Monday, 08 July 2024

Latest News

Volkswagen crisis: brand that invented modern advertising is dented

I’ve always assumed it was simple for companies to realise that the most important asset they have is trust. Without…

What is a Blood Moon?

Most of us in astronomy had not heard the term Blood Moon to describe a lunar tetrad until a few…

Rejected at home, a king in abroad: 24-yr-old Nigerian Software Engineer builds Artificial Intelligence robot at Sri Lankan University

A Nigerian Software Engineering student, Bobai Ephraim Kato, has built a functional Artificial Intelligence robot at his final year project…

What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorders in Dogs

Many people assume that common psychological issues that humans have won't show up in their furry friends. But, if you've…

Abia achieves feat in rigid pavement technology

The Abia State Governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu, has successfully completed a road construction work using cement technology, which is also…

Popular News

bombermoon/Shuttterstock Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National…
AllUNeed/Shutterstock Asma Aziz, Edith Cowan University When you graph electricity…
Thx4Stock team/Shutterstock Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology At a…

Data remains an expensive luxury in Africa but free internet may not come free

  The greatest barrier to extending internet use in South Africa, and indeed in most African countries, is the cost…

Europe’s electronic waste has become Africa’s burden

  The disposal of computers and other electronic and electrical goods, e-waste, is a growing global problem. In 2011, the…

Unlocking the potential of South Africa's electricity grid

Sustained power cuts, caused by under-investment and a shortage of generating capacity, have damaged the South African economy. The response…

The big sleep: science is waking up to the curious story of narcolepsy

Perhaps because we all need sleep, we have an enduring interest in tales of people who sleep continuously or cannot…

Scientists Discover Burial Chamber of New Human Species in South Africa

A team of scientists have discovered yet another human species,”Homo naledi,” and this time it is located in South Africa,…

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