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U.S. Expels 35 Russian Diplomats, Closes Two Compounds as Feud Aggravates

Friday, 30 December 2016 13:35 Written by
The U.S has sanctioned Russia over alleged interference of Russian hackers in the recently concluded election to give Donald Trump an edge.
President Barack Obama on Thursday ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian suspected spies and imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies over their involvement in hacking U.S. political groups in the 2016 presidential election.
The measures, taken during the last days of Obama's presidency, mark a new post-Cold War low in U.S.-Russian ties and set up a potential flashpoint between incoming President-elect Donald Trump and fellow Republicans in Congress over how to deal with Moscow.
Obama, a Democrat, had promised consequences after U.S. intelligence officials blamed Russia for hacks intended to influence the 2016 election. Officials pointed the finger directly at Russian President Vladimir Putin for personally directing the efforts and primarily targeting Democrats, who put pressure on Obama to respond.
"These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior," Obama said in a statement from Hawaii, where he is on vacation.
"All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions," he said.
It was not clear whether Trump, who has repeatedly praised Putin and nominated people seen as friendly toward Moscow to senior administration posts, would seek to roll back the measures once he takes office on Jan. 20.
Trump has brushed aside allegations from the CIA and other intelligence agencies that Russia was behind the cyber attacks. He said on Thursday he would meet with intelligence officials soon.
“It's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things," Trump said in a statement.
"Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation," he said, without mentioning Russia.
The Kremlin, which denounced the sanctions as unlawful and promised "adequate" retaliation, questioned whether Trump approved of the new sanctions. Moscow denies the hacking allegations.
U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia was behind hacks into Democratic Party organizations and operatives ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. U.S. intelligence officials say the Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Republican and Democratic lawmakers have voiced concern about Russia's actions, setting up a potential wall of opposition should Trump seek to overturn Obama's measures.

Plane engine explodes in the air

Monday, 29 August 2016 00:00 Written by

A Southwest Airlines flight from New Orleans to Orlando was forced to make an emergency landing when one of the engines failed, the airline said.

A woman who was on the plane with her husband and three children told CNN affiliate KOCO that the engine was right outside her window.

"It was just a big explosion. There was some smoke and then nothing," she told the Oklahoma City station . "I saw parts flapping in the wind."

The plane started shaking and breathing masks were deployed as the airliner descended.

None of the 99 passengers or five crew members was hurt, Southwest said.

The plane, Southwest Flight 3472, diverted to Pensacola when the crew declared an emergency, the Federal Aviation Administration said. Southwest described the engine trouble as a mechanical issue.

"(The crew) stayed professional. They were amazing," the woman, who was not identified, told KOCO. "I mean, we couldn't have had a better crew, and it was thanks to that pilot that we're all alive."

The woman said that once the plane seemed to stabilize, one of the pilots came into the cabin and told the passengers that the engine was lost.

The FAA and the National Transportation Safety Board are among the agencies investigating the incident.

According to the FAA, the airliner involved is a Boeing 737, which has two turbofan engines, one on each wing. (CNN)


