Friday, 05 July 2024

Latest News

The Role Of Telecoms In Nigeria’s Presidential Election

  While Nigerians are waiting six weeks or so to cast their votes for their next president, AFKInsider has looked into one…

Home, Smart Home -- With Wireless Technology

How smart is your home? You can make your home smarter and safer, and make your life easier, with these…

New Hope for the Medically Disabled

Among the marvels of modern medicine are neural prosthetics, tiny bioengineered devices that surgeons implant in brain tissue to compensate…

CES 2014: A Look Into the Future of Technology

The first International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place in New York City in June of 1967. Since then, thousands…

Engineers as Entrepreneurs

Engineers have given the world many of the great innovations we live by today -- Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, the…

Popular News

bombermoon/Shuttterstock Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National…
AllUNeed/Shutterstock Asma Aziz, Edith Cowan University When you graph electricity…

Big Data on Campus to Decline Dropout Rates?

What if colleges could predict whether students would drop out of college before they had a chance to? How helpful…

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