Saturday, 06 July 2024
Michael Abiodun

Michael Abiodun

Devin Avery/Unsplash

Emma Beckett, University of Newcastle

Coffee – one bean with many possibilities. A big choice is how to brew it: espresso, filter, plunger, percolator, instant and more. Each method has unique equipment, timing, temperature, pressure, and coffee grind and water needs.

Our choices of brewing method can be cultural, social or practical. But how much do they really impact what’s in your cup?

Which is the strongest brew?

It depends. If we focus on caffeine concentration, on a milligram per millilitre (mg/ml) basis espresso methods are typically the most concentrated, able to deliver up to 4.2 mg/ml. This is about three times higher than other methods like Moka pot (a type of boiling percolator) and cold brewing at about 1.25 mg/ml. Drip and plunger methods (including French and Aero-press) are about half that again.

Espresso methods extract the most caffeine for a few reasons. Using the finest grind means there is more contact between the coffee and water. Espresso also uses pressure, pushing more compounds out into the water. While other methods brew for longer, this doesn’t impact caffeine. This is because caffeine is water soluble and easy to extract, so it’s released early in brewing.

But these comparisons are made based on typical extraction situations, not typical consumption situations.

So, while espresso gives you the most concentrated product, this is delivered in a smaller volume (just 18–30ml), compared to much larger volumes for most other methods. These volumes of course vary depending on the maker, but a recent Italian study defined a typical final serve of filter, percolator and cold brews as 120ml.

Based on this maths, cold brew actually comes out as the highest dose of caffeine per serve with almost 150mg – even higher than the 42–122mg totals found in finished espresso. Although cold brew uses cold water, and a larger grind size, it is brewed with a high coffee to water ratio, with extra beans needed in the brew. Of course, “standard serves” are a concept not a reality – you can multiply serves and supersize any coffee beverage!

With the rising price of coffee, you might also be interested in extraction efficiency – how much caffeine you get for each gram of coffee input.

Interestingly, most methods are actually pretty similar. Espresso methods vary but give an average of 10.5 milligrams per gram (mg/g), compared to 9.7–10.2mg/g for most other methods. The only outlier is the French press, with just 6.9mg/g of caffeine.

A glass beaker in a dark plastic frame with coffee steeping inside, the plunger laid next to it
The French press or coffee plunger was actually invented in Italy, despite its modern name. Rachel Brenner/Unsplash

‘Strength’ is more than just caffeine

Caffeine content only explains a small part of the strength of coffee. Thousands of compounds are extracted, contributing to aroma, flavour and function. Each has their own pattern of extraction, and they can interact with each other to inhibit or enhance effects.

The oils responsible for the crema – the rich brown ‘foam’ on top of the brew – are also extracted more easily with high temperatures, pressures, and fine grinds (another potential win for espresso and Moka). These methods also give higher levels of dissolved solids, meaning a less watery consistency – but, again, this all depends on how the final product is served and diluted.

To further complicate matters – the receptors that detect caffeine and the other bitter compounds are highly variable between individuals due to genetics and training from our usual exposures. This means the same coffee samples could invoke diverse perceptions of their bitterness and strength in different people.

There are also differences in how sensitive we are to the stimulant effects of caffeine. So what we are looking for in a cup, and getting from it, is dependent on our own unique biology.

A multifaceted aluminium pot with a black handle, with steam coming from the spout
The Moka pot, another iconic Italian invention, brews coffee at high temperatures on a stovetop. Ccu.bat/Shutterstock

Is there a healthier brew?

Depending on the headline or the day, coffee might be presented as a healthy choice, or an unhealthy one. This is partly explained by our optimism bias (of course we want coffee to be good for us!) but may also be due to the difficulty of studying products like coffee, where it is difficult to capture the complexity of brewing methods and other variables.

Some studies have suggested that coffee’s health impacts are brew type specific. For example, filter coffee has been linked to more positive cardiovascular outcomes in the elderly.

