Monday, 08 July 2024

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Universities shouldn’t use software to monitor online exams: here’s why

FluxFactory/Getty Images Sioux McKenna, Rhodes University Proctoring software monitors a student’s computer or phone while they write exams. These programs…

17-Year Old Nigerian Boy Builds A Robot (Photo)

Isah Barde   It has been three years since the teenage boy started inventing the robot, which he described as…

Ride-hailing in Lagos: algorithmic impacts and driver resistance

A driver checking the Uber App. Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images Daniel Arubayi, University of Oxford In July 2014, the…

‘It hurt my heart and my wallet’: the unnecessary test stressing teachers before they even make it to the classroom Alison Hilton, Murdoch University There is no shortage of articles about how teachers are stressed, due to their complex…

A global semiconductor shortage highlights a troubling trend: A small and shrinking number of the world’s computer chips are made in the US

The U.S. is still a leader in designing and selling computer chips, but the vast majority of the world’s chips…

Popular News

bombermoon/Shuttterstock Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National…
AllUNeed/Shutterstock Asma Aziz, Edith Cowan University When you graph electricity…
Thx4Stock team/Shutterstock Axel Bruns, Queensland University of Technology At a…

Taiwan dominates the world’s supply of computer chips – no wonder the US is worried

One aspect of Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan that has been largely overlooked is her meeting with Mark Lui, chairman…

Google removes 3.4bn Ads, suspends 5.6m accounts

    As the digital world evolves, Google's policy development and enforcement strategies evolve with it to prevent abuse.  …

Solar is the cheapest power, and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further

Shutterstock Bruno Vicari Stefani, CSIRO; Brett Hallam, UNSW Sydney, and Matthew Wright, University of Oxford Recent extreme weather events have…

Publishers vs the Internet Archive: why the world’s biggest online library is in court over digital book lending

Shutterstock Joanne Gray, University of Sydney and Cheryl Foong, Curtin University Earlier this month, the Internet Archive asked a US…

Fish in a major South African river are full of microplastics

People fish in the Vaal River but are not always aware of the risks associated with microplastic pollution. Grobler du…

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