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Why US must not sell military hardware to Nigeria – Shiites

Saturday, 26 August 2017 06:55 Written by

Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), also known as Shiites has asked the United States not to sell military hardware to Nigeria.

A letter signed by head of the Free Zakzaky Campaign Committee, Abdulrahaman Abubakar, cited the human rights record of Nigerian military as the reason for its “vehement objection to the proposed sale of weapons and military hardware”.

The petition pointed out that “the military’s human rights record in Nigeria is utterly dismal and the Nigerian government’s commitment to the rule of law is even worse off.”

IMN drew the attention of the US government to incessant refusal of the government to acknowledge excesses of the military in handling civilian matters, but even tries to justify them.

They cited the “the blatant murder of 34 unarmed civilians in Zaria in 2014, including the children of Sheikh Zakzaky, without the government doing anything about it.

“As if it was not grievous enough, the murderous soldiers returned in December, 2015 with an even more brutal force, resulting in the death of over a thousand innocent citizens. The initial response of the government to this callous disregard for human lives was to say, it was a military affair.”

IMN lamented that government also captured its leader and his wife “after shooting them at point blank range, treated them in the most humiliating and denigrating manner before hauling them incommunicado detention without charges for 20 months.

“Even after a Nigerian High Court had ruled that the detention is unconstitutional and ordered their release, the government has continued to contemptuously defy the order.”

Shiites aside its call for complete arms embargo to be placed on the Nigerian military, travel bans should be imposed on senior military and political leaders in Nigeria.

“This should be done until a genuine commitment to the principles of rule of law, justice, fair play and human rights can be demonstrated beyond rhetoric and half-hearted measures by the government,” IMN added.




US nabs 33-year-old Nigerian on visitor visa over $596,897 fraud

Sunday, 13 August 2017 03:44 Written by

US: A NIGERIAN, who arrived US as a visitor and refused to return at the end of the visa period granted him, has been arrested for allegedly committing wire fraud and identity theft totalling $596,897 (N220 million).

Going by the law, Daniel Adekunle Ojo, risks maximum of 20 years imprisonment over alleged conspiracy to commit wire fraud and at least two years for aggravated identity theft.

The United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, Deirdre M. Daly, said that the 33-year-old Ojo, who was residing in Durham, New Connecticut, was arrested “on a federal criminal complaint charging him with fraud and identity theft offenses stemming from a scheme to obtain the personal identifying information of school employees in Connecticut and elsewhere.”

Daly said that Ojo had appeared before a U.S. magistrate judge in Greensboro, N.C., and was ordered detained pending his transfer to the District of Connecticut.

*Deirdre M. Daly…US Attorney District of Connecticut.

She explained: “As alleged in the criminal complaint, special agents from the FBI’s cybercrime squad in New Haven and the IRS have been investigating “phishing” emails that were sent to various school districts in Connecticut earlier this year.

“In February 2017, an employee of the Glastonbury Public Schools received an email that appeared to be sent by another Glastonbury school system employee.  The email contained a request to send W-2 tax information for all employees of the school system.

“The recipient of the email responded by sending copies of the W-2 information for approximately 1,600 Glastonbury Public Schools employees.  After the W-2 information was emailed, approximately 122 suspicious Forms 1040 were filed electronically with the IRS in the names of victims of the Glastonbury phishing scheme.

“The 122 tax returns claimed tax refunds totaling $596,897.  Approximately six of the returns were processed, and $36,926 in fraudulently-obtained funds were electronically deposited into various bank accounts.”

Daly further said: “The complaint alleges that OJO controlled or used an email account and a email account involved in this phishing scheme, and that he participated in the scheme to obtain the Glastonbury school system employees’ personal identifying information and use it for personal gain.

“This ongoing investigation also includes phishing incidents that victimized the Groton Public Schools, and the Bloomington Independent School District in Bloomington, Minnesota.

“As to the Groton Public Schools, in March 2017, a school system employee emailed copies of the W-2 information for approximately 1,300 employees.  After the W-2 information was sent, approximately 66 suspicious Forms 1040 were filed electronically with the IRS in the names of victims of the Groton phishing scheme.