This link might be a coincidence, based on other habits that coexist, but there is some evidence that filter coffee is healthier because more diterpenes (a chemical found in coffee which might be linked to raising levels of bad cholesterol) are left in the coffee and the filter, meaning less make it to the cup.

The bottom line?

Each brewing method has its own features and inputs. This gives each one a unique profile of flavour, texture, appearance and bioactive compounds. While the complexity is real and interesting, ultimately, how to brew is a personal choice.

Different information and situations will drive different choices in different people and on different days. Not every food and drink choice needs to be optimised!The Conversation

Emma Beckett, Senior Lecturer (Food Science and Human Nutrition), School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

 Presidential candidates

Kingsley Wali, the Convener of Unity House Foundation (UHF), an advocacy group, has slammed Nigeria's presidential candidates.

The man slammed the presidential candidates of the 2023 polls who were present at the 2022 Annual Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), for turning the venue of the event into a campaign ground, in contravention of the electoral law.

Wali, a Port Harcourt-based businessman, said it was extremely appalling and nauseating to see people who are seeking to lead the country openly campaigning in such a gathering watched by the whole world, when the electoral umpire had not blown the whistle for the commencement of electioneering campaigns.

The UHF Convener spoke to SaharaReporters on Friday, while reacting to the conduct of the presidential candidates at the NBA event on Tuesday, adding "a man who is lawless is unlikely to offer quality service to the people."

He said, "If you don't have regard for the laws of the land, I don't know how to expect that you are going to obey the law or you are not going to circumvent the law or even suppress the law of the land when you become President, Governor or whatever."

Wali, who disclosed his group was working towards embarking on a crusade for violence-free campaigns ahead of the 2023 general election, said that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has not lifted the ban on campaign based on the electoral law, until September 28, 2022.

He said, "Let me start by saying that the Unity House Foundation which I am a member of, will from the second week of September, embark on a campaign for a violence-free electioneering in both the campaigns and the election proper. We intend to engage the public and the political class on the need to be civil, the need to focus on what the issues are and the need for them to be law-abiding too.

"But I won't fail at this point to mention that I'm a bit disappointed with the fact those who intend to lead Nigeria have started their campaign by breaking the laws of the land. A man who is lawless is unlikely to offer quality service to the people. If you don't have regard for the laws of the land, I don't know how to expect that you are going to obey the law or you are not going to circumvent the law or even suppress the law of the land when you become President, Governor or whatever."

He maintained that those who are jostling to lead the country beyond 2023, Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party; Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress and the Labour Party’s Peter Obi, had all started badly by disobeying the laws of the country.

"INEC has not lifted the ban on campaign based on the electoral law. The ban on campaign will be lifted on the 28th of September. But those who are pretending to be leaders or those who want to get into power to lead Nigeria have started very badly by disobeying the laws of the land. I was very disgusted when I saw politicians openly violating the electoral law by campaigning for votes at the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Annual General Conference.

"It was as disgusting, as irritating and as despicable as you can imagine, that some people who are going to be the number-one defender of the laws of the land if elected President are violating the laws of the land by openly campaigning for votes very much against the law that is governing the electoral process," he added.

Speaking further, he said, “It is an indication of the kind of characters that want to lead the country. If you cannot obey the laws of the land, how do I believe that you can hold the laws of this country in trust for the Nigerian people. So, these are the kinds of things that scare me.

"If you cannot obey the laws of the land and you say you want to be a president and you started by flouting the laws and guidelines for the electoral process, why should I trust you with power? And it wasn't something that was done in some inconsequential gathering, but such a platform where the international community was watching and you saw people recklessly campaigning for votes when the ban on campaigns has not been lifted.”


It was gathered that hard times fell on the deceased who was a car seller before his demise. It is reported that he was in debts and couldn’t cope leading him to take the action of ending it all.

