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Trump’s impact on Canada’s refugees

Tuesday, 05 December 2017 05:13 Written by

There is no question there is a worldwide refugee crisis, with global border crossings at an all-time high. According to the UN, we currently have more displaced people than during and after the Second World World War. With recent natural disasters in the Caribbean, this number will only increase: More and more people are entering Canada.

As a midwife working in Toronto for almost 18 years, I have dedicated most of my career to the care of newcomers, refugees and the medically uninsured. As a health-care provider on the ground, I can see the changes on a micro level before they are seen at a macro level. I can see the groundswell of newer immigrants — and I think I can fairly accurately say a storm is coming.

Many believe everyone in Canada has health insurance. But since the advent of medicare, Canada has always had populations that lack health insurance. Historically, this has included a few religious sects, such as Amish and Mennonite, as well as marginalized people dealing with issues like homelessness, drug addiction or mental health challenges.

However, in the past two decades, the categories of people without health insurance has dramatically increased to include more newcomers, immigrants and refugees. The reasons for this are complex and related both to changes in Canada’s immigration policies as well as increasing global migration.

A group of refugee claimants from Eritrea cross the border from New York into Canada in March 2017 in Hemmingford, Que. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

Care for pregnant people involves particular challenges. Without health insurance, people need to pay for physician care, hospital fees and diagnostic tests. In a low-risk pregnancy, this can mean costs close to $10,000; with a higher risk pregnancy these costs can double, triple or more. For most pregnant people, these costs are untenable.

As a result, care is minimal, delayed or even refused. Many women choose to give birth alone, show up late in pregnancy or only seek care at the time of labour. This potentially results in higher risk situations — putting a demand on a health-care system that’s already strained for resources.

Even during war, famine and fear, people have sex and get pregnant. In fact, some people argue that refugee populations have more complex needs in pregnancy than the standard population. This is for a variety of reasons. Rape is used as a tool of war and women are particularly targeted during war and genocide. Access to contraception is difficult during war and disaster. And generally, increased life stresses make people less attentive to reproductive health-care needs.

About 20 per cent of all people seeking health care in refugee camps and disaster zones do so for pregnancy-related concerns. As well, clinics in Toronto serving refugees and the uninsured indicate that 20 per cent of all visits are for pregnancy-related issues.

Now add the unanticipated Trump effect

Canada already welcomes a high number of immigrants. But with every anti-immigrant declaration by U.S. President Donald Trump, Canada receives new waves of unanticipated, vulnerable migrants. In the past year, Canada has seen waves of Haitian refugees, Nigerians and others crossing a small-town borders, mostly in Québec.

Anecdotal evidence from my clinic visits tells me that people of colour in the U.S. are terrified of deportation and increased race-related violence. For those fleeing war, economic and political instability, there are few options. Instead of risking being sent back home, many are choosing to enter Canada.

About 20 per cent of all people seeking health care in refugee camps and disaster zones do so for pregnancy-related concerns. (Shutterstock)

While those entering the country are claiming refugee status, the number of accepted refugees in Canada is minimal compared to the number of claimants. Those whose refugee claim is refused face being sent home or living in Canada illegally. For many, there is no choice — going home would mean facing poverty, incarceration, torture or worse.

Recently, I was sitting in my midwifery clinic and doing a first midwifery visit with a newly arrived Nigerian couple from the United States who had entered Canada through Québec. I asked: “I’m seeing a lot more Nigerians in your situation recently, what’s going on in your community?”

They told me everyone was afraid of their immigration status because of Trump. Also, as racialized people, they are increasingly afraid. They had lived in the American Midwest for more than six years and, up until recently, had never experienced the kind of daily, racially motivated violent threats they have since Trump came into office.

The couple had heard of a Nigerian man in a neighbouring state who had been brutally beaten for no apparent reason. They started thinking about fleeing. Getting pregnant was actually the precipitating factor for them to leave.