“The tax returns claimed tax refunds totaling $364,188.  The fraudulent tax returns were not processed by the IRS because they were flagged as being part of an identity theft scheme, and no money was released in connection with the returns.

“The complaint alleges that OJO entered the U.S. on a visitor’s visa in May 23, 2016, and failed to depart on his scheduled departure date of June 8, 2016.”

“Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly cunning in exploiting technology to steal identifying information from unwitting victims,” U.S. said adding: “Fortunately, our cyber investigators are skilled at cracking these crimes and catching these fraudsters.”

“To help avoid becoming a victim, always remember when you click on a link or send an email, check – and then double check – that the link you’re being asked to open, or the email address you are responding to, is authentic.  A single mistake can lead to a lot of misery.  I commend the FBI cybercrime squad and IRS for quickly bringing this individual to justice.  This investigation is ongoing,” she stressed.

GatewayMail gathered that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation Division, with the assistance of the Durham (N.C.) Police Department are still investigating the matter.

Trump vs Jong Un: 3.5million volunteers join North Korea Army to fight US

Saturday, 12 August 2017 23:40 Written by

Following the war of words between US President, Donald Trump and North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un, Pyongyang on Saturday announced that nearly 3.5 million workers, party members and soldiers have volunteered to join or rejoin its army to fight against America.

Rodong Sinmun, North Korea’s official newspaper, said the volunteers had offered to join or rejoin the People’s Army after the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) issued a statement condemning new sanctions imposed by the UN in retaliation for North Korean missile tests.

In August 2015, one million North Koreans offered to enlist or re-enlist in the army when a mine exploded in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas, raising additional tensions.

nwhile, Trump, has said the US military is “locked and loaded” and ready to deal with any North Korean threat.


He tweeted: ”Military solutions are now fully in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!”, Trump wrote.

North Korea had on Wednesday said it is “carefully examining” a plan to strike the US Pacific territory of Guam with missiles.

A spokesman for the Korean People’s Army said the strike plan will be “put into practice in a multi-current and consecutive way any moment” once leader Kim Jong-un makes a decision.

100 years ago African-Americans marched down 5th Avenue to declare that black lives matter

Tuesday, 01 August 2017 19:22 Written by
The only sounds were those of muffled drums, the shuffling of feet and the gentle sobs of some of the estimated 20,000 onlookers. The women and children wore all white. The men dressed in black.

On the afternoon of Saturday, July 28, 1917, nearly 10,000 African-Americans marched down Fifth Avenue, in silence, to protest racial violence and white supremacy in the United States.

New York City, and the nation, had never before witnessed such a remarkable scene.

The “Silent Protest Parade,” as it came to be known, was the first mass African-American demonstration of its kind and marked a watershed moment in the history of the civil rights movement. As I have written in my book “Torchbearers of Democracy,” African-Americans during the World War I era challenged racism both abroad and at home. In taking to the streets to dramatize the brutal treatment of black people, the participants of the “Silent Protest Parade” indicted the United States as an unjust nation.

This charge remains true today.

Several thousand people attended a Seattle rally to call attention to minority rights and police brutality in April 2017. AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

One hundred years later, as black people continue to insist that “Black Lives Matter,” the “Silent Protest Parade” offers a vivid reminder about the power of courageous leadership, grassroots mobilization, direct action and their collective necessity in the fight to end racial oppression in our current troubled times.

Racial violence and the East St. Louis Riot

One of the great accomplishments of the Black Lives Matter movement has been to demonstrate the continuum of racist violence against black people throughout American history and also the history of resistance against it. But as we continue to grapple with the hyper-visibility of black death, it is perhaps easy to forget just how truly horrific racial violence against black people was a century ago.

Prior to the “Silent Protest Parade,” mob violence and the lynching of African-Americans had grown even more gruesome. In Waco, a mob of 10,000 white Texans attended the May 15, 1916, lynching of a black farmer, Jesse Washington. One year later, on May 22, 1917, a black woodcutter, Ell Persons, died at the hands of over 5,000 vengeance-seeking whites in Memphis. Both men were burned and mutilated, their charred body parts distributed and displayed as souvenirs.

