Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Recover looted funds and Reinvent Nigeria, Blames Umeh, Obiano for adoption of Jonathan - APGA


National Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Dr Victor Oye has two things he wants the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to achieve: recover looted funds and reinvent Nigeria.

In this interview, the APGA boss also unveiled then party’s mission under his leadership. He vowed that APGA would not repeat the mistake it made in 2015 by adopting former President Goodluck Jonathan as its candidate. He spoke on other issues.

How has it been since you assumed office as national chairman?
I inherited a very strong party, to be very honest. The foundation of the party is very strong and all I expected is what I have been seeing. I have been in this business for 34 years. So, it is a familiar terrain. APGA is a peculiar political party. The reason is simple. It was founded on some basic ideas.

There is space for people to express themselves in the party. I am talking about internal democracy. The second one was to enforce party discipline. Unfortunately, the party went through years of litigation and that affected the growth of the party. Since we came into office,there has been relative peace in the party.
That is why we have been able to achieve so much within a short period of time.

The founding fathers of the party wanted to build a very strong geopolitical party that will have the capacity to launch itself into the national political space. That dream is still there and that is exactly what we are trying to build.

The first thing we have done is to try and reorientate the people to understand the enormity of the challenge ahead. Mentally, they are ready and everybody is keying into our vision.

If you look at what is happening in Anambra State, you will see that the governor is doing so much in the state. The state has suddenly become a model for other states in Nigeria. We want to take APGA to other parts of the country for them to replicate the magic that is taking place in Anambra State. As we speak, Anambra is the cynosure in Nigeria. How the governor was able to achieve that is best known to him. He has been able to manage the resources of the state in such a way that Anambra State is a model in Nigeria. All these things have added up in promoting the ideals of the party.

I thank God that all over the country, APGA is gradually getting rooted in every state of the federation. People have spoken to me from every part of the country and they believe that APGA is the most viable option and the most credible opposition party in the country today.

What is on ground, especially the abysmal performance of APGA seems at variance with your claim that your leadership inherited a strong party.

What parameters did you use to arrive at your conclusion ?

What I meant by that is that the foundation of the party is very strong. We are building that. Just because the party went through litigation does not mean it did not achieve anything within the period. The litigation did not affect the fortunes of the party.

The foundation has been very strong. It was able to withstand the buffeting from left and right. Where you used the word abysmally, I will disagree with you. The party performed triumphantly. What happened is that most of our mandates were stolen. In Abia state, you saw what happened. Otti won that election. Today, we are in court. How can a party that won 27 out of the 30 seats in Anambra State House of Assembly could have performed abysmally? It won 11 seats out of 24 in Abia State House of Assembly.

It won two Federal House of Representatives seats in Anambra state. It won also in Bayelsa and in Imo state. It won one House of Representatives seat in Taraba state. You are telling me the party did not perform well? I refuse to agree with you. If all our stolen mandates were to be returned today, APGA would rank among the most competitive political parties in Nigeria. That is where we are headed for.

Before 2019, you will see where APGA is going to to be. By 2019, we will have a very powerful presidential candidate unlike what happened in 2015.

APGA is a true national party. Why should we allow someone else to stand when we have the capacity to produce one?

That means it was a mistake that APGA did not field a presidential candidate in the last election?

It was a miscalculation, not a mistake. The party leadership miscalculated. If we had presented our presidential candidate in 2015, most of the things we saw would not have happened. We would have won more seats. We backed the wrong horse. President Goodluck Jonathan was a wrong horse. We paid dearly for it. Such a mistake will not happen again.

Should this be taken that the leadership you succeeded took some steps that hurt the party instead of deepening its fortunes ?

I would not say that. The last leadership did its best for the party as far as I am concerned. What happened was politics. In politics, you cannot please everybody. Some people will hate you even if you do favours for them. What is important is that your conscience must be your guide.

I do not care how anybody feel about my face. What I am doing, is for the good of the people? That is what guides my life. At the end of the day, I know that I am going to achieve great things for APGA. Try much as you can, at the end of the day, there are people that will criticise you.

