Monday, 30 September 2024

Governor Ayodele Fayose : The Fool's Self-Destruction, by Bayo Oluwasanmi


In a sane world, by now Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State would be in Kirikiri federal maximum prison for his principal role in the election rigging video a k a Ekitigate that propelled him into office for the second time. But sanity hasn't been seen around here – in Nigeria – in some time.



In a sane world, by now Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State would be in Kirikiri federal maximum prison for his principal role in the election rigging video a k a Ekitigate that propelled him into office for the second time. But sanity hasn't been seen around here – in Nigeria – in some time.

To date, I have written four articles on Fayose. Two of the articles – No! To The Return Of Prodigal Son and Don't Forget To remember  Ayo Fayose  Is The Message were published March 31, and June 19, 2014 respectively by SaharaReporters.

The two articles contain messages of woes and warnings to Ekiti people on the second coming of Fayose. I warned them of Fayose's irreversible corruption, his affinity for violence, the doom ahead, the disaster that would come like a flood that would leave them in helpless despair and that they would be led away as captives. Today, Ekiti people are silently grinding their teeth in anger, frustration, and regret.

Ekiti State is led by the world's number one fool and monster. Now we have undeniably a new world record holder in the category of the world's most foolish governor of the 21st century. Only handful beneficiaries of his “stomach infrastructure” may argue against my assessment. But does anyone need a microscope to see that the dude is not just a dumb or a dumber but the dumbest? Certainly not!

In fact, Ekiti people get embarrassed not just by Fayose's filthy diapers but also by what comes out of his mind and mouth. Most Nigerians believe that Fayose is a lunatic. Most would certainly agree with these Nigerians. What is alarmingly disturbing is not how he chooses his words or how he presents himself before the national and international communities, but how deadlier his actions have become since his second coming.

A list of his imprudent utterances and actions would fill an eight gigabyte flash drive. You're all familiar with the story of the Ekiti prodigal son Fayose. But for the sake of not making this a boring article to readers, I'll only mention some of his latest Gestapo acts which have turned Ekiti State into ashes.

Fayose had planted the seed of evil in Ekiti well before he assumed office the second time. But now he's blaming the violence and instability in the state on others. By planting evil seed, he was able to create problems that never existed.

The Ekitigate was Fayose's mustard seed of evil that he planted that has now germinated into big variegated branches of violence, instability, suffering, poverty, fear, terror, and insecurity of life and property in the state. He shut down the House of Assembly, while the staff are pinning away at home in hunger, sickness, and abject misery.

He deliberately instigated carnage in the state to secure and safeguard his position as governor by using thugs and other mercenaries. These merchants of death disrupted a court hearing instituted by the aggrieved 19 APC legislators against Fayose. The presiding judge was beaten, his clothes torn, court staff ran for dear life, court documents shredded, and pandemonium ensued. Ekiti State was pushed back to Stone Age.

Fayose pretends as if he was not the architect of the state's ongoing darkening an indicative that the bloke is a Big Fool. While other states are making progress, Ekiti State is at a standstill. Fayose was busy creating and recreating a terror regime watering his seeds of evil on a daily basis. All the 19 members of the APC majority controlled House of Assembly were terrorized.  He denied them of their mandate and replaced them with seven illegitimate PDP legislators and threw the APC legislators at the back of pickup truck as it were, as if they were bandits and sent them into Siberia.

Fayose has successfully subverted the ideas and ideals of democracy in Ekiti by subjugating and imposing his will on the people. He illegally removed the 19 APC legislators including the speaker of the house. He believes as long as he's surrounded with thugs of Okada cyclists, ambassadors of “stomach infrastructure” and other mercenaries of profiteers of misery, he'll continue to rule Ekiti at his pleasure without any semblance of democracy – accountability, transparency, and citizen's rights to freedom and human rights.

Fayose with the help of his mentor and partner in crime, President Goodluck Jonathan, Ado-Ekiti the state capital was under siege. With the collusion of the army and the police, all entrances to the city were closed. No vehicular or human movement was allowed. Schools and businesses were paralyzed.  Fear and terror gripped every one. Residents of the ancient city were literally under house arrest. The judiciary and the house of assembly closed indefinitely. All because he didn't want the APC the majority party in the house to commence impeachment proceedings against him!

The Afe Babalola brokered peace meeting between Fayose and the 19 APC legislators was abruptly canceled by the 19 APC law makers when they were tipped off that Fayose planned to kidnap and even kill them on their way to the campus of Afe Babalola University the venue of the meeting.

Why is Fayose doing all these? It is to satisfy the greed of a heartless monster that he is. Fayose is as brutal as a fire and as wile as a Satan. You only need to review his antecedents of violence, hooliganism, carnage, and terror he created in the state during his first coming.

History will record that Fayose is the world's leading evil governor. It is a matter of time before history is made where Yorubas will be shy to name a child Fayose. That had happened in Germany after the fall of the Nazi regime to the Allied Forces. Germans nowadays decline to adopt the name 'Hitler' mainly due to the horrific atrocities Hitler committed during the Second World War using gas to kill his victims.

There is no shortage of Hitler style in Ekiti State under Fayose. To be fair to Hitler, people with common sense would argue that Hitler was less brutal and less evil than Fayose for two simple reasons: First, Hitler used gas to kill his victims. But Fayose used fire either to inflict much pain to his own people or to conceal his crimes. I think a death by fire is more painful and dehumanizing than a death by gas. Second, Hitler is bound to the Jews by humanity and blood. In simple terms, Hitler would be less keen to kill his fellow Germans than he would to kill the foreigners such as the Jews. In fact, it was his evil love for Germany being the world's Super Power that led to his death after the extermination of the Jews.

There was no hesitation for Fayose to light the blood of his fellow Ekiti citizens. Fayose is driven by greed, evil, and power. It is his evil ambition to be a governor by any means necessary that pushed his atrocities to actions deemed odd, psychotic and barbaric. 

“To err is human ...” or so the saying goes. But to repeat those errors is both tragic and unnecessary. Fayose made foolish and naive decisions in his first coming and he failed to learn from them. An old Arab proverb says: “Take heed that your tongue does not cut your throat.” Violence, injustice, drunkenness, and greed remain the hallmark of Fayose's decadent way of life. 

Many a life ends in ruin because someone else planned it to ruin it for them. But few people plan to ruin their lives. The invitation you choose to accept will determine whether you'll find virtue or vice. A good leader is one whose ears get more use than his or her mouth.

Fayose lacks inner integrity. He has put himself in jeopardy for his own misdeeds. He has chosen the fool's path to self-destruction. He must be prepared to account for his sins at the appropriate time and place.


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