2019 polls: Canada’s Conservative Party begs Nigerian politician for votes

Sunday, 28 August 2016 00:00 Written by
CANADA: A NIGERIAN, Mr. Shola Abdulazeez Agboola, has been invited by the Conservative Party of Canada to help it restructure and revitalised the party ahead of the 2019 federal elections.
The party, which lost majority of its Hose of Common seats in October last year elections to the Liberal Party, pleaded with the Nigerian-Canadian politician living in Manitoba Province, Canada, to do all within his ambit to widened its base in preparation for victory ahead of the next elections.
The Conservation Party (CP) Leader, Mr. Stephen Harper, who ruled as Prime Minister between 2006 and 2015, lost the Federal election to the incumbent Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, of the Liberal Party.
The CP made the plea in a letter sent to Agboola by the party’s newly elected President, Scott Lamb, who sought his inclusion at the federal level in the restructuring of the immediate past ruling party.
Lamb told Agboola, a member on the board of the CP, that he would be valuable in the party’s bid to return to power in four years from now.
 “This summer, I plan to travel across Canada to meet in person with top Conservative Party activists and organisers,” he told the Osun State born Nigerian.  “But my most immediate goal today is to reach out and team up directly with you and our other important Conservative supporters in Manitoba.”
The CP President also pleaded: “I need to know if I count on you to be my partner as we work to expand and strengthen the Conservative Party base in Manitoba in 2016 – and create an unstoppable force that will elect a new Conservative Government in 2019.”
“Let me tell you why I would be so grateful if you will tell me YES today by returning to me the special Pledge of Support I have enclosed in your name, Mr. Agboola,” Lamb, who is the first party President to hail from British Colombia, added.
While further wooing Agboola, the CP President said that his predecessor, John Walsh, had praised the Nigerian deep sense of dedication and many contributions he had given the party over the years.
Similarly, Lamb said that he was aware of overture from the CP’s Leader, Rona Ambrose, who contacted him since the party became the official opposition in the House of Commons.
Lamb further stressed that Agboola’s steady commitment to the party over the years gave him the conviction of his belief in the CP’s victory which depends on “large-based party organisation.”
While reacting to this development, a highly elated Agboola said: “Of course, I felt happy and honoured. It is quite a big deal for me to be recognized for what I have contributed to the system.
On being a Nigerian from Africa to serve on the CP board, Agboola, who is the National Liaison Officer of Oodua Progressive Union Canada Chapter, stressed: “It makes me feel so proud of what I have managed to accomplish as a Nigerian immigrant.
“The reason for being the only Black to serve on the board is that as you may have know, traditionally, most immigrants especially those from Africa tend to lean toward the Liberal Party, but because I know we share lots of Conservative values as Africans in terms of personal responsibility, free market, low tax, and strong family ties etc it does not take me long to realize I have a niche within the party,” he emphasised.
While speaking on the development, the President of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. and the Public Relations Officer of Oodua Progressive Union Canada Chapter, Chief ‘Femi Shodunke, said that the recognition was a clear testimony of the profound abilities of Nigerians to showcase their skill and knowledge of the political terrain in any environment they found themselves.
“This is good news.  This is a great development to Nigeria, Africa and our people here in Canada, and a clear testimony and confirmation of our people’s prowess to excel in any area, particularly politics in a saner environment,” Shodunke, who is also the Publisher of Canada-based GatewayMail online newspaper, said. 

He added: “I am indeed glad on this recognition for our fellow Nigerian-Canada brother and I look forward to more political opportunities for our people, particularly to show our talents and contribute largely to the Canadian society.








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Two friends kill Professor over his will

Saturday, 27 August 2016 00:00 Written by

A professor, Ronald Bettig’s body was found in a quarry by Police, after he tragically fell 80 feet to his death. But Authorities have discovered that the professor was pushed by 32 year-old Danelle Geier and 39 year-old George Ishler, over his renewed will.

Authorities are saying that the two suspects killed Bettig for the benefits in the will. They originally had planned to drown Bettig during a trip to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, but decided later on to kill him at Centre Country quarry. The suspects managed to get the professor at the quarry by telling him about a potential marijuana harvesting location.

They killed Professor Bettig because they thought he added them to his will, after he had renewed it recently. But they discovered he didn’t include them into it after killing him.



Mr. Francis John, Executive Director-HOPe Africa, at Refugee Immigrant Forum

Friday, 26 August 2016 00:00 Written by

The ever busy Mr. Francis John; Executive Director of HOPe Africa has been  busy for the past few weeks attending conferences in USA.  Full reports are expected to reach OASES NEWS anytime from now for publication. 

Canada: Extraterrestrial Lifeforms Discovered in Meteorite Debris

Monday, 15 August 2016 00:00 Written by

Canada| The fragments of meteorite recovered last week by a team of canadian NASA physicians from Western University, in a frozen field near St-Thomas in Ontario, has turned out to contain some living microorganisms. If the discovery is confirmed, these microscopic lifeforms would become the first extraterrestrial organisms to be encountered alive by human scientists.

Peter Brown, Director of Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration (CPSX), who specializes in the study of meteors and meteorites, says that on the evening of the 18th of March, a long-lasting fireball which occurred near 10:24 p.m. was detected by seven of the all-sky cameras of Western’s Southern Ontario Meteor Network (SOMN). Two camera systems in Ohio and Pennsylvania jointly operated with NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office also captured images of the object.

Brown along with Phil McCausland, an Assistant Professor and Meteorite Curator at Western’s Department of Earth Sciences, have been able to recover fragments of the meteorite thanks to the help of the public. They have been analyzing the object for barely a week, but they have already been capable of gathering many samples of the unidentified lifeforms.