Even by these grisly standards, East St. Louis later that same summer was shocking. Simmering labor tensions between white and black workers exploded on the evening of July 2, 1917.

For 24 hours, white mobs indiscriminately stabbed, shot and lynched anyone with black skin. Men, women, children, the elderly, the disabled – no one was spared. Homes were torched and occupants shot down as they attempted to flee. White militia men stood idly by as the carnage unfolded. Some actively participated. The death toll likely ran as high as 200 people.

The city’s surviving 6,000 black residents became refugees.

Ida B. Wells. Library of Congress

East St. Louis was an American pogrom. The fearless African-American anti-lynching activist Ida B. Wells traveled to the still smoldering city on July 4 and collected firsthand accounts of the aftermath. She described what she saw as an “awful orgy of human butchery.”

The devastation of East St. Louis was compounded by the fact that America was at war. On April 2, President Woodrow Wilson had thrown the United States into the maelstrom of World War I. He did so by asserting America’s singularly unique place on the global stage and his goal to make the world “safe for democracy.” In the eyes of black people, East St. Louis exposed the hypocrisy of Wilson’s vision and America itself.

The NAACP takes action

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People quickly responded to the massacre. Founded in 1909, the NAACP had yet to establish itself as a truly representative organization for African-Americans across the country. With the exception of W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the NAACP’s co-founders and editor of The Crisis magazine, the national leadership was all white. Branches were overwhelmingly located in the North, despite the majority of African-Americans residing below the Mason-Dixon line. As a result, the NAACP had largely failed to respond with a sense of urgency to the everyday horrors endured by the masses of black folk.

James Weldon Johnson. Twentieth Century Negro Literature

James Weldon Johnson changed things. Lawyer, diplomat, novelist, poet and songwriter, Johnson was a true African-American renaissance man. In 1916, Johnson joined the NAACP as a field secretary and made an immediate impact. In addition to growing the organization’s southern membership, Johnson recognized the importance of expanding the influence of the NAACP’s existing branches beyond the black elite.

Johnson raised the idea of a silent protest march at an executive committee meeting of the NAACP Harlem branch shortly after the East St. Louis riot. Johnson also insisted that the protest include the city’s entire black community. Planning quickly got underway, spearheaded by Johnson and local black clergymen.

A historic day

By noon on July 28, several thousand African-Americans had begun to assemble at 59th Street. Crowds gathered along Fifth Avenue. Anxious New York City police officers lined the streets, aware of what was about to take place but, with clubs at the ready, prepared for trouble.

At approximately 1 p.m., the protest parade commenced. Four men carrying drums began to slowly, solemnly play. A group of black clergymen and NAACP officials made up the front line. W.E.B. Du Bois, who had recently returned from conducting an NAACP investigation in East St. Louis, and James Weldon Johnson marched side by side.

The parade was a stunning spectacle. At the front, women and children wearing all-white gowns symbolized the innocence of African-Americans in the face of the nation’s guilt. The men, bringing up the rear and dressed in dark suits, conveyed both a mournful dignity and stern determination to stand up for their rights as citizens.

They carried signs and banners shaming America for its treatment of black people. Some read, “Your hands are full of blood,” “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” “Mothers, do lynchers go to heaven?” Others highlighted the wartime context and the hollowness of America’s ideals: “We have fought for the liberty of white Americans in six wars; our reward was East St. Louis,” “Patriotism and loyalty presuppose protection and liberty,” “Make America safe for Democracy.”

Throughout the parade, the marchers remained silent. The New York Times described the protest as “one of the most quiet and orderly demonstrations ever witnessed.” The silence was finally broken with cheers when the parade concluded at Madison Square.

Legacy of the Silent Protest Parade

The “Silent Protest Parade” marked the beginning of a new epoch in the long black freedom struggle. While adhering to a certain politics of respectability, a strategy employed by African-Americans that focused on countering racist stereotypes through dignified appearance and behavior, the protest, within its context, constituted a radical claiming of the public sphere and a powerful affirmation of black humanity. It declared that a “New Negro” had arrived and launched a black public protest tradition that would be seen in the parades of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s and the Black Lives Matter marches of today.