In a video circulating on social media, Afolabi can be seen appealing to his relatives to forgive him for his actions stating that he didn’t want to stress or involve them in his huge debt cr#sis

However, a di§turbing picture indicates that he ended it all by from a rope attached to a fan in his living room. The deceased is survived by a wife and a daughter.


The woman in the picture allegedly contacted these two men to eliminate her husband and take his Range Rover Jeep to her brother in Anambra, as instructed by the supposed wife of the victim.

Unfortunately, they were arrested by policemen in Ogun state on their way to deliver the Range Rover, after butchering the man, they thought he was dead, but luck on his side, he survived.



The couple, who are left with their eight-year-old daughter, Esther, said life had been difficult for them after the tragedy.

Chukwudi Micheal and Bolani Micheal, a Lagos couple has cried out for help.

The couple who lost four of their children to a midnight fire, have now sought the help of Nigerians.

PUNCH Metro had reported that the fire gutted the couple’s two-room apartment on Tapa Road, Oke-Oko, Isawo, in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State, on June 26.

Four children: Jeremiah, 12; Prayer, 18; Trust in God, 14; and Ebube, 10, died in the inferno.

The couple, who are left with their eight-year-old daughter, Esther, said life had been difficult for them after the tragedy.

The father of the children, Chukwudi, said the family had been struggling as their property and business were destroyed in the fire.

He said, “The fire incident not only claimed the lives of our children, but also took our means of livelihood. We do not know how to move on from here.

“God has been our support but we need Nigerians to help us get back on our feet. The sudden incident left us with no room to prepare. While nursing the heartache of losing our boys, we have to find our footings.”

His wife, Bolani, stated that the family was in distress.

She said, “We don’t know where to begin because we don’t have a place to stay and we are currently living with our pastor. Thank God for some good Samaritans who gave us clothes and some items to manage. We can’t always live with our pastor; we just pray that God will bring us back on our feet again.”

Interested Nigerians may support the family through their bank account: Guaranty Trust Bank 0148917063, Anyaobi Chukwudi Peter.

A Nigerian man of God is in tears after catching his spouse who can be Osofo Maame in mattress along with his assistant pastor.

The heartbroken man of God is heard calling the spouse a shame to womanhood.


The person of God within the video which has gone viral is heard praying in tongues to curse his spouse and his assistant pastor.

” I trusted you this younger man, I introduced you to my house and made you my assistant pastor and also you do that to me. How might you? The person of God to his assistant pastor.


” You name your self a girl of God. You’re a shame to womanhood and the church. How might you do that to me and blame the satan? Have you ever forgotten the wages of sin is dying?” He chastised his spouse.

From the video, you could possibly inform the person of God who continues to be carrying a Bible most likely got here again from evangelism solely to satisfy his spouse in that situation.

It has been alleged that extra ladies cheat in marriages in comparison with males and a few of these causes are the neglect their spouses present them. However regardless, it’s not an excuse to cheat, in case your partner shouldn’t be satisfying you sexually, communicate with him/ her as an alternative of going out to cheat.

Watch the video beneath;



The post Man Of God Catches Wife In Bed With His Assistant Pastor, Starts Praying In Tongues (+VIDEO) » NewsMixed•com™ first appeared on NewsMixed.

Man Of God Catches Wife In Bed With His Assistant Pastor, Starts Praying In Tongues (+VIDEO) » NewsMixed•com™


Acting on intelligence on the incursion of terrorists into the Southwest part of Nigeria, 151 suspected invaders with dangerous charms and photographs of combat trainings were yesterday arrested by men of the Ondo State Security Network, Amotekun Corps in Ondo State.

They were intercepted around Sango, Akure/Ado road by its team who were on ‘stop and search’ at about 6:30 am as they became suspicious of their movement.

