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How the ‘Queen of Canada’ is making inroads into the U.S., Australia and beyond

Saturday, 03 September 2022 13:51 Written by

Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed ‘Queen of Canada,’ is expanding her reach. (Shutterstock)

Christine Sarteschi, Chatham University

Romana Didulo is a Canadian conspiracy theorist who falsely asserts she is the queen and ruler of Canada. On her instructions, some of her disciples recently attempted to arrest police officers in southern Ontario.

The plan was then to turn the police over to the military to be tried as war criminals. If convicted of crimes against humanity, the police officers would be executed, according to Didulo. Instead, her followers were arrested and charged with assaulting police officers.


Nonetheless, Didulo is making strides in replicating her movement in the United States and beyond.

This expansion began in July 2022. As a behavioural scientist and researcher of what’s known as the sovereign citizenship movement, I have been monitoring Didulo and how she’s expanding her reach.

In the United States, the “Kingdom of America” is now being led by “His Highness King David J Carlson” and his wife “Her Highness Lady Sarah MG Carlson.” The couple are residents of Arizona but little else is known about them.

‘Clinton cartel’

“King Carlson” claims to be “Commander-in-Chief” of the “United States Armed Forces Civilian Command.” He claims he was awarded this position after a failed coup attempt “by the Clinton cartel to overthrow the election of Donald Trump. The military then stepped in and made sure that Donald Trump actually took office.”

The military then allegedly showed its gratitude by making him King of America and commander-in-chief. He offers no evidence to support his contention.


If the Carlsons and Didulo have their way, they would install a “benevolent monarchy” under natural law or God’s law. Didulo’s 79 royal decrees would become law. As “civilian white hats” (a QAnon reference to freedom fighters), the people would become “sovereign free beings,” guided by “sovereign principles.”

They want to create “secondary government for if and when the other governments fall or fail.” Their monarchy system would eliminate politics seen as divisive and a tool used by the “evil cabal” to “brainwash humanity.”

They are currently recruiting volunteers for leadership positions in all 50 states. To date, they have identified “ministers” for 30 states. These ministers are encouraged to build a following for themselves and to create their own security teams. King Carlson has also appointed a “Minister of National Global Intelligence, US Navy,” a “Minister of Global Affairs” and an “Advisory Minister of the Kingdom of America, US Army.”

As part of the Carlson-Didulo outreach efforts, they’ve been contacting public officials. They have written letters to the attorney general of Florida, Miami-Dade County officials, managers for the city of Miami, veterans’ groups and high-profile Republicans via the social media website, Truth Social.

They write that the movement “is being brought to the world’s attention, [and] the Kingdom of America will be mirroring her Royal Majesty Queen Romana.”

Rift developing

Interestingly, a rift between King David and Queen Romana has emerged. Despite her contention that she’s queen, he does not yet consider her as such (he says she’s a contender and in the running). Carlson also believes that Didulo’s decrees are not law, but he aims to implement them.

The most noteworthy decrees erase all debts, make electricity free, abolish income tax and make water bills illegal. Didulo’s followers have responded by not paying their bills, and are beginning to lose their properties and homes.

Her edicts are causing tangible harm to her followers. If her movement gains traction in the U.S. and other countries, we can expect similar outcomes.

Beyond the leaders Didulo has appointed in the United States, leaders have also been appointed for Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, England, Vietnam, Switzerland, Hungary and the German state of Bavaria.

Didulo announced a woman named Helen Edwards is now “queen, commander-in-chief and president” of Australia and New Zealand. Edwards was chosen by Didulo because she was “familiar with her work more than anyone else” and for her fight against the “deep state cabal.”

Edwards has since started her own page on the Telegram messaging app to communicate with her subjects.

Helen Edward’s first post to her Telegram followers.

She states, in her personal biography, that she had previously worked as a public interest officer, a cybercrime analyst, is an advocate for justice and is a humanitarian. In the footsteps of Didulo, she too regards herself as a benevolent ruler.

The new leader of Germany and Austria is “Her Royal Majesty Queen Regina.” “Her Royal Majesty Queen Xuyen Nguyen” will rule Vietnam, and “Her Royal Majesty Queen Meryl” has been tapped to run Switzerland.

Five leaders, from the “Kingdom of Britain for Natural Law,” publicly discussed their plans to parallel Didulo’s ideology in their respective towns. They spoke about their decision to stop paying their bills, fully expecting not to lose their homes. One of the leaders, mimicking Didulo’s travel in an RV, said she would also be travelling around, greeting the people.