Two months earlier, I had a Pakistani couple in my clinic who were previously in the U.S. on legal student visas, both attending a southern state university in a small town. They fled because the woman, who wore a hijab, was literally being stoned by people on her way to campus and they were worried about the safety of their two small children. Pregnant with their third child, their fears increased.

After hiding for two weeks in their apartment and running out of food, they fled out of fear for their lives. They travelled along a now well-established line of acquaintances, contacts and safe houses from the southern U.S. to Canada — a makeshift refugee underground railroad for the modern era.

The U.S. has traditionally been seen as a designated “safe country” by Canada — meaning people cannot apply for refugee status while living in the U.S. — but if you are being stoned on the way to school and your president openly supports white supremacist demonstrators, how can we still consider the U.S. a safe country?

Babies still come

A lot of the people crossing the border will be pregnant, and those who choose to stay may get pregnant. Many will be denied a valid refugee claim; many will chose to stay here illegally, without valid immigration status and as a result, without health-care insurance.

Asylum seekers leave Olympic Stadium in August 2017 in Montréal. The stadium is being used as temporary housing to deal with the influx of asylum seekers arriving from the United States. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz)

Keeping people out of the health care system creates more problems than it solves. Pregnancy is a perfect example. Unlike many other health-care issues, most pregnancy outcomes can only be put off for so long — for the most part the babies eventually come.

Unfortunately, research shows that women without health insurance in Ontario don’t get adequate prenatal care. Adequate prenatal care dramatically decreases low birth weight and premature infants.

This lack of care for refugees and the uninsured will cost us all. One of the top five expenditures in all of health care is for the care of babies born too early and too small. We are likely to have more pregnant people without insurance, having little or no access to care and as a result, babies who are less healthy.

The majority of people fleeing poverty, war and violence don’t have the kind of money that health care requires. Some may argue that this is a global problem and not Canada’s problem.

However, whether we like it or not, people are still going to enter our country and stay because of a lack of options. And whether we like it or not, we are paying for it. Regardless, like it or not, resist it or not, people are coming and our health-care system is not ready.

In Ontario, midwives have always been funded to care for any resident of the province, regardless of health care or insurance status. This is similar to Ontario’s Community Health Centres. In 2015, the province increased funding so that any physician who needed to get involved in higher risk pregnancies would also be paid.

As a result, midwives in Ontario are able to provide relatively seamless care to pregnant people without health-care insurance. Research has shown that women under midwifery care have improved outcomes and as a result cost the system less money. However, this isn’t the case in the rest of the country.

Given the wave of refugees coming, and previous experience showing that many of the newcomers will end up lacking health insurance, it only makes sense for other provinces to follow Ontario’s lead and provide the funding for midwives to care for this population.

This will take a substantial burden off the health care system, improve outcomes and ultimately cost less.


Author:  :  Associate Professor, Midwifery Education Program, Ryerson University

Credit link:<img src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" />

We are ready to come back home if...: Nigerians in diaspora give Buhari conditions to return home

Tuesday, 28 November 2017 01:57 Written by
CANADA: NIGERIANS in diaspora have given President Muhammadu Buhari conditions for them to return to contribute their quota to the development of their fatherland.

The President of Olumo Progressive Association, Chief Femi Shodunke, who expressed the feelings of his colleagues, said that fellow citizens were ready to come back to Nigeria, but on the ground that necessary infrastructures, among others, must be put in place to make the country worth living for them.

Shodunke gave the charge over the weekend in Toronto, Canada at the handing over ceremony of the newly elected executive officers of the association, which comprises of indigenes of Egba and Yewa, an ethnic group from Ogun State.

According to him, living abroad for many years, where there are constant electricity, adequate security and abundant social amenities it’s not easy to return to an environment where these facilities are lacking and would not allow for socio-economic and industrial growth.

Shodunke, while giving account of his stewardship after two terms of four years said: “At this juncture, permit me to digress a little bit.  I’m sure by God’s grace we are fortunate to be legal residents of Canada, with many of us as citizens.  But let me remind you that Nigeria is where the journey started.”