I am not scared about that, once the criticisms are objective. But some people in Nigeria criticise me for the sake of doing it. Why should I criticise Victor Umeh?

He did his best for the party and he is gone. Somebody else has come in. I will not be bogged down by what he did during his tenure. My business is to look forward and build a stronger APGA. That is what I am doing.

You claimed that you have achieved so much since you came in. What are some of the things you have achieved in just two months ?

The way you put the question is discouraging. You said I claim, you can rephrase you question. I said, not that I claimed as if it was in dispute.

For me, it is in dispute. And that is the reason I want to know…

Don’t you have ears and eyes?

Things are happening and turning around. The first thing we have succeeded in doing is to sustain the sanity of the party. There is some sanity in the party as we speak. We have also restored, appreciably, the pride of the party. Now, the party is more focused. We have a roadmap and destination.

I know where this party will be in the next one year. I have a schedule that I follow religiously. We have succeeded in organising a national retreat. We are the first political party in Nigeria to have done that.

All what the other political parties have done in the past was to organise retreat for elected political office holders and not for party officials. We did that. We brought together all the 29 members of the National Working Committee and state chairmen. We brought them to Abuja here to brainstorm on the way forward for APGA. We have all agreed on what to do.

There is coherence in the party now. I did that because I did not want us to start operating differently. That would create discordance. Now, we speak with one voice. We have the same objective and approach. Everything is uniform. We have also succeeded in printing new membership cards within two months.

People are registering with increased enthusiasm. Recently, I kick started the registration in my ward in Anambra state. I witnessed a huge crowd. People came out to support us. We are replicating the same thing all over the country. Membership of APGA is growing. This is as a result of the new consciousness we have created in the party. We have been reaching out to people who felt genuinely aggrieved by the activities of the previous administration, trying to reconcile them.

By so doing, we will reduce the litigation in the party and unnecessary rivalry. We will become more cohesive. We have also succeeded in making people see APGA as a viable alternative. The good thing about APGA is that we are okay with what we have. We run a very genuine platform for people to express themselves politically. Our emphasis is on promoting the interest of the party. We are working to see how we can field people that will win elections. That is my own interest.

The Governor of Anambra State, Willie Obiano said the party will accept his predecessor, Peter Obi if he indicates interest to return to the party . Have you reached out him and other individuals like him?

I have been talking to his associates. You know that it is not easy to reach a big masquerade. If you want to reach one, you meet the small one in order to take us to the big one. What we have done, according to what you heard from the governor is that we have created that atmosphere for reconciliation. The governor keyed into it. He has seen the good thing in doing that. Nobody asked Peter Obi out of the party. He left on his own volition.

He calculated that going to the PDP will enhance his political fortunes. He never knew that Jonathan was going to lose. If he knew, he would not have gone to the PDP in the first place. He miscalculated. What I want people like him to do is to summon up the courage and return to the party. They have been part and parcel of the family.

My own thinking is that none of our members, should be lost. We need every member of APGA to be part of what we are doing.

People like Obi remain huge assets to the party, any day, anytime. His performance as governor should be appreciated by everybody. He has the APGA cap on him wherever he goes. APGA made him whatever he has become.

Without APGA Peter Obi would have been in oblivion. He would have been in limbo. APGA gave him the platform to serve the people of Anambra state. He should be appreciative to APGA. He should not have left the party in the first place.

From my own investigation, I can tell you that Obi is still an APGA man. Obi is not a PDP man. He went to the PDP on a tragic adventure. When he got there, the boat capsized. His seat in APGA is still there. He knows that if he wants to achieve anything politically in the future, he needs APGA. In Anambra state, there is no PDP anymore. It is a dead party. When a party suffers a double tragedy as such, the next thing is that it dies.

The general impression is that Obi was forced out of the party by the frosty relationship that existed between him and Obiano on the one hand and former APGA leadership on the other . Do you share these views?

