Sunday, 29 September 2024

List The Nigerian Pastors That Made False 2015 Election Prophecies

WHERE ARE THE PASTORS AND PROPHETS who made their own false human-made prophecies concerning these 2015 elections?

They should be ashamed of themselves now for the false claim that their prophecies are from the Lord, God of Host.

"Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the FOOLISH PROPHETS, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing" Eze 13:3

O Israel (Nigeria), "thy prophets are foxes in the deserts;" "saying Peace and there was no peace;" Eze 13:4, 10

They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and THEY have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. Eze 13:6

God's wrath is upon any prophet who makes false prophecies but claims that they are from the Lord. Read Eze 13:1-23

Without fear of intimidation and criticisms, let us list out the Nigerian prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors, and general overseers of some churches that made 2015 election prophecies but failed woefully.

The false Nigerian prophets, WHERE ARE THEY

Please my brother/sister, I will beseech you sir/ma NOT to defend these attention-seeking men so that you will not partake in God's wrath upon their lives and ministries.

There is a dichotomy between PROPHECY AND PREDICTION.

PROPHECY is simply put as God's statement of future events and must be divinely inspired, that is, its revealation must be through the Holy Spirit.

It must be spoken exactly, without adding to nor subtracting from it, as the Holy Spirit leads.
If you are not sure of the source, the intending speaker must keep shut.

It is better to remain silent and sin not against God, that is, if you are unsure of the source of a revelation and than to speak it out and attract God's wrathful anger.

All the prophecies concerning Jesus' birth, teachings, death, resurrection and ascension which are revealed in the Old Testament have all come to pass in New Testament.
It must be 100% fulfilled, not a partly fulfilment.

PREDICTION MAY/MAY NOT OCCUR but God's words can never be said like, "May be or probably, it will occur" God forbid this!

The Holy Bible is very clear on this issue of prophecies.

Apart from God's condemnation of false prophets in Ezekiel 13, something very vital or crucial is written in Deutoronomy Chapter 18 verse 22.
I quote from NKJV:

"When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; YOU SHALL NOT BE AFRAID OF HIM"

The above verse 22 is a response to verse 21 of the chapter. I quote verse 21 from KJV.

"And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?"

I hope that you will not continue to defend these men whom our Lord God did not send to speak but they went ahead to speak their OWN MINDS under the pretence of the Holy Spirit concerning the 2015 elections.

Praised be to God, the Father; God, the Son (Jesus Christ) and God, the Holy Spirit.

Good morning!



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