“That is our homestead,” Shodunke, who is the Publisher of Canada based GatewayMail newspaper said, adding: “And I’m sure majority of us still cherish and relish Nigeria as our home.”

“It is in this respect that I want to use the exit of my term of office today to urge the leader of our country, President Muhammadu Buhari, to make Nigeria conducive for us not only to come and live, but be encouraging enough to establish varied businesses and industries to particularly expand the economy and provide jobs for our teeming unemployed youths,” the immedidate past president said.

He stressed: “Having lived, and still living, in Canada where social amenities, particularly adequate security and abundant electricity, are available, going to live in Nigeria where these facilities are almost not in existence, truly speaking, is not easy for many of us to adjust to.

*From left are the new officers – Yusuph, Ajirotutu, Ayoola, Muritala, Bakare, Olumide-Ige, Oyewole, Ismail and Faderin after their oath of office.

“In this regard, I’ll urge President Muhammadu Buhari to restore sanity to Nigeria, by providing constant electricity, ensure abundance of social infrastructures to make life easy, to stamp out the menace of kidnapping, which many Nigerians living abroad now perceive with trepidation a lot as hindrance to returning home, to halt wanton killings of fellow hapless citizens particularly by Fulani herdsmen, to deal decisively with corruption which stifles economic growth and disrupt ease of doing business, and to ensure proper clime where democracy, and democratic norms, thrives on a daily basis,” he further told Buhari.

Shodunke, who is also the National Public Relations Officer of Egba National Association USA and Canada, submitted that Buhari has been tackling corruption in the country, but he, however, counselled that the approach “should be holistic, particularly by purging his All Progressive Congress (APC) government of corrupt elements loitering around him.”

He declcared: “Failure to do this is clearly an indication of his partial approach in waging war against corruption in the country, especially in the face of cries by some Nigerians that this administration has been sympathetic to corrupt APC members, who the President has been accused of shielding from prosecution over their noticeable series of financial crimes against our nation.

“The most recent cases in point are those of ex-SGF, Babachir Lawal and former Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency, Ayodele Oke.”

*Shodunke (left) congratulating the President at the ceremony in Toronto, Canada.

He declared: “The germane point I’m making here is that with the rare opportunity, after several attempts, that God gave President Muhammadu Buhari to lead this country, he should utilise it to write his name in gold in the annals of Nigeria.  “History will not forget him and his administration in a hurry due to the great hopes Nigerians have in him, and his administration, if he fails to do so, mostly by failing to embark on programmes that will make many Nigerians in diaspora eager to come home and contribute their quota to the development of their fatherland, and those in the country to feel the ginormous impact of the government they voted for in 2015.

“Similarly, I must also charge the Governor of our home state, Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, to do all within his political power to improve the economic and industrial base of our state.”

“While I want the Governor to improve on the noticeable shortcomings of his administration, like the yet to be completed bridges and roads, I must commend his improvement in revenue generation and attraction of industries to the state.

“I will plead with Governor Ibikunle Amosun to bequeath a lasting legacy, full of socio-economic posperities, to the incoming administration, which will take over from him in 2019.”

He further said: “Finally, let me borrow from my homily to President Buhari and Governor Amosun to task the new leadership of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc, to lead with progressively pragmatic programmes of action.

“It is your duty to lift this association higher more than the level you met it and with God on your side, and all of us too, this is attainable under the leadership of our new President, who, no doubt, permit me to say, has passed through the required tutelage under my Presidency.

“At this auspicious moment, I wish the new Executive Council best of luck and great tenure, and to use the word of the late great educationist and social critic, Dr. Tai Solarin, by saying that ‘may your road be rough’ in the task of paddling the canoe of this association forward in the next two years.”

*Some members at the event.

“From the bottom of my joyous heart, I thank you all for listening to me this afternoon as I bow before you, and leave the stage of leadership as the Fourth President of this noble association, and remain a loyal ‘ordinary’ member in the utmost service to Egbaland, Ogun State, Nigeria and Canada,” Shodunke, a former Deputy Editor with the defunct Nigerian Compass, stressed.