‘Sovereign citizens’

Didulo and her people are seeking to replace legitimate governments in all of North America via their movement. Her claims are many, outrageous and all without proof.

She claims to be a reptilian shape-shifter who can become invisible at any given time. She claims to have healing chambers aboard her many space ships, with the power to heal any disease and only available to her believers.

Many of her edicts mandate the death penalty. She has advocated hanging people upside down from helicopters and dropping them to their deaths in crocodile-infested waters.

Her claims, though ridiculous and without seeming merit, led directly to the alleged assault of Canadian police officers.

She may be laughable but she is most certainly not harmless, and her movement’s global expansion needs to be taken seriously by authorities.The Conversation

Christine Sarteschi, Associate Professor of Social Work & Criminology, Chatham University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Killer identified after he licked an envelope

Saturday, 27 August 2022 11:58 Written by

•Anna Kane



After more than three decades of questions and grief, Tamika Reyes finally knows who killed her mother.

Anna Kane was 26 when her body was found on October 23, 1988, in a wooded area near Reading, Pennsylvania, with baling twine around her neck. An investigation revealed she'd been strangled elsewhere and dumped in the woods.

A local newspaper, the Reading Eagle, ran a front-page story seeking information on Kane's death. In February 1990, about 15 months after she was killed, the paper received an anonymous letter from a "concerned citizen" with information that only the killer would know, police said.

The letter writer also left his DNA when he licked the envelope. The DNA from the saliva matched what was found on Kane's clothing, authorities said this week.

But years turned into decades, and police still didn't know who the suspect was. Finally, in 2022, Pennsylvania State Police used genetic genealogy testing to identify the killer -- a local man named Scott Grim -- law enforcement officers said at a news conference last week.

Now Reyes finally has some answers -- although she's sad for her grandmother, who died before learning the case was solved.

"I felt a little bit of everything when I found out," she told CNN. "I was happy to finally put a face behind the monster who took her from us, (and) upset that he will never be able to face consequences."

The Ontelaunee Trail in Perry Township, where Kane's body was found, as seen in October 1988.

The Ontelaunee Trail in Perry Township, where Kane's body was found, as seen in October 1988.

She was 9 when her mother was killed

For 34 years, Reyes, along with her two brothers and their grandmother, have wondered who killed Kane. The lack of closure has added to the distress of losing their mother, she said.

Then Reyes got a call last week from a detective about a stunning development in the case.

After years of waiting for justice, she was relieved investigators finally had named her mother's killer. But she was disappointed to learn that Grim had died in 2018 of natural causes at age 58 and will not pay for robbing her and her siblings of a childhood with a mother.

Reyes was 9 when her mother was killed, and said she thinks about her every day.

"She was a firecracker -- very outgoing, not afraid of anything, very honest, blunt and caring," she said.

Tamika Reyes: "No child should ever have to grow up without their mom."


Tamika Reyes: "No child should ever have to grow up without their mom."

Reyes said one of her fondest childhood memories was taking walks with her mother and seeing her suddenly dance to random music playing in stores as they passed.

After her death, Reyes' aunt took her in and raised her while her two brothers moved in with their father.

Reyes said she's still bothered by the image the media painted of her mother, who was unemployed at the time of her death. Although her mother had a dark past that included drug use and prostitution, she was trying to turn her life around, Reyes said.

"She was portrayed as this slain prostitute, like she deserved what happened to her," said Reyes, 43, who lives in Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania. "It was hurtful. She was more than that, she was a victim. She was a mother. She was loved. No one deserves what happened to her."

Investigators used breakthrough technology to crack the case

Investigators said they identified Grim as the killer using genetic genealogy, which combines DNA evidence and traditional genealogy to find biological connections among people.

In recent years, companies like 23andMe and Ancestry have encouraged people to explore their genealogy by spitting into a tube and sending it off for analysis. These companies then send back information on their clients' ethnic heritage, genetic health risks and family tree -- as well as a raw data file of their DNA.

With millions of users seeking to explore their genetic roots, the practice has become a big business. It's also become a valuable tool for law enforcement officers trying to solve old crimes.

DNA collected from crime scenes can now be uploaded to an online service that compares it to DNA submitted by people using companies like 23andMe to explore their genealogy.

If a possible match is found, genealogists can build out family trees to help police find potential suspects. In recent years this method has helped solve some of the nation's most high-profile cold cases, including the one of the notorious Golden State Killer.