Was Obiano there when he was romancing with PDP? Was Obiano there when Jonathan appointed Obi unofficially as an adviser? The party did not look at that as anti party activity because we are liberal people. Many things went wrong. Because we have an imperfect system, we tolerated many things. Peter Obi was too colossal to be treated the way you just talked about. He made up his mimd to test the PDP and his fingers were burnt. The proper thing for him to do is to come back to the fold. We are waiting for him. Any day he comes back,we will receive him like a king.
Last week, the PDP in Anambra State alleged that Obiano was abandoning Obi’s projects. Neither your leadership nor the state government refuted the accusation. Should that be taken an acceptance of the allegation?

It depends on who was talking. The man who spoke was only seeking for attention. We have more important things to do than reply to little things. I have told you here that the PDP is dying in the state. Why should we respond to a dying man? He who is down fears no fall. PDP is already down. There is no PDP in Anambra State. By 2017, we will be singing the death of the party.

…Even when they won most of the seats of the National Assembly in Anambra?
Where did they win? PDP is a confused bunch. I am telling you the truth. In Anambra today, there is no PDP. If you conduct elections tomorrow, we will win landslide. We only have PDP in charge of three of the 30 seats in the state House of Assembly . It is only to show that there was a contest.

That tells you that their victories in earlier elections was a fluke. PDP is not on ground in Anambra State and that is a statement of fact. Before the next elections, we will take over the entire South-East. That is for sure. It will happen.

You are not in South east . You are in Abuja and Lagos and might not know what is happening there. Go there and you will see the signs. Politics is not about going to the newspapers or making noise. We play grassroot politics. By the time the thing is clear, the carpet would have been removed from under their feet.

APGA has said the same thing in the past yet the party struggled during elections . What is the indication that 2019 will be different ?

You will soon see it in Abia when we win the governorship. Getting Imo state is very easy. We would have won the state if not for the mistake made by the party. That was another miscalculation. We miscalculated by fielding the wrong candidate. That would not happen again. I have told you about our vision and that is to build a cohesive political movement in the South-East. Remember Nigeria stands on a tripod. The Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo. The Hausa has taken the presidency. Yoruba has taken the vice presidency. Naturally, Igbo should take the senate president.

But it did not happen. That is because our people miscalculated by putting all our eggs in one basket. We lost out. Today, we have been left in the cold and we are licking our wounds. Can’t we bury our hatchets, do away with our selfishness and go for what is ours? For the first time in the history of this country, the Igbo played a united card. They backed the wrong horse and all of them failed. That means the Igbo can speak with one voice. Many things went wrong during the last election and we are going to build on it in subsequent polls.

The party leadership has been quiet over the forthcoming elections in Kogi and Bayelsa states. Is the silence an indication that the party is not keen about elections in these states seriously or it is giving shoulder to it because APGA knows it will have a good outing if it participates in the governorship of the two states ?

The Chairman of APGA in Kogi state has been meeting with. We are working to win the Kogi election. Very soon, you will see. We have done all the arrangements. What we are waiting for is for us to publish the schedule of the elections. We have given INEC 21 days notice of Bayelsa and Kogi elections.

Is it because they have a crowded house in APC and in the PDP? When we bring out our own masquerades, others will run away.

How much interest are people showing to contest under your platform ?

We have many people. We want to go for the best. APGA is the only credible alternative. PDP and APC in Kogi will fight themselves to the finish line. The people are tired of such squabbles. Ask an average Kogi person and he or she will tell you he or she wants APGA. The same thing is happening is Bayelsa. APGA is the beautiful bride in Bayelsa. We have about five people in Bayelsa, angling for our tickets. We want to screen everybody properly. That is what we are doing. We are on ground and preparing for the two elections in Kogi and Bayelsa states.

Some leaders of the party in the past had lamented that the party was underfunded . How are you coping with that?
I want to correct one impression, people have been going about saying that. What are you talking about?

This is a national political party. It can take care of itself. I do not believe in begging anybody for money.