While commending the Patrons of the association – Dr. Leke Badmos, Chief Rasheed Owolabi Taiwo, and Mr. Ganiyu Ayo Biobaku – the former President praised the newly elected members for voluntarily deciding to serve the association.

He said: “Therefore, I commend you, the newly elected officers, too particularly those who voluntarily decided to offer themselves for service again, and those for the first time, in the overall interest of their fatherland, that is, Egbaland and Yewa.

“Similarly, I must not fail to appreciate our Patron in Canada, Dr. Leke Badmos, for his moral and financial support.  May God bless you sir, just as kudos also goes to our Patrons in Nigeria, Chief Rasheed Owolabi Taiwo, who is the Onibode of Egbaland, and Mr. Ganiyu Ayo Biobaku.  You, too, are highly appreciated.”

Officers elected for the next two years are Ms. Aina Muritala (President), Mr. Afolabi Bakare (Vice President), Mrs. Olukemi Olumide-Ige (General Secretary), Mr. Teju Oyewole (Assistant General Secretary), and Mrs. Ayodele Faderin (Treasurer).

Others are Mrs. Esther Ismail (Financial Secretary), Mrs. Adesola Ayoola (Public Relations Officer), Ms. Folake Sanyaolu (Assistant P.R.O), Mrs. Olabisi Yusuph (Social Secretary) and Mr. Wasiu Ajirotutu (Chief Whip).


United States Arrests $300m Abacha Loot

Thursday, 16 November 2017 22:37 Written by

The United States (US) has laid claim to $300 million stashed abroad by the late military dictator, Gen. Sani Abacha.

America allegedly told a court in an unnamed foreign country that it had an interest in the loot because it was saved in its currency, the US dollar.
Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice Abubakar Malami (SAN) and rights activist Mr Femi Falana (SAN) made the claims in Lagos, The Nation reports.

Falana also accused the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) of failing to remit over $21.7 billion since 1999.

He urged the Federal Government to extend efforts to recover looted funds to “the few Nigerians who have been indicted in the Panama and Paradise papers. The EFCC and the Federal Inland Revenue Service should recover appropriate taxes from the offshore companies set up by such individuals,” Falana said.

Malami, guest speaker Falana, Chairman, Special Investigative Panel on Assets Recovery Okoi Obono-Obla, among others, were participants at the seminar organised by the Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP).

The seminar, with the theme: “Promoting Transparency and Accountability in the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Nigeria: Proposals for Reform”, was organised in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, USA.

The AGF, who was represented by his Senior Special Assistant on White Collar Crimes, Mr Abiodun Aikomo, hinted of the US’ involvement in the case while condemning public officials who ferry their loot abroad.

He said: “We have seen instances where the Federal Government of Nigeria engaged counsel to recover our stolen assets and the matter went on for many years.

“On the eve of a judgment, the government of a country filed an application for joinder. This was a matter that was on for seven years and judgment was going to be delivered the next day.

“The government of the country filed, saying ‘Even though the money is not kept in our bank, even though you would think we do not have any connection with the funds, the money is in our currency and we are talking about hundreds of millions in our currency. So, if you’re moving those funds from our state, then we are interested.’

“That was how the judgment was more or less arrested. So, the people stealing money and taking it out of Nigeria are doing us a lot of evil, because the moment the money leaves Nigeria it assumes another dimension.”

But Falana, who accused the United States, Switzerland, the UK and other western nations of hypocritical behaviour in Nigeria’s quest to recover loot stashed in their banks, identified the US as the country concerned.

He said: “Nigeria traced part of the Abacha loot (over $300m) to Jersey, an island in the United Kingdom. The Attorney-General filed a process to – by the way I was in that country when the person was convicted. The money left Nigeria through Kenya and landed in Jersey. It was from the late Abacha.

“Nigeria wanted to collect the remaining loot. But the United States filed an objection, saying the money could not be released to Nigeria.