The trailers’ drivers conveying them said they were coming from Kastina, Kano and Jigawa states, claiming that they picked the invaders in groups heading to South West states.
It was learnt that the 151 suspects included five women, hidden behind beans and rice bags inside the trailers.
Confirming the report, the State Commander of Amotekun, Akogun Adetunji Adeleye said the suspects were cleverly concealed behind bags of rice.Upon interception, we asked of their destinations, some said Akure while others said Osogbo in Osun state. Although, we have not completed profiling them, as none of them has an idea of what they were going to do or their mission. All they were able to tell us is that they entered the vehicle and came to Ondo State.

When the vehicles were searched 10 bikes and various dangerous charms were found
Akogun Adeleye however stress that while respecting their rights as Nigerians, yet, we are not sure of what they are here for, we still feel that while traveling, anyone should have a mission and destination at where he or she is going to.Adeleye said as long as they don’t have anybody that is ready to take custody of them in Ondo state, we will send them back to their various states.
The brothers were said to be on the same motorcycle when they had a fatal collision with a tipper lorry on the Owa-Okei Road, Owa which led to their death on May 24, 2022.
A father has lamented after his two sons were killed by a tipper in Delta state.
According to the Nigerian man identified as Wesley Anthony Ogheneruona Ojih, from Ebor- Orogun, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, his two sons died in a motor accident same day. 
The teenagers, Favour Ogheneruona, 16, and Precious Ogheneruona,14, were laid to rest in their hometown after a funeral service at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Agbor on Thursday, July 21, 2022. 
The brothers were said to be on the same motorcycle when they had a fatal collision with a tipper lorry on the Owa-Okei Road, Owa which led to their death on May 24, 2022.
In an interview published by Ika Weekly Newspaper on Tuesday, August 2, Ogheneruona Ojih revealed that his first son was looking forward to studying Engineering, while the second hoped to become a medical doctor before the age of 22. 
"I had a total of five sons until I lost my first two sons, Precious and Favour Ogheneruona, to death; who had concluded their May/June WAEC examination and just started the NECO examination," he said. 
"They have only written Marketing and Physics Practical before the ugly incident that occurred on the 24th, of May 2022.
"On that fateful day, they had no examination to write, so they decided to join their mother, my wife, and me on the farm at Otolokpo and by 1 pm, to go back to Agbor for their NECO thumbprinting. It was on their way back, between Owa Ekei and Owa Alero, that a big truck (tipper) crushed them to death.
"Their death was a huge loss to us, as my first son was already anticipating studying Engineering, while the second one to become a medical doctor, before the age of twenty-two.
"We loved our children so much; they were very obedient and are committed to our well-being of the family, even at their young age. They were working for us because they were envisaging that as they are working for us, we the parents will in turn would use those resources to send them to the University."
He further added, “The Bible said we should give God thanks in every situation of life, actually, it is better they died that way than becoming a nuisance to society and source of burden to us because the impact of the accident on them was tremendous.”
"To the glory of God, despite the fact my late sons died at a young age, they were able to write their names in the sands of time."
The late brothers were students of Igumbor Otiku Secondary School, and according to their father would be greatly missed by the school community as well as St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Agbor, their former parish; Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Abavo and St Dominic Catholic Church, Otolokpo will really miss them.
Speaking further, he advised everyone to live in a way that pleases God and humanity, adding that there is no need for people to live their lives as if they are the owner, saying that one day, all will give account to God.
"At least when we die people should be able to say one or two good things about us. And parents should know that the devil is after the youths, as such they should raise up their children in the fear of God and not go into fetish activities so that the destiny of the children would not be damaged," he concluded.
The video of a police officer assaulting a yet-to-be-identified man by hitting him repeatedly with a machete has gone viral.
A video has surfaced showing a powerdrunk police officer assaulting a Nigerian man with machete.
The shocking video has left tongues wagging online.
The police officer could be seen assaulting the man repeatedly by hitting him with a machete
According to eyewitnesses, the incident happened in Ekori community in Cross River State. 
Reacting to the video, the spokesperson of the Nigeria Police Force, CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, said the Commissioner of Police in the state has been contacted and necessary action will be taken on the incident. 
Watch the video of the assault below:

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