Saturday, 06 July 2024
Michael Abiodun

Michael Abiodun

Popular herbalist allegedly dies in hotel after sleeping with pastor's wife


A popular herbalist has been reported dead after allegedly having sex with a pastor's wife in a hotel in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State.


The herbalist who has been identified as Dadayomi Kehinde known popularly by many as Ejiogbe was reportedly lodged in a hotel with a woman allegedly the wife of a Shepherd of White Garment church.


Popular herbalist allegedly dies in hotel after sleeping with pastor's wife


Reports say after the two made out sexually, the herbalist slumped, prompting the lady to call for help from the hotel room. It was further reported that the herbalist was rushed to the hospital by hotel staff where he was pronounced dead.

Associates of the late native doctor were alleged to have attributed his death to "magun", a local charm placed on married women by their husbands to harm lovers who sleep with them.

Some aggrieved patrons of the herbalist were said to have stormed the Shepherd White Garment church of the pastor and destroyed properties and set the church ablaze.

The woman is said to have been arrested while the deceased have been deposited in the morgue of the Ekiti State Specialist Hospital in Ikere.


Popular herbalist allegedly dies in hotel after sleeping with pastor's wife



West is using Ukraine to destroy Russia and we will never allow it - Watch President Putin


In the video message broadcasted on Russian state TV, Putin said Russia was fighting in Ukraine to protect its "motherland" and to secure "true independence" for its people.

Putin said his country would never give in to the West’s attempts to use Ukraine as a tool to destroy Russia.

“For years, Western elites hypocritically assured us of their peaceful intentions,” he said in a speech filmed at the headquarters of Russia’s southern military district.


“In fact, in every possible way they were encouraging neo-Nazis who conducted open terrorism against civilians in the Donbas,” Putin said in  the combative New Year’s speech.


“The West lied about peace,” Putin said. “It was preparing for aggression … and now they are cynically using Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia.

“We have never allowed this, and will never allow anybody to do this to us,” 


Watch the video below





Nigerian Gospel singer, Sammie Okposo, is dead.


According to available information in the public space on Friday, the CEO of Zamar Entertainment died on Friday.

The 51-year-old music producer was said to have slumped and died in the early hours of the dat.

The most recent album of Okposo, who was recently involved in a extramarital controiversy: “The Statement,” was produced by a Grammy Award winner, Kevin Bond.


In Zambia, a husband came back from work only to find his pregnant wife in bed with her pastor on their matrimonial bed.

He instinctively started shouting the woman’s name, as he could not stand the betrayal of trust he had reposed in her.

The woman, who was obviously pregnant, was caught in the act with her pastor, who stood by the wall and watched blankly.

A husband who was devastated by the act was restored to calling his wife’s name “Martha, Martha” out of pain and agony.

Also, the woman had to try to hide her nakedness and prevent her husband from capturing the moment. She pleaded wearily with her husband, knowing very well that it would not work.

The video has gone viral on social media, with many expressing disgust at the action taken by the woman, who decided to cheat on her husband when she was heavily pregnant.

The pastor has also been called out for his disingenuous act.

Check out the video below…

According to a new revelation, the pastor actually got the lady pregnant after years of barrenness and only came by to fulfil a spiritual requirement.

Read the screenshot below…

This isn’t the first study to show a link between late night eating and weight gain. MMD Made my dreams/ Shutterstock

Alex Johnstone, University of Aberdeen

It’s long been popular advice for people looking to lose weight to avoid late night snacking. It’s no wonder, with a host of research showing that late night eating is linked to greater body weight and increased risk of obesity.

But until now, few studies have actually investigated precisely why late night eating is linked to greater body weight. This is what a recent US study set out to uncover. They found that eating four hours later than normal actually changed many of the physiological and molecular mechanisms that favour weight gain.

This work adds to other recently published work which has found that eating earlier in the day is more beneficial for both appetite and body weight control.