I believe the party can sustain itself by looking inwards, creating avenues for the party to make money. For instance, we are doing registration and revalidation of party members. We want to embark on payment of party dues. We want to make it a serious matter. How can you belong to an organisation and not make your financial contributions? Every month, members are supposed to pay N100. If anybody refuses , when it is time for election, we can disqualify you for not paying your dues. If every member of APGA pays his dues every month, we will not complain of money.

I am not looking at any governor. The governor has his own statutory responsibilities. We are building a national secretariat in Anambra state from the money we made from the sale of forms during the last elections. Meanwhile, some stupid people are saying that the state government is building it.

We are building it in Anambra because it is the birth place of the party. Forget all those critics making noise everyday.

you not worried that by siting the headquarters in Anambra, some people are suggesting that the state is monopolizing the party?

It is the birth place of the party. When you talk about Nigeria, would you not talk about Lokoja as the first capital? Something must originate from someone. That is what cancer does to the body. It starts from one part of the body and spread to the rest.

Many people believe that the Federal Government is focusing on probes rather than governance. Where does APGA stand on the issue ?

What is my business with probe? What Buhari is doing is proper. A clear conscience fears no accusation. Why are people afraid of probe? We need probes to sanitise the society. How can we talk about the future without talking about the past? Is it because this is the first government that has summoned the courage to embark on probes? The last government lacked the moral fortitude to do it.

Generally, governance is not being affected. Things are moving fine.the country is gradually recovering. The country was almost grounded before Buhari stepped in. The coming of Buhari is a huge blessing. We need leaders like him to bring sanity. With just few months, things are happening. Look at the Excess Crude Account (ECA), price of oil has been falling but the ECA is growing.

In June, they shard N403 billion. In July, they shared over N500 billion. This August, they are going to share more than N600 billion. Price of oil is falling and ECA is growing. What does that tell you? It is very simple: they have blocked all the loopholes. It could have only been done by a man like Buhari. At 73, what is he looking for in life? He said this would be the last time the North will clear up the table messed up by the South.

Let us be sincere. People do not want to tell the truth. The South, during Obasanjo’s regime, what did we achieve? It was the same corruption problem. He brought Yar’Adua and things started happening. The problem of insurgency was almost addressed by Yar’Adua. He created the amnesty programme out of courage.

That took care of insurgency in that part of the country. Imagine what would have happened if militancy was still there with Boko Haram as well?

This country would have sank long ago. Jonathan entered and there was corruption unlimited. Buhari has entered and he is clearing the table. I want to make a statement here. Whenever you blame the South it should be minus the Igbo.

Since Nigeria became an independent nation, the Igbos have never been president of this country. Until that is changed, Nigeria will continue to grow in the dark. The Igbo man has that anointing for leadership. People are afraid of an Igbo man. He is a team player. He has the solution to the problems of leadership in this country.

I am giving serious statements regarding this country. Buhari should be commended instead of being criticised. Very soon, the insurgency in the north will be a thing of the past. He is bringing the military approach. Jonathan was too dull. Buhari came and moved the military high command to Maiduguri.

Do you subscribe to claims that Boko Haram was introduced to frustrate Jonatgan’s administration?

What has happened since he left? That is a lousy comment. Boko Haram was a problem of injustice. You saw how it started. It started like a joke. They killed Yusuf Mohammed and nobody said anything about it. The followers were asking for justice and no one listened to them. So, they took the laws into their hands. That aggravated the situation. It is as simple as that. So, government should ensure there is justice and equity.

What area would you want this government to focus on?

He is already focused. He should continue the good works he is doing. He has a plan. He is ready for leadership. Look at the way he is operating. He has a roadmap. He has everything lined up. We need to keep praying for him. We should pray to God to grant him more wisdom and good health. Buhari is leading us aright. Those fighting him are those who feel threatened in one way or the other. I am a common Nigerian and I am not afraid. Those who have soiled their hands are afraid of probes.

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