“We had noticed that the mineral fragment seemed to be covered with microscopic grooves and believed we could have found traces of some now extinct lifeforms, like those already discovered on Mars” explains Mr McCausland. “We were extatic when we noticed that many of the organisms were still alive! We were able to collect a few hundreds which we should now be able to study more thoroughly. Of course, this is the kind of discovery which we do not intend to keep for ourselves. Scientists of many different expertises and from all over the world have already manifested their interest in participating in the research. I think it could be years before we learn everything we can from those microorganisms.”

The general director of NASA, Charles F. Bolden, saluted the discovery and praised the canadian university for it’s exceptional contribution to the world’s astrological knowledge. He added that many NASA experts were to take part in the study of these lifeforms.

Obama did not found ISIS – Hillary Clinton replies Trump

Thursday, 11 August 2016 00:00 Written by

Democrats presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton has replied his Republicans counterpart, Donald Trump on his claims that she and Barack Obama were the founders of the Islamic State.

Clinton said anyone who would “sink so low” should never be president of the United States.

“No, Barack Obama is not the founder of ISIS,” Clinton tweeted on Thursday.


“Anyone willing to sink so low, so often should never be allowed to serve as our Commander-in-Chief.”

Trump had during his presidential campaign rally late Wednesday in Florida affirmed that Obama “is the founder of ISIS.

“And I would say, the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.”


Buhari’s Anti-graft War Not Selective – US Ambassador …Says Obama May Visit Nigeria By Editor - Jul 12, 2016 0

Tuesday, 12 July 2016 00:00 Written by

Ambassador of the United States to Nigeria, James Entwistle has said the ongoing anti-corruption war of President Muhammadu Buhari was not selective, saying the President had done what he should do.

Entwistle, who stated this in an an interview with select journalists in Abuja, weekend, said:  “I don’t agree (that the war is selective). I have a lot of respect for President Buhari on the corruption issue. He made it clear during the campaigns that he was going to make that his focus.

“He has done exactly what he said he would do. It’s clear that he has unleashed the investigative agencies, and told them to follow evidence and information wherever it goes.

“I have followed all the things you have just mentioned; that there are prosecutions that are politically-motivated and so on.

“I have been following this, looking for either investigations or arrests that are solely politically-motivated, or only political. I haven’t found any. I think there are cases where there might be a political angle to it, but there are also some real evidence to support the real case.


“That’s something we follow very closely, just as you do. Narrow are the paths of investigations, making arrests, but I hope Nigerians will follow very closely in the next few years as these cases go to court.

“How they are handled in court, how the courts do their job, how the government reacts when inevitably they would lose a case in court, what’s the reaction to that. All these are things that have to be observed and handled very carefully.

“But, the premise of your question is absolutely correct. In any country, it is easy for corruption cases to begin to spin out of control. I don’t see that happening here. I hope all Nigerians will follow that very closely, and if you see it, say it.”

On whether the President had met the expectations of Nigerians since he assumed office a year ago, the ambassador said:  “I see a parallel between President Buhari and President Obama.

President Obama had not been in office for a long time before people began to have the same kind of impatience.

“I think in the US, a lot of people forgot how difficult the situation President Obama inherited was at the time. I think the same thing is happening with President Buhari to a certain degree.

“It’s completely understandable for people to have high expectations. They are impatient, because they want to see change. But, President Buhari inherited a pretty difficult set of circumstances, and some of the things he’s identified what needed to be done — end corruption, reform the petroleum sector, end the conflict in the North East region — are things that even if he works as hard as he can, they are going to take some time to yield the kind of results people expect.

“I understand why people are impatient. I remember a week after inauguration, looking at the newspapers, there was already an editorial that said: ‘Well, Mr. President, it’s been a week, we haven’t seen much yet.’”

Asked if President Barack Obama will ever visit Nigeria before the expiration  of his tenure, Entwistle said:  “Nobody would be happier to see President Obama come to Nigeria than me. But, let me remind you that President Obama is in office for six more months, which is a long time.

“So, we’ll see what happens. Keep in mind that there are other ways to do finer relationships than just a visit by a president.

“When President Buhari went to Washington a year ago this month, he met for a long time with President Obama in the Oval Office. So, we have a very good, high level relationship, even when President Obama has not been to Nigeria. But, as I said, he will be in office for six more months. We will see what happens.

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