Investigators analyzed Kane's clothing and found traces of an unknown man's DNA. They later determined that it matched the DNA on the envelope from 1990, confirming investigators' belief that the person behind the letter was the killer.

But while while investigators had Grim's DNA profile, there was nothing to identify him because he had never been arrested for anything that required his DNA to be put into the system, authorities said.

Scott Grim, in an undated photo.

That's where genetic genealogy came in. Genetic genealogy's effectiveness in cold cases depends on the quality of crime scene DNA and whether it has degraded, State Police Trooper Daniel Womer said at a news conference last week.

The detectives' careful preservation of DNA evidence in 1988 provided a solid foundation for today's investigators to examine with new technology, Pennsylvania State Police Sgt. Nathan Trate said at the news conference.

"All of that stuff was ... preserved the way it should be, because they knew probably somewhere down the line whatever they collected could be that little piece of evidence (to solve the case)," Trate said. "Well, here we are in 2022, and that little piece of evidence that they collected was exactly what we needed."

Reyes still has questions for her mother's killer

Investigators don't know much about Grim other than he lived in the nearby Hamburg, Pennsylvania, area.

They're trying to determine whether he knew Kane, and have urged anyone who knows the nature of their relationship to reach out. So far, they've found no ties.

"But that doesn't mean there wasn't some connection that we haven't figured out yet," Womer said.

Kane was reportedly working as a prostitute at the time she was killed and may have been meeting a customer, Womer said, adding that police are trying to determine whether it was Grim.

The Pennsylvania State Police have declined to release the 1990 letter to the newspaper or to elaborate on exactly what it said.

"There was just intimate details about where she was disposed of, how her clothes were displayed, stuff like that," Womer said. "This led investigators to believe that whoever wrote the letter had committed the homicide."

Investigators said the biggest breakthrough in the case happened this year after they obtained a new sample of Grim's DNA to compare with the older evidence. They declined to elaborate how they obtained his DNA when he's been dead for four years.

"It was obtained legally through a search warrant," Trate said.

Now that they have identified Grim's DNA, police will review other open cold cases to see if he was involved, Womer said.

Meanwhile, Reyes still misses her mother.

"It has been hard growing up without a mom," she said. "No child should ever have to grow up without their mom."

Reyes still has so many questions she'd ask Grim if he was still alive. Why did he kill a young woman who was just trying to take care of her children? And what went through his mind when he learned she had a family that loved her?

Reyes knows she'll never get the answers. But she's glad her family finally knows her mother's killer. (CNN)




Nigeria assures Canada of increased assault against criminals

Thursday, 25 August 2022 02:09 Written by

The federal government said security agencies have made a lot of progress in suppressing criminality in the last one month.

Minister of Police Affairs Muhammad Dingyadi spoke on Wednesday at a meeting with Canadian High Commissioner James Christoff.

He assured that “within the next three to five months”, Nigeria’s security situation would have improved due to sustained assault.

“We are doing the best that we can to ensure that we face the issue. We will hit them (criminals) with the language they understand.”

Dinyadi solicited the support of the Canadian government and other countries on exchange of intelligence.

The minister hailed Canada for its contributions to Nigeria and partnership with the Police Force over the years.

He added that the government “is ever ready” for collaboration on intelligence gathering, training, technological improvement, education and others.

In his remarks, Christoff said both nations have had a broad relationship and are witnessing growth in relations.

The envoy recalled that his country has been helping to address security issues, economic development, among others,

“I want to extend our thanks on behalf of the mission for the support we received from the Nigeria Police Force.

“We will continue to have a very good relationship in terms of exchange of information”, Christoff assured.

A police dog bit an unarmed Texas woman for 62 seconds. A federal judge dismissed her excessive force lawsuit.

Thursday, 18 August 2022 00:46 Written by
A police dog bit an unarmed Texas woman for 62 seconds. A federal judge dismissed her excessive force lawsuit.

A federal judge ruled that it was not “unreasonable” for a police officer to use a patrol dog on an unarmed Texas woman who suffered significant injuries after the animal bit her for roughly 62 seconds, court documents show.

The decision, filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court in Houston and first reported by NBC News, dismissed an excessive force lawsuit filed in April 2020 over the July 5, 2018, incident in Conroe, north of Houston.

The encounter was recorded in body camera video that showed the dog, Thor, repeatedly biting Olivia Sligh, 29, as his handler appeared to shout release commands that were not obeyed. 

In an interview this week, Sligh said the incident left her with more than a dozen scars, herniated discs and questions about how officers responded to a 911 call from her boyfriend, who reported that she was suicidal and had cut herself after a change in medication.

