Sunday, 29 September 2024

THROWBACK: Pastor and Former NNPC Engineer writes a book on Corruption

Dr. Amos Dele Dada, a Nigerian-Canadian is a Pastor at Christ Apostolic Church, Bethel Toronto. Canada. He got his Bachelor’s (1981) and Masters degree (1984) from University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) and proceeded to earn a PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Benin (1995).

Before migrating to Canada in 2001 he worked as a Process Engineer at Warri Refining and Petrochemical Company (WRPC), a subsidiary of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) between 1985 and 2001. His new book titled “To The Rescue (Say No To Corruption”, will be launched on Saturday July 26, 2014 at Christ Apostolic Church Bethel, 22-94 Kenhar Dr Toronto, Canada. Michael Kehinde Abiodun, The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of OASES NEWS had an interview with him prior to the Launch of the book. Please read:

OASES NEWS: Why did you leave WRPC; a multi-billion Naira Corporation to come to Canada?

Pastor Dada: It was a calling from God through some prophesies that I should move to Canada to spread the Gospel, win souls and put Canada on the spiritual map of the world. Consequent upon the call, I resigned after sixteen years of meritorious service to serve my nation. Please note that I started preaching right from my University days at University of Ife. I also started planting church and pastoring since 1985. To be honest resigning from WRPC, NNPC was a very difficult decision, but I have learnt that "To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams." (1Sam.15:22). And life is about fulfilling your purpose. Right now I am fulfilling my purpose and that is what matters!

OASES NEWS: Don’t you think that Nigerians anywhere in the world would be shocked for someone who had worked in such a sensitive and wealthy corporation to have gotten the effrontery to write on Corruption?

Pastor Dada: That should not be a shock. By the grace of God that has been my passion. All of us cannot continue wallowing in corruption. Someone has to rise up and cry against corruption in our society. Even though I am a Chemical /Process Engineer, the last post I occupied in WRPC was as a Procurement Manager, when the Management saw that I could help sanitize the Dept. Every one in every organisation is not corrupt it is just that corruption is too endemic in our nation. There is always a remnant of the faithful .That is why everybody should get a copy of the book. I want to increase the number of the faithful, the men and women of integrity in our organisations and society. The book is to raise a generation of anti-corruption crusaders in our nation. By the way the sub-title of the book Say No To Corruption was the watchword our church used in1997.Fighting corruption is my passion.

OASES NEWS: Why the proliferation of Pastors and churches in Nigeria ?

Pastor Dada: Some Pastors are called whilst some are not. Some are taking the advantage of the comatose state of the economy in Nigeria to exploit the gullible Nigerians. Yes, we have so many churches Toronto and also in Nigeria. As I said earlier, the economy is bad in Nigeria and it has made many jobless individuals to go into so many things that are ungodly. God knows who is serving Him and God knows those cutting corners in His name and in the day of judgement everyone will be judged according to his or her deeds.

OASES NEWS: Why did you write a book on corruption?

Pastor Dada: Nigeria is in a sorry state. Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian society. It is not a legacy that should be passed on to the coming generation. It is very imperative for our youth to be aware of the dangers in this monster before it is too late. In 1979 as an undergraduate, we witnessed an election in our nation. The basis of clamouring for a leadership change was that the military was too corrupt and our nation despite the blessings of our petrodollars was not developed. Those clamouring for change then are the people in power and you and I know that corruption is worse now than what it was. My book is written to the younger generation so that we shall not continue this culture of corruption. In another 35 years to come the youth of today will be ruling Nigeria, we have to let them know the evils of corruption and also how to fight corruption. How to rescue our nation. That is the reason for the title- To The Rescue. Corruption leads to ruination of a nation. Nigeria needs a credible, creative and capable leader.

OASES NEWS: Is the book going to help the Nigerians here in Canada?

Pastor Dada: Oh Yes! The proverbs say that “charity begins at home”, you know we have a lot of Nigerians in diaspora. In Toronto alone we have over five thousand Nigerians that is just a drop in the ocean compared to Nigerians in America. This is the beginning of the launching as I hope to launch the book in Nigeria in December this year.

OASES NEWS: Why is it that as soon as an average Nigerian becomes rich either through corruption or otherwise suddenly remembers God, start establishing church and become Prophet, General Overseer, Pastor etc and commence overnight healing, performing miracles even praying for those who are old enough to be his/her parents? Is this a restitution to appease or bribe God in an attempt to protect the acquired wealth or protect the secret behind such success?

Pastor Dada: Matthew 7:21- 22 says "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'… That answers your question.

OASES NEWS: How can we help Nigeria in the situation Nigeria finds herself now?

Pastor Dada: When the book is read they will find out how we can help Nigeria. We need a Leader who is innovative, creative, credible and capable, not a Manager who is surrounded by people with obsequious mannerisms, who maintains the status-quo; doing the fire-brigade approach job, managing crisis, giving untenable excuses. Please read the book, it is an eye opener.

OASES NEWS: Where are you launching the book and when?

Pastor Dada: We are launching the book at 22-94 Kenhar Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M9L 1N2 (Major intersection is Weston Road and Finch Avenue) The time will be 4pm in the evening

OASES NEWS: Since is not possible for everyone to attend the book launch where can one get a copy of the book?

Pastor Dada: It is available online, through,, ebay,, I could also be contacted directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

OASES NEWS: Is this your first book?

Pastor Dada: I have authored some books before now. They are: The Way Forward (1996), Dream Dreams and have Dominion (1999), Destroying Curses and Evil Covenants (2003) and Making the church Relevant to the Society (2005) and Understanding Principles, Power, Purpose and People of Vision (2009). What is faith? (2013)

OASES NEWS; You said this is not a regular book that pastor writes but a fiction novel. Even me I am eager to know the story line will you want to share that with Oases:

Pastor Dada: Absolutely. Tosin and Kola were young students of the same university who also completed their National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) primary assignment in the same school, as teachers. They were role models for the youth of their generation. Paola and Kenny worked for many years in the oil and gas industry as honest people. They retired and migrated to South Africa because of corrupt leadership in the nation. Due to the influence of Paola’s brother in government, he joined the bandwagon of corrupters, and used his ill-gotten wealth to become a powerful politician and an oppressor. The book exposes corruption in our world and community but most importantly- the rescue!

OASES NEWS: Any final word for our readers?

Pastor Dada: I want to thank Oases News for this opportunity. I want to plead with all those who want to see our nation Nigeria become a better nation, who are tired of complaining but really want to be part of solution, to do their best to attend the book launch and get a copy for themselves and their wards. All youth should read this book. It is written in an easy way that once you start it you will not want to put it down. Once again thank you.

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