Monday, 08 July 2024

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If Meta bans news in Australia, what will happen? Canada’s experience is telling

Thx4Stock team/Shutterstock Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology At a parliamentary hearing late last week, Meta once again suggested it…

Technology makes it possible to diagnose diseases on the spot – but South Africa’s public healthcare system faces several obstacles

Digital technology has hugely improved healthcare in many ways. It’s now possible to test patients on the spot – in…

Elephants use the tips of their trunks to grasp things with great precision – how this can help robotic design

An elephant uses its trunk for eating, drinking water, communicating, exploring the environment, social behaviour, and making and using tools.…

15 Most Expensive Universities In Nigeria

Wigwe University, Isiokpo, Rivers State, tops the list with a tuition fee of N12m, including accommodation fees. Nile University, Abuja’s most…

Technology makes it easy for lawyers to work across borders: regulations should too

The rules of legal practice are highly localised. Every country sets rules that determine how lawyers qualify professionally and what…

Popular News

bombermoon/Shuttterstock Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National…
AllUNeed/Shutterstock Asma Aziz, Edith Cowan University When you graph electricity…
Thx4Stock team/Shutterstock Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology At a…

Understanding AI outputs: study shows pro-western cultural bias in the way AI decisions are explained

AI models’ outputs need to be properly explained to the people affected. DrAfter123/Getty Images Mary Carman, University of the Witwatersrand…

African sci-fi: body hopping, artificial wombs and angry ghosts in a future Botswana

Tlotlo Tsamaase has already proved her talent for African science fiction. Her masterly short stories, one previously shortlisted for the…

TikTok law threatening a ban if the app isn’t sold raises First Amendment concerns

TikTok users worry about losing their social media platform, but First Amendment rights are on the line, too. AP Photo/Ted…

What’s in a VIN? How to decode the vehicle identification number, your car’s unique fingerprint

A VIN is a unique string of 17 characters assigned to vehicles. welcomia/iStock via Getty Images Plus Jordan Frith, Clemson…

Why are algorithms called algorithms? A brief history of the Persian polymath you’ve likely never heard of

Algorithms have become integral to our lives. From social media apps to Netflix, algorithms learn your preferences and prioritise the…

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