“What they should have done is treated me like a mentally ill person, and not like I just shot somebody,” she said. “That’s how I feel I got treated.”

Olivia Sligh is approached by police officers and a K-9 officer from the Conroe police K-9.Conroe Police Dept

Judge Charles Eskridge said the use of force was warranted because Sligh resisted Conroe Police Department K-9 officer Tyson Sutton and Montgomery County Sheriff’s Deputy Alexis Montes.

The decision says she “assaulted” Montes while he tried to handcuff her.

The officer’s “use of the canine under these circumstances can’t be said to be unreasonable,” Eskridge said. “Neither can it be said that his subsequent inability to instantly detach the canine somehow made its use unreasonable.”

He added: “True, the time from bite to detachment amounted to about sixty-two seconds, but this was in the midst of Sligh’s own continued struggles and multiple instructions for the canine to detach — with the initial bite occurring only because Sligh refused to comply with orders and physically resisted arrest.”

Sligh denied assaulting Montes, telling NBC News that “I was pulling my arms and not letting him grab me.”

Steven Selbe, a lawyer for Sutton, applauded the judge’s decision, saying Eskridge “carefully considered the motions, viewed the available video evidence and produced a thoughtful and well-reasoned opinion granting the motions to dismiss of Officer Sutton and the City. We agree with his reasoning.”

The encounter occurred in a wooded area, where Sligh fled after her partner, Johnathon Stapleton, tried taking her to the hospital, according to the lawsuit. She told NBC News that she was experiencing a “downward spiral” after a psychiatrist prescribed her lithium for bipolar disorder.

Sligh said she had been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder several years before, and the new medication “made me more depressed, more upset,” she said. “I was lashing out.”

In body camera video provided by Sligh’s lawyer, an officer dispatched to find her can be heard saying that Stapleton reported that she had also been drinking heavily.

After several minutes of tracking her, the video shows Sutton, the K-9 officer, finding Sligh and saying: “Do not walk towards me, do not walk towards me. The dog will bite you.”

“You’re hunting me, but don’t walk towards you,” she could be heard responding, before adding an expletive. 

Sligh appears to respond with another expletive after Montes orders her to put her hands behind her back.

“I haven’t done nothing,” she can be heard saying.

It isn’t clear if the officers asked Sligh about her injury or her mental illness before instructing her to place her hands behind her back. The video does not appear to show them addressing the matter and the judge’s decision does not provide details. Sligh said she did not recall the officers asking.

The officers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Selbe, Sutton’s lawyer, said in a statement that “it is both ironic and sad that deputy Montes and officer Sutton were trying to help the plaintiff and her actions led to an additional injury occurring.”

He added: “However, the video clearly contradicts plaintiff’s allegations of reckless, out-of-control officers and instead reveals that they did it right.”

As the encounter escalates, the body camera video shows Sutton shining a flashlight on Sligh as she appears to struggle with the deputy. Moments later, Sutton can be seen releasing Thor and Sligh is heard repeatedly screaming.

“Get this dog off me,” she can be heard shouting at one point.

Eventually, the dog releases its bite and the officers can be heard telling Sligh to put her hands behind her back. 

Sligh was taken into custody, according to the decision. She told NBC News that no charges were filed against her.

Olivia Sligh, boyfriend Johnathon Stapleton and her children.
Olivia Sligh, boyfriend Johnathon Stapleton and her children.Courtesy Olivia Sligh

A spokesman for the Conroe Police Department referred questions about the case to the city attorney, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday. The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office also referred questions to the county attorney’s office, which did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Ian Adams, a professor of criminal justice at the University of South Carolina and a police dog and use of force expert, wasn’t familiar with the case but reviewed the video and court documents for NBC News. 

He said he understood why authorities might have wanted to act quickly and use a dog to search for Sligh, given that she had harmed herself and was bleeding, and it wasn’t clear where she was.

But Adams questioned why the officer relied on what he described as “one of the highest levels of force that can be used.”

“Why weren’t other uses of force used?” he said, especially since there was no evidence Sligh was armed. Adams also found the duration of Thor’s bite “concerning.”

“That’s a long time for a dog to be on a bite,” he said. “Five or more release commands from the handler is too many by any certification standard.”

It isn’t clear who certifies Conroe police dogs or what the department’s K-9 policies or standards are. A police spokesman declined to comment, citing the lawsuit.

Sligh’s lawyer, Randall Kallinen, filed a notice of appeal in the case Aug. 11.