Late eating

To conduct their study, the researchers had 16 participants follow two different meal schedules, each for a period of six days total.

The first protocol had participants eat their meals early in the day with the last meal consumed approximately six hours and 40 minutes before bedtime. The second protocol had participants eat all of their daily meals approximately four hours later. This meant they skipped breakfast and instead had lunch, dinner and an evening meal. Their last meal was consumed only two and a half hours before sleep.

The study was conducted in a controlled lab, which ensured the participants in each group consumed an identical diet, and that all of their meals were evenly spaced with around four hours between them.

To understand how late eating affected the body, the researchers specifically looked at three different measures which are associated with weight gain:

  1. The influence of appetite,
  2. The impact of eating time on energy expenditure (calories burned), and
  3. Molecular changes from fat tissue.

Appetite was measured using two techniques. The first technique was having participants rate their feelings of hunger throughout the day. The second technique was by collecting blood samples to look at the levels of appetite-regulating hormones in participants’ blood – such as leptin (which helps us feel full) and ghrelin (which makes us feel hungry). These hormones were assessed hourly over a 24 hour period during the third and sixth day of each trial.

To assess the effect of meal timing on daily energy expenditure, a technique called “indirect calorimetry” was used. This measures both the amount of oxygen a person uses alongside the amount of carbon dioxide they produce. This helps researchers estimate how many calories a person’s body uses throughout a normal day.

To examine how late night eating affects the way the body stores fat on a molecular level, the researchers performed a biopsy on fat tissue taken from the abdomen. Only half of the participants agreed to this.

A man eats a large bowl of pasta.
The participants who ate late felt hungrier the following day – which could lead to over-eating. Shutterstock

The team found that compared to an early eating pattern, late eating not only increased subjective feelings of hunger the following day, it also increased the ratio of “hunger” hormones in the blood – despite participants eating an identical diet in both protocols. Late eating also caused a decrease in the number of calories burned the following day. In the participants who did the fat tissue biopsy, late eating was also shown to cause molecular changes that promote fat storage.

Together, these results indicate that late eating leads to a number of physiological and molecular changes that, over time, could lead to weight gain.

Potential for weight gain

While we don’t fully understand all of the mechanisms underlying why late night eating promotes weight gain, this study shows us that it’s probably the result of many factors working together.

One theory for why eating late causes weight gain could be due to our circadian rhythm. The human body has a natural circadian rhythm, which is controlled by the brain to influence the normal ebb and flow of hormones. It’s particularly responsive to daylight and food intake.

Time of eating is intrinsically linked to the circadian rhythm in humans, as we normally sleep when it’s dark out and eat when it’s daylight. When we eat late, this could challenge the natural circadian rhythm, causing disruptions to the body’s hunger signals and the way it uses calories and stores fat. However, this link has only been shown in studies on animals thus far.

Given the new study was only conducted on a limited number of participants and over a very short time frame, more research will be needed to further understand whether these changes are only temporary, and what affect long-term late night eating can have on these weight gain mechanisms. But we do know from other studies that people who tend to eat late in the evening also tend to gain weight more easily.

Other large-scale studies looking at the relationship between disturbances in meal timing on energy balance (such as skipping breakfast, late night eating and shift work) have found these patterns of eating were linked to higher body weight and greater risk of metabolic disorders (such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes).

This study adds to a growing body of evidence showing just how important meal timing can be when it comes to body weight. Based on what this and other studies have shown, people who are watching their weight may want to ditch the late night snacks and favour of eating most of their meals earlier in the day.The Conversation

Alex Johnstone, Personal Chair in Nutrition, The Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

The situation surrounding his death is not clear, but sources told the newspaper that the corpse is expected to be flown to Nigeria in the coming days.
A former Senate President, David Mark has lost his first son, Tunde Mark.
A report by Daily Sun, quoted a family source who said that Tunde died in the early hours of Friday in London, the United Kingdom.
Tunde is said to have suffered from cancer and died at the age of 51 years.
The situation surrounding his death is not clear, but sources told the newspaper that the corpse is expected to be flown to Nigeria in the coming days.
Before his death, Tunde was an alumnus of Yaba Military School, Lagos, and the prestigious Fernden Prep School, Haslemere, Surrey.
He obtained a B.Sc degree from Kings College, London. Later he proceeded to study Biological Sciences at the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Harvard, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
He left behind a wife and a child.