“The court asked why; the US said if the money must be released, it should be released to the US government, so that ‘we can manage it for Nigeria.’

“The other one, $321 million, Switzerland, a notorious conduit for corruption, had the temerity to say that ‘unless the World Bank is going to manage this money, we are not going to release this money.’”

Falana urged the Federal Government not to depend on the West in its loot recovery drive.

“The United Nations Convention Against Corruption has made adequate provisions against corruption, mandating countries to assist each other but western countries have not been helping us. Our government should stop relying on the west.”

He said he had advised, and the government was considering, suing foreign banks illegally holding onto funds stolen from Nigeria.

He added: “From five cycles of independent audit reports covering 1999-2012 the National Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative revealed that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, some oil companies and certain agencies of the Federal Government have withheld $20.2 billion from the Federation Account.

“In 2006, the Central Bank of Nigeria removed $7 billion from the nation’s external reserves and placed same as deposit in 14 Nigerian banks. In 2008, the Bank gave a bailout of N600 billion ($4 billion) to the same banks. Up till now the CBN has failed to recover the said sum of $11 billion from the banks.”

“On September 6, 2016 the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) announced that arrangements had been concluded to recover the sum of $9.6 billion in over-deducted tax benefits from joint venture partners on major capital projects and oil swap contracts. The NNPC is said to have recovered the said sum of $9.6 billion but has not remitted same into the Federation Account.”

Falana spoke also of plans to seek redress for the 21 coal miners allegedly murdered by the British police under the colonial rule in Nigeria.

Falana said: “The British government, the British police killed 21 miners in Enugu on November 18, 1949. We are talking to the victims and their children to do what the Kenyans have done by suing the British government so that we can also begin to ask for reparation for our people.”

Obono-Obla, who refrained from political comments because he had been “gagged”, said there would be no sacred cow in the quest to recover fraudulently acquired assets.

Obono-Obla said: “Without mentioning names, we are currently investigating a director in a Federal Government ministry…We saw so much and we went to the Code of Conduct Bureau, got his asset form and discovered that a lot of companies that he has been using to make money were not mentioned in his assets declaration form. The man is in soup.”

The Special Assistant to the President on Prosecutions urged Nigerians to assist it with information on assets procured with stolen funds.

“If you don’t give us information, we may not know. The panel has powers to investigate public officers in the three tiers of government: federal, state and local. No sacred cows, as far as I am concerned. We must investigate everybody. Any complaint that requires an investigation will be investigated,” Obono-Obla said.

SERAP director Adetunbo Mumuni praised the government for mustering the will to tackle corruption.

“Before President Muhammadu Buhari came, we knew there was massive corruption, but this administration has made attempts to bring corrupt people to justice,” he said.

Other guests at the event included Amnesty International Country Director Mrs Osai Ojigho; Department for International Development (DFID)’s Sonia Warner and Ford Foundation’s Ms Eva Kouka and Ms Linda Ochiel, among others.

VIRAL PHOTOS(Photos/Video) See Toronto restaurant where everyone has HIV and only employs HIV-Positive Chefs in the kitchen

Sunday, 12 November 2017 15:48 Written by

Here’s a restaurant in Toronto where everyone has HIV!

Toronto is home to a new, first-of-its-kind pop-up — the world’s only restaurant where every piece of food is made by someone with HIV.

Organizers say the impetus was a recent poll that found that the thought of dining with somebody who’s HIV-positive still paralyzes them with fear.

The survey by Casey House, Canada’s only hospital dedicated to people living with HIV/AIDS, found that nearly half of Canadians wouldn’t eat a meal prepared by someone with the disease, even though health experts say the infection can’t be transmitted that way. To combat the stigma around food prep, Casey House decided it was time to pull a bold stunt.

The pop-up, called June’s Eatery after Casey House’s co-founder June Callwood, launched this week. It advertised two four-course dinners made by 14 HIV-positive chefs for $125 — one yesterday, the other today. Both of them sold out.

Organizers told The Guardian that they even welcome “negative coverage,” though, as the “entire point of the pop-up” is “exposing the ignorance and blame around HIV and AIDS.”