See video of Onlyfans model, Courtney Clenney attacking Nigerian-American boyfriend Christian Obumseli in elevator months before she murdered him

Friday, 12 August 2022 18:08 Written by
See video of Onlyfans model, Courtney Clenney attacking Nigerian-American boyfriend Christian Obumseli in elevator months before she murdered him


Two months before she murdered her boyfriend, Nigerian model and businessman, Christian Obumseli, Courtney Clenney, 26, viciously attacked him in an elevator. 


In a footage released this week by prosecutors as part of evidence they found to arrest Courtney over Christian's death, she was filmed slapping, punching and pulling his hair as the 27 year old desperately tried to fend off her attack.


See video of Onlyfans model, Courtney Clenney attacking Nigerian-American boyfriend Christian Obumseli in elevator months before she murdered him


Two months later, on April 3rd, 2022, Courtney stabbed Christian to death with a knife in their luxury Miami apartment. The two had been together for two years.


She claimed self defence at the time and was released. But prosecutors recently found evidence to suggest otherwise. It was even her mum who asked her to claim self defence. 


She was officially arrested this week and has been charged with his murder .


At a press conference Thursday afternoon, August 11, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle revealed shocking evidence in the case against Clenney, claiming Obumseli had been a victim of domestic violence that ultimately killed him. Fernandez Rundle showed surveillance footage of an altercation in the elevator in the luxury apartment building where the couple lived that took place several weeks before the stabbing incident. 


See video of Onlyfans model, Courtney Clenney attacking Nigerian-American boyfriend Christian Obumseli in elevator months before she murdered him


In the video, Clenney, in a white bra top and plaid loungewear pants, pushes, shoves, and jumps on Obumseli, who wears a blue T-shirt and black track pants. He puts his arms out and turns his back to her to press buttons on the elevator panel. At one point, he appears to briefly put her in a headlock, and later pushes her face with his hand. 


Fernandez Rundle claimed the clip showed “the defendant aggressively attacking Christian,” adding, “I think [the video] was a descriptive way to show what the relationship was and who the aggressor was.”


Projecting an illustration of a kitchen knife on a screen, Fernandez Rundle explained that on April 3, Clenney stabbed Obumseli with a six-inch blade that penetrated three inches into his chest and pierced his subclavian artery, killing him. She said the medical examiner found that wound was caused by a downward stroke into Obumseli’s chest, contradicting Clenney’s claim that she’d thrown the knife at Obumseli from about 10 feet away. Beyond that, the prosecutor said, there were no signs on Clenney’s body that she’d been injured during the altercation with Obumseli, despite her telling police that he’d pushed her against the wall by her neck and then shoved her to the ground. 


Authorities believe Clenney stabbed Obumseli between 4:33 pm, when he arrived home with sandwiches, and 4:57, when she called 911. They added that Clenney had been on the phone with her mother at the time of the stabbing. Her mother told authorities she heard the couple arguing while she was talking with her daughter. About 10 minutes before Clenney called 911, building management called police alerting them to a disturbance in Clenney and Obumseli’s unit. During Clenney’s 911 call, Fernandez Rundle said, Obumseli could be heard in the background repeatedly saying he was dying and that he was losing feeling in his arm. Clenney could be heard saying, “I’m so sorry, baby.”


Their friends painted a picture of Clenney as an aggressive partner with a history of alleged violence toward other men she’d dated, and who joked about her persona as the “toxic girlfriend” as an excuse. 


See video of Onlyfans model, Courtney Clenney attacking Nigerian-American boyfriend Christian Obumseli in elevator months before she murdered him


Authorities are in the process of extraditing Clenney from Hawaii to Miami. She has not yet appeared before a judge. 


Watch the video below...



12-year-old Boy Kills Nigerian Mum In US

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 17:40 Written by


The deceased, Ayobiyi Cook


Authorities said the child let off a firearm early Saturday, August 6, killing his 29-year-old Nigerian mum.


A 12-year-old boy has shot dead his mother in their Alabama home in the United States after initially lying about how she died.

Authorities said the child, who has not been publicly identified, let off a firearm early Saturday, August 6, killing his 29-year-old Nigerian mum, Ayobiyi Cook.

Cook’s husband, a police officer in nearby Birmingham, was at work at the time of the incident, Birmingham police told Washington Post.

It was not immediately clear who owned the gun and how the child got it.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said the boy admitted to the incident after first fabricating a story about what had happened.

A statement by the authorities said there “appeared to be no forced entry into the home,” but “a man was seen fleeing from the residence.”