The “Silent Protest Parade” reminds us that the fight against racist violence and the killing of black people remains just as relevant now as it did 100 years ago. Black death, whether at the hands of a Baton Rouge police officer or white supremacist in Charleston, is a specter that continues to haunt this nation. The expendability of black bodies is American tradition, and history speaks to the long endurance of this violent legacy.

But history also offers inspiration, purpose and vision.

Ida B. Wells, James Weldon Johnson and other freedom fighters of their generation should serve as models for activists today. That the “Silent Protest Parade” attracted black people from all walks of life and backgrounds attests to the need for organizations like the NAACP, following its recent national convention, to remember and embrace its origins. And, in building and sustaining the current movement, we can take lessons from past struggles and work strategically and creatively to apply them to the present.

Because, at their core, the demands of black people in 2017 remain the same as one of the signs raised to the sky on that July afternoon in 1917:

“Give me a chance to live."
Author:  :  Associate Professor of African and Afro-American Studies, Brandeis University
Credit link:”<img src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" />

US begins crackdown on Nigerians, others with overstayed visas

Sunday, 16 July 2017 15:08 Written by

The United States government has sanctioned a crackdown on visitors with visa overstays.

Top on the list are Nigeria, Brazil, Venezuela, China and Colombia.  They are regarded as countries with the most total overstays that do not participate in the visa waiver programme.

The Trump Administration says it has a problem with such immigrants and is now determined to step up enforcement to try to cut down on the violations.Consequently, the government is introducing a face scan for all US citizens travelling abroad.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said this is aimed mainly at better tracking visa overstays and also at tightening security.

The Nation quoted the agency as saying this is the only way to successfully expand a programme that tracks non immigrant foreigners.

A report in May showed that more than 54 million visitors checked in last year – and nearly 630,000 of them didn’t go back home.

John Wagner, Customs deputy executive assistant commissioner in charge of the programme, confirmed that U.S. citizens departing on international flights will submit to face scans.

The number of visa overstays was about 200,000 higher than the previous 12-month period.

Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Centre for Immigration Studies, said those kinds of rates should force a rethink at the State Department, which issues visas, and should spur immigration officials to put more effort into deterring and deporting overstays in the U.S.

“The fact that more than 700,000 visits were overstayed last year shows just how much we need to step up interior enforcement to create more of a deterrent, not only by identifying and deporting overstays, but by weakening the job magnet by cracking down on employers who hire illegal workers,” she said.

Nigeria, three other countries to receive $639million from President Trump

Saturday, 08 July 2017 19:53 Written by

US President, Donald Trump, on Saturday pledged to donate $639million in aid to feed people facing starvation because of drought and conflict in North-East Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen.

Trump’s pledge came during a working session of the G20 summit of world leaders in Hamburg, Germany, the UN World Food Programme (WFP), Executive Director, David Beasley, said on the sidelines of the meeting, according to Reuters.

Similarly, more than $191million would go to Yemen, $199million to South Sudan and nearly $126million for Somalia.

“With this new assistance, the United States is providing additional emergency food and nutrition assistance, life-saving medical care, improved sanitation, emergency shelter and protection for those who have been affected by conflict,” USAID said in a statement

Jenkins said conflicts in the four countries, had made it difficult to reach some communities in need of food.

“We’re in a dire situation right now. The situation in southern Ethiopia fortunately does not rise to the dire situation of the other four, but the situation is deteriorating and might very well be catastrophic without additional interventions,” he said