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They did their best to test people, too — organizers say they mailed jars of soup prepared by the HIV-positive team to newsrooms “across Canada.” It seems they didn’t really care what became of that soup in a box, as long as it challenged media to “examine their own beliefs” before writing about the event.(Guardian)

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Democracy on life support: Donald Trump’s first anniversary

Friday, 10 November 2017 22:44 Written by

Donald Trump was elected president of the United States a year ago today.

His ascendancy in American politics has made visible a culture of cruelty, a contempt for civic literacy, a corrupt mode of governance and a disdain for informed judgment that has been decades in the making.

It also points to the withering of civic attachments, the undoing of civic culture, the decline of public life, the erosion of any sense of shared citizenship and the death of commanding visions.

As he visits Asia this week in a trip that those in the White House, as usual, feared could careen spectacularly off the rails, the world is once again witnessing how Trump’s history of unabashed racism and politics of hate is transformed into a spectacle of fear, divisions and disinformation.

Under Trump, the plague of mid-20th century authoritarianism and apocalyptic populism have returned in a unique American form. A year later, people in Asia and the rest of the world are watching, pondering how such a dreadful event and retreat from democracy could have taken place.

How could a liberal society give up its ideals so quickly? What forces have undermined education to the extent that a relatively informed electorate allowed such a catastrophe to happen in an alleged democracy?

George Orwell’s “ignorance is strength” motto in 1984 has materialized in the Trump administration’s attempts not only to rewrite history, but also to obliterate it. What we are witnessing is not simply politics but also a reworking of the very meaning of education both as an institution and as a broader cultural force.

Trump, along with Fox News, Breitbart and other right-wing cultural institutions, echoes one of totalitarianism’s most revered notions: That truth is a liability and ignorance a virtue.

As the distinction between fact and fiction is maligned, so are the institutions that work to create informed citizens. In Trump’s post-truth and alternative-facts world view, nothing is true, making it difficult for citizens to criticize and hold power accountable.

Education viewed with disdain

Education and critical thinking are regarded with disdain and science is confused with pseudo-science. All traces of critical thought appear only at the margins of the culture as ignorance becomes the primary organizing principle of American society.

For instance, two thirds of the American public believe that creationism should be taught in schools and more than half of Republicans in Congress do not believe that climate change is caused by human activity. Shockingly, according to the Annenberg Public Policy Center, only 26 per cent of Americans can name all three branches of government.

In addition, a majority of Republicans believe that former President Barack Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim, a belief blessedly skewered upon Trump’s arrival a few days ago in Hawaii, Obama’s birthplace.


Woman shoots man for performing sex act ‘wrong

Friday, 10 November 2017 22:23 Written by

A 21-year-old escort in Washington USA, Marissa E. Wallen has shot a man in the back of the head for wrongly performing a sex act with her.

Reports say Wallen had shot her victim twice in the head and left him to die but police later found the man alive after three days.

The man was taken to the hospital and unable to speak, but he communicated with hand signals.

Wallen was subsequently arrested. She ultimately admitted to police she was an escort and had been hired to have sex with the victim.

She told police she shot the victim twice in the back of the head for performing a sex act wrong.

The 21-year-old who allegedly displayed little remorse is also accused of robbing the victim.

According to court documents:

Police received a call on Oct. 24 from the victim’s employer. The 36-year-old victim worked from home, and the employer was concerned he hadn’t logged in for work in the morning.

Police went to the victim’s location and found the door unlocked. Inside, police found the victim sitting against a wall in the master bedroom.

The victim was unresponsive, but awake. The fire department was called and crews determined the victim had been shot twice in the head.

The victim was taken to Providence Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit.

Police obtained a search warrant to the victim’s house and determined credit cards and a handgun were missing from the home.

However, there wasn’t any sign of forced entry. Police reviewed security footage from the victim’s home that showed a young woman coming to the home five different times between Oct. 7 and Oct. 21.