Detectives were unable to recover evidence, according to the statement.

In an updated statement, detectives said “the child eventually gave a true account of what happened.”

“The family has been cooperative throughout the process and the child will remain with them,” according to the statement. “This offense is a tragedy for the Cook family and the entire community.”

The case will be handled in the family court system.

‘Biloela’ Tamil family finally gets permanent residency

Tuesday, 09 August 2022 00:08 Written by

AAP/Darren England

Michelle Grattan, University of Canberra

The Tamil “Biloela” family has been granted permanent residency by the Albanese government.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles announced on Friday he had used his ministerial power to intervene to give visas to the family to allow them to stay permanently.

For the Nadesalingam family, whose cause was taken up by the Biloela community where they had settled, it is the end of a battle that involved years of detention, including on Christmas Island, court action and uncertainty.

The parents came to Australia separately by boat, met and married here, and their two daughters, Kopika and Tharnicaa, were born in Australia.

But their refugee claims were rejected, and they were put into detention after their visas expired in 2018.

One of the first acts of the Labor government was to allow the family to return to the Queensland town.

A team from the Home Affairs department visited the family to tell them personally of the decision.


Giles said Labor had promised before the election that it would allow the family to return to Biloela and would resolve their immigration status.

“Today, the government has delivered on that promise,” he said.

He said the decision “follows careful consideration of the Nadesalingam family’s complex and specific circumstances”.

He also sent a strong message designed to tell people smugglers not to take the decision as a signal. Since the change of government several boats have been intercepted from Sri Lanka and the people returned.

“During the past two months, the government has demonstrated we will continue to intercept and return any unauthorised vessels seeking to reach Australia, ” Giles said.

“For anyone who attempts to migrate via an unauthorised boat to Australia – you will be caught, returned or sent to a regional processing country.

"This government remains committed to Operation Sovereign Borders and stopping people smuggling.”

But shadow home affairs minister Karen Andrews said “actions have consequences and this sets a high profile precedent.

"It undermines the policy that if you come here illegally you will never settle in Australia,” she said.The Conversation

Michelle Grattan, Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Tragedy As Father Kills Wife And Three Daughters Before Committing Suicide (Photo)

Thursday, 04 August 2022 17:34 Written by
Two of the daughters
When officers arrived to the scene on Lake District Lane in Lake Nona, one of the cops on duty had to step outside after becoming sick because of the upsetting nature of the ordeal.
A father  has taken the life of his wife and their three daughters before taking his own life.
The tragic incident happened in Orlando, Florida.  
Donovan Michael Ramirez, 45, is believed to have murdered his wife Stephanie Renee Ramirez, 39, and daughters Alyssa Berumen, 22, Sunny Ramirez, 11, and Shelby Rose Ramirez, seven, in a domestic abuse-related attack. 
Police confirmed that they found a firearm at the grisly scene on Tuesday afternoon after they were called for a wellbeing check - but the cause of deaths of the tragic family have not yet been confirmed. 
When officers arrived to the scene on Lake District Lane in Lake Nona, one of the cops on duty had to step outside after becoming sick because of the upsetting nature of the ordeal. 
Friends and family of the victims laid flowers outside the home as classmates of 11-year-old Sunny paid tribute to their 'caring' friend last night. 
Katelyn Rampersad and Amarie Padovani, both 11, attended Northlake Park Community School with Sunny - and said she was their 'best friend' who made them feel at home in Florida.
The motive behind the murder-suicides is not yet clear. 
Orlando Police Department said: 'At this time, it appears this is a domestic violence-related incident.' 
One neighbor Heather Collins told WESH: 'I think it's like a worst nightmare truly. I don't even know what happened exactly. My heart goes out to the family. I can't even begin to wrap my mind around any of this, especially if there were family involved.
'I didn't hear anything, I wish I did. I definitely would have liked to have been that concerned neighbor that did something in this situation.'
Another local Jose Sanchez said that he would see the family out in the yard and that the neighborhood has never seen anything like this before. 
He said: 'See them out in the yard when I do my walks in the morning. Say hi, nothing out of the ordinary or anything strange. Shocking. First thing I thought was like about the kids, that's the first thing you think is the poor kids, you know, small children.
'Been here seven years in this neighborhood and first time we've seen something like this happening. You don't know how to react, really.' 
Dr. Lisa Spector, a mother whose daughter was friends with the two victims, said: 'I wanted to honor this sweet, beautiful, young lady and her sister and her family.'
The investigation continues.

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