit’ – That is, everything you say or do is newsworthy! With that and the other Presidential co-tails, like the presidential equipages such as the Presidential planes, motorcades, and all the other political and presidential accouterment, if strategically utilized, will give Mr. David Axelrod who is now a consultant to Buhari, a run for his money! There’s no doubt that he has done wonders for the opposing camp! David Axelrod is a genius, as evidenced by the new impressive and compelling local and international image your opponent now commands.  But despite his impressive records, Axelrod can still be beaten!

Yes, Mr. President, you have all the power and the wherewithal to engineer a clean and sweet victory  at the polls with a simple and time tested plans that other presidents have used in the past when all the political intelligentsia have predicted otherwise.

Remember Bush versus Gore, Bush versus Kerry or Truman defeating Dewey?  In all these cases, majority of the pundits were wrong!

For instance, don’t come with any excuses why the elections could not be held on March the 28th. That will damage your name; credibility and heritage for ever in the annals of Nigeria and the world!

If you think your job here in Nigeria is tough, then multiply it by one thousand times to have a semblance of the challenges President Obama faces every day! For instance there are hundreds of television and radio stations that feature nothing but anti Obama programs twenty four hours, seven days a week! In fact there is a saying in the US that if Obama should invent a drug for curing the deadly disease of cancer or even Ebola, the Republicans will accuse him of denying medical doctors and undertakers the means of earning their livings!

Some people may be writing you off in this election, even when the election has not taken place. You must take their “Sad song and make it better!” If Mr. Barak Obama, was victorious in the last US elections, you too can be victorious on March 28, 2015.

When Obama had performed poorly in the first debate with Mr. Mitt Romney and some polls had placed Mr. Romney ahead of Obama by five points, he did not scuttle the elections and gave some silly reasons and excuses like an imminent Al Qaeda attack or whatever other dangers to America as reasons to postpone the elections.

Sir these are my suggestions of what you should do:

First: Convene a nationally televised meeting as the Commander in Chief  of the Nigerian Armed Forces with your military commanders instructing them to do everything in their powers to have  a free and fair elections that all Nigerians would be proud of.

Second: Convene a nationally televised meeting with the leadership of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) assuring them of the support of your government in the conduct of a free and fair election that all Nigerians would be proud of.

Third: Address the nation about your determination to have a free, fair and legitimate elections where the ethos of democracy are implemented in all it’s details with all citizens participating and discharging their democratic rights and duties without fear nor retaliation for whatever democratic choices they may make.

Fourth: Appoint four prominent Nigerians, with unassailable credentials such as Professor Wole Soyinka, Retired General and former Head of State Yakubu Gowon, Ambassador Emeka  Anyaoku and former Head of State Abubakar Abdulsalam  to organize at least three nationally and internationally  televised presidential debates between yourself and your opponents.

Of course you and Buhari are two worthy contestants that our country should be truly proud of. It would be so exciting and assuring that we Nigerians can resolve and conduct our political affairs in a most civilized and democratic of ways.

Alabi is a US – based rehabilitation engineer

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