Police identified the woman as Marissa E. Wallen, and said it was clear from the footage that Wallen and the victim were having sexual relations.

Security footage from Oct. 21 showed the last time Wallen entered the home. She walked in and left a short time later.

A check on the victim’s credit cards showed 82 charges totalling more than $10,000 was made between Oct. 22 and Nov. 5. Video footage showed Wallen using the victim’s credit cards at Macy’s and other locations.

“Wallen was clearly proud of her life as an escort and even asked us to call one of her clients so that he could post her bail,” court documents allege.

She is charged in Snohomish County court with first-degree robbery, first-degree assault and first-degree theft. Her bail is set for $1 million dollars.

Source: Fox News

BREAKING: 20 dead in Texas church shooting

Monday, 06 November 2017 01:10 Written by

A gunman shot dead at least 20 worshippers during Sunday morning services at a Baptist church in Texas, news media reported.

The gunman was killed after a short chase, CNN reported, quoting a sheriff’s office spokesman in Guadalupe County. It was unclear whether the shooter died from a police bullet or at his own hand.

The worshippers were killed at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, a small rural community about 30 miles (50 kilometers) southeast of San Antonio, reports said.

Wilson County Commissioner Albert Gamez Jr. told AFP there were multiple fatalities and multiple people wounded, but he could not officially confirm the number.

With details rapidly unfolding, some unnamed officials were quoted in media reports citing tolls as high as 27 dead and 20 or more wounded.

The shooter reportedly walked into the church shortly before noon — at a morning service that witnesses said was normally attended by some 50 people — and opened fire. A two-year-old was among the wounded, the Dallas Morning News website reported.

A spokeswoman for Connally Memorial Medical Center in nearby Floresville told Fox News that “we have accepted a number of patients from the shooting.” She gave no number.

– Federal agents arriving –

A witness working at a gas station across the street said he heard at least 20 shots being fired in quick succession, CNN reported. Others nearby said the shooter appeared to have reloaded more than once.

Emergency personnel rushed to the scene, and some victims were evacuated by helicopter. Police formed a perimeter around the area, and tearful relatives and neighbors stood outside it, nervously awaiting news from inside the traditional, white-frame church.

Agents from the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were heading to Sutherland Springs, a town of about 400, those agencies said.

President Donald Trump, who is in Japan on the first stop of a tour of Asian countries, tweeted: “May God be w/ the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI & law enforcement are on the scene. I am monitoring the situation from Japan.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott offered his condolences.

“Our prayers are with all who were harmed by this evil act. Our thanks to law enforcement for their response,” he tweeted, promising more details “soon.”

The shooting comes just over a month after a gunman in Las Vegas, firing down from a hotel room, killed 58 people and wounded hundreds attending an outdoor concert.

And it came just over two years after a white supremacist, Dylann Roof, entered a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, and shot nine people to death.



Nigerian student jailed for raping minor in UK

Sunday, 05 November 2017 09:19 Written by

A 21 year old Nigerian student, David Nwosu from Staffordshire has been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for raping a 12 year old.

The computer science student who met the minor online, told her that he loved her and wanted to make a sex tape.

According to Daily Mail, Nwosu groomed the schoolgirl online and had sex with her during their second meeting.

It was gathered that the suspect later met a 15-year-old South Wales girl on social media and asked for naked pictures.

The Prosecutor, Glyn Samuel, told Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court that Nwosu sent the 15 year old two intimate pictures of himself and told her he loved her and if she loved him she would send sexual pictures of herself.

He said: “He told her he wanted to have sex with her and would like to make a sex tape with her.


“He would send her pictures of himself and asked her to send pictures of herself.”

Glyn said Nwosu requested pictures of her breasts and bottom, and was very persistent in telling her he was 18.

The suspect however pleaded guilty to rape of a child under 13 and causing or inciting sexual exploitation of a 15-year-old child.

Jailing him, the Judge, David Fletcher, handed Nwosu a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order which prevents him from contacting children and places him on the sex offenders’ register for the rest of his life.


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