Anambra State Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, has announced payments by families burying their loved ones, before they can paste posters of the deceased.

A letter by the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Anambra State Signage and Advertisement Agency, Mr Tony Odili Ujubuon͂u, communicating this to community leaders was sighted by DAILY POST.

The letter stated a tax of N100,000 for display of burial banners across the state, and varying amounts for posters and other sizes of banners.

The letter to the national chairman of Anambra State Association of Town Unions (ASATU) read: “The tariff below serves as a guide to what is payable; sizes, description, amount and duration of the taxes are: 4 X 6FT N5,000 for 2 weeks; 8 X 10FT N20,000 for 2 weeks; above 10FT square are N100,000 monthly; and N5000 for posters for 2 weeks.

“Note that directional signs leading to the venue which can come in 1x 2ft size will not be charged. It is also important to bear in mind that after the duration of this period, any such board that is left standing will attract a penalty in the sum of the amount initially paid. This penalty is paid weekly.

“The Agency, in fulfillment of its statutory obligation, is not unmindful of the menace associated with non-commercial adverts that have literally occupied our out-of-home space. These adverts come in the form of obituary, religious, wedding and sundry flex, banners and posters.”

The agency said the reason for this was to curb the level at which people deface the environment, which has become a threat to the aesthetics of communities.

It said it will work with the town union to collect payment and also enforce it, adding that Soludo has the resolve of making Anambra a liveable city.”

The agency said communities, villages, hamlets, kindreds, churches and town unions would be alerted of the latest development.

Addressing the national chairman of ASATU in the letter, Ujubuonu said: “We have written to you because we have always regarded you as progress partners in the development of Anambra State.”

While promising to prioritise projects in Southeast, Atiku took a swipe at the All Progressives Congress(APC)-led administration for segregating some parts of the country with the paucity of projects.

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Atiku Abubakar has pledged to support Igbos produce the next president of Nigeria after him, according to a report by TheNation.
The politicians also vowed to prioritise developmental projects in Southeast and other regions when elected, saying that any project in any State is a favour to Nigeria.
Atiku, who was addressing Southeast PDP stakeholders in Enugu on Tuesday, said: “I am the stepping stone for Igbos to become President of Nigeria”.
The PDP candidate, who maintained that he would win the 2023 presidential polls, said his great relationship with the Igbos would continue until they assume the presidency after his tenure.
“I’ve had close relationship with the Igbos and this influenced my choices of Senator Ben Obi and Mr. Peter Obi as my running mates in my two previous outings as presidential candidate. Again, I have chosen another great Igbo here (Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa) for the third time as my running mate.
“I have three Igbo children and I am saying this for the very first time in public. So, my relationship with Ndigbo did not start today,” Atiku said.
While promising to prioritise projects in Southeast, Atiku took a swipe at the All Progressives Congress(APC)-led administration for segregating some parts of the country with the paucity of projects.
“The second Niger bridge in Onitsha is not a favour to the Southeast, rather it is or should be seen as a favour to Nigeria. This is because it is not only the people of the Southeast that use the bridge,” Atiku said.
He also expressed concern over the ongoing sit-at-home in the region which he said had dealt a big blow to the economy of the region and the country at large, calling on elders in the region to speak out against it.
He said his administration would pay close attention to tackling insecurity, economic and other challenges bedeviling the country.

It will be disingenuous to dismiss as useless and evil, all the consequences of the British invasion of our land.


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