Sunday, 29 September 2024

AUDIO: Interrogated ‘Christian’ Boko Haram Suspect Accuses Nigeria’s President, Security Services


boko interview

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We have obtained audio from a recent Nigerian army interrogation of an arrested Boko Haram suspect in the northeast. The suspect in the audio confessed to be a Christian and had some startling accounts to give including implicating Nigeria’s president and state security agents in recent terror attacks.

Scroll to bottom for Hausa audio on Youtube.

Below is a translation of the interview:

Interrogator- who did the Mubi Job

BH- We did but I’m not among. The bomb at kaban we did it.

Interrogator- talk to me or else?

BH- I was staying at EYN church the one on the market road close to kaban.

Interrogator- When you entered Mubi were you all Muslims or all Christians?
BH- there’s nothing to hide we were all Christians.

Interrogator- When you meet people what do you say?
BH- we say Allahu akbar.

Interrogator- what do you call Mubi?
BH- Fityanul Islam.

Interrogator- Now you said DPO knows?
BH- Yes he knows,

Interrogator- who else knows?

BH- all the top shots know. The DPO and the DCO.

Interrogator- how did you come into town?

BH- we came late in the night no one knows we came. Around 2;am. Using a car like that of Banks it cannot be detected I can go and show it to u if you want me to.

Interrogator- which way did you follow.

BH- we came in through many ways but we came in through Kaduna road.
We had someone dressed in suit at the front seat I wasn’t wearing a suit but soldiers thought we were bankers.

Interrogator- What color is the car?

BH- it’s black
Interrogator- where is the car now?

BH- I can show you its here by the Yoruba Mosque
Interrogator- when did you park the car?

BH- Today its still there.
Interrogator- now tell me what is you name?

BH- my name is Jacob

Interrogator- where are you from and what’s your tribe?

BH- am from Kaduna and am Kataf.

Interrogator- then what took you to Keffi?

BH- I went there on my own. I stay there I have a place to stay. I have been there for like 4 months now.

Interrogator- when did you leave Mubi?

BH- like a month now.

Interrogator- what took you to Mubi?

BH- we were sent? Wallahi I never wanted to go, it was never my choice.

Interrogator- who sent you?

President Goodluck Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan

BH- Goodluck.

Interrogator- you said you guys have planted a bomb in Kaduna. How may did you plant yourself?

BH- yes we did plant a bomb in Kaduna but I have planted only one.

Interrogator- did the bomb that you planted go off and are there people in house and who own the house Muslim or Christian

BH- Christians.

Interrogator- why did you kill your fellow Christians?
BH- We are in need of money

*Audio not clear, “Yoruba’ mentioned

Interrogator- the Yoruba woman you were referring to what’s her name and where she?

BH- she’s by the Yoruba mosque. She’s a Christian she’s called Mrs Eizikel.

Interrogator-If we kill you now have we done justice to you?

BH- I brought it upon myself but am asking for forgiveness. Give me a chance to repent.

Interrogator- why did you get yourself into this?

BH- its greed.

Interrogator- how much have you been paid?

BH- not much they said when we finish we are going to be paid in full.

Interrogator- where the girls that are kidnapped?

BH- they are in Abuja with Goodluck they have been given a house.
Interrogator- are the one putting one on hijabs? Say it with your mouth

BH- yes they are the one putting on hijab and killing people.

Interrogator- how many people did you kill in Mubi?

BH- 500

Interrogator- how many did you personally kill?

BH- I killed 5

Interrogator- where did you kill them?

BH- I killed them at eclesiatic of EYN I killed believers.

Interrogator- close to kaban?

BH- yes.

Interrogator- did you shoot or cut their throats?

BH- we shot them.

Interrogator- how many guns did you come with?

BH- 12 they are with Eiziekel
Interrogator- Do you know how to shoot and who taught you?

BH- Yes I do. My people taught me how to.
Interrogator- where are the guns now tell us the truth?

BH- they are with Eiziekel in his shop.
Interrogator- how many bombs did you bring into Mubi?

BH- 20 some are in the car and some in the shop.

Interrogator- how big are the bombs?

BH- they are big like generating set.

Interrogator- we are now taking you to the police and you are saying the police knows about the whole plan.

BH- when you take me to them I will repeat myself in their presence.
Interrogator- do you think you done justice to yourself?

BH- I haven’t. My greed led me into trouble.
Interrogator- you know what I want from?

BH- please give me water and loose this rope is too tight.
Interrogator- I want you to tell us the truth?

BH- at the police station?
Interrogator- we don’t care about the police station.

BH- pls give me water I will tell you everything you want to know.
Interrogator- Tell us first and I will give you water.

BH- to tell you the truth we came with 35 guns they are kept at Eiziekels shop.

Interrogator- where’s the shop?

BH- is by the Yoruba Mosque.
Interrogator- is he familiar with the Yoruba lady their.

BH- yes she’s his wife.
Interrogator- what of the man by the Izallah mosque?

BH- Mallam Habibu.
Interrogator- the one that you said converted you to Islam? You are just lying to people.
Interrogator- how did you know Mallam Habibu’s house?

BH- I asked people for the location telling them I want to convert
Interrogator- and he told you to come here or you brought yourself here.

BH- I brought myself.
Interrogator why did you did lie to us instead of you to come straight?

BH- I made a mistake.

Featured image: file photo of another interrogated Boko Haram suspect



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