World War III Looms as US Drops 'Dummy Bombs' Near North Korea

Saturday, 08 July 2017 13:44 Written by
In a rather dramatic show of force, U.S. Air Force B-1 bombers has dropped dummy bombs near North Korea as battle for supremacy between the two nations intensify. 
US President Donald Trump
The U.S. Air Force B-1 bombers have dropped “dummy bombs” near the Korean Demilitarized Zone in “show of force”.
The Air Force B-1 bombers, which were escorted by South Korean fighter jets, dropped the bombs in response to North Korea’s missile launch earlier this week, according to reports.
The Korean Demilitarized Zone is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula.
It was established by the provisions of the Korean Armistice Agreement to serve as a buffer zone between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
The zone is a border barrier that divides the Korean Peninsula roughly in half, which was created by agreement between North Korea, China and the UN in 1953.
U.S. Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis had said on Thursday that Pentagon was ready to provide military options to President Donald Trump over the continued launch of ballistic missiles by North Korea.
“The military remains ready in accordance with our alliance with Japan and Korea,’’ Mattis said during a news conference at the Pentagon.
“The North Korean launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on July 4 is a very serious escalation and provocation and also an affront to the United Nations Security Council resolutions,’’ he said.
“We stand ready to provide options if they are necessary,’’ Mattis said, pointing out that diplomacy with regards to North Korea had not failed.
Mattis quoted Gen. Vincent Brooks, the Commander of U.S. Forces in Korea, as saying America and South Korea have exercised extreme self-restraint in avoiding war.
He noted the shelling of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island in 2010, the sinking of a South Korean ship earlier that year and other provocations at sea, on land and in cyberspace.
“Our self-restraint holds, and diplomatic efforts remain underway as we speak,’’ he said, adding, however, that diplomatic and economic efforts remained the tools of choice to convince North Korea to stop its nuclear and missile programmes.
“The President and Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, have been very clear that we are leading with diplomatic and economic efforts.
The defence secretary stressed that the effort against North Korea was diplomatically-led, adding the weapons of choice wee economic sanctions.
He, however, added that these would be buttressed by military capabilities.
He said the U.S. was working with allies to influence North Korea, while U.S. officials are also working with China – North Korea’s benefactor and the largest trading partner to place more pressure on North Korean leaders to stop the nuclear and missile programmes. 

Henry Bello: The Nigerian Doctor Identified As New York Hospital Mass Shooter

Sunday, 02 July 2017 04:14 Written by

Dr. Henry Michael Bello, the gunman who shot six people at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Centre in New York on Friday, has been identified as a Nigerian.

Some Nigerians in New York, who knew Bello, confirmed his nationality on Friday.

And the NYPD has also identified him to be a Nigerian-born doctor.

Bello, 45, shot dead a woman, on the 17th floor and injured at least six others on the 16th floor, before killing himself the New York Police Department Commissioner James O’Neil, said.

Five of his victims were seriously injured and “fighting for their lives”,

Bello went into his former workplace wearing a white lab coat with an AR-15 machine gun hidden underneath with the intention of targeting the same individual.

NYPD officials said Bello asked for a specific doctor on the 16th floor but when he was told the doctor was not there, he became angry and started shooting at everyone.

Officials said Bello tried to set himself on fire before committing suicide.

Reports said Bello, who was hired at the hospital in August 2014 as a house physician, had past arrests for sex abuse, turnstile jumping, burglary and public urination.

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In September 2004, he was arrested and charged with sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment after a 23-year-old woman told officers he had grabbed her crotch area outside a building on Bleecker Street in Manhattan and tried to penetrate her through her underwear, reports said.

Court records indicated that in September 2004, Bello pleaded guilty to unlawful imprisonment in the second degree, a misdemeanour, and was sentenced to community service, while the felony sexual abuse charge was dismissed, according to reports.

He was going to be fired by the hospital, after reports of sexual harassments, but instead chose to resign in February 2015 in lieu of termination, reports further said.

Reports from the New York State Education Department said Bello had received a limited permit to practice as an international medical graduate in order to gain experience so he could be licensed.

The permit was issued on July 1, 2014, and expired on July 1, 2016, while he also had a pharmacy technician license that had been issued in California in 2006.

‘Why We Are Stopping Every Financial Assistance To Nigeria’ – EU

He went to medical school at Ross University on the Caribbean island nation of Dominica and later worked briefly as a pharmacy technician for Metropolitan Hospital Centre in Manhattan in 2012,

A photo provided by authorities showed him dead on the floor of the hospital, wearing a bloodied doctor’s coat.

Law enforcement officials described Bello as transient recently, with at least five different addresses since he left the hospital.


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