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U.K To Build Prison In Lagos To Help Transfer All Nigerian Prisoners In The UK Back To Nigeria

Thursday, 08 March 2018 23:50 Written by

The United Kingdom is to pay for a new wing in one of Nigeria’s largest prisons to help expedite the transfer of offenders from British jails.

Up to £700,000 will be spent on a 112-bed annex in Kiri Kiri prison in the country’s largest city Lagos. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said it would enable eligible Nigerian inmates serving time in the UK to return home to complete their sentences.

The UK and Nigeria signed a prisoner transfer agreement in 2014. It means citizens of one who commit crimes in the other will serve sentences in their homeland.

According to Ministry of Justice figures, there were 320 Nigerian prisoners in British jails at the end of 2016, accounting for 3% of the foreign prisoner population.

The Nigerian prison extension will be paid for out of the government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, which provides development and security support to countries which are at risk of conflict or instability.

Mr Johnson said the move would help “improve the capacity” of the Nigerian prison service.


Unbelievable: Woman Transforms Herself Into A Dragon With 8 Horns After Being Diagnosed With HIV (Photos)

Wednesday, 28 February 2018 23:09 Written by
A woman has reportedly transformed herself into a dragon with as many as eight horns after she was diagnosed with HIV. 
Eva Tiamat Medusa
A woman claiming to be the ‘most modified transsexual in the world’ – has spent £40,000 to look like a dragon - complete with a forked tongue, tattooed scales and horns .
Eva Tiamat Medusa, from Bruni, Texas, said she wanted to "not to die a human" after receiving an HIV diagnosis.
The former bank worker, 56, began morphing into a reptile, claiming that after being abandoned by her parents at the age of five, she was ‘born again’ under the care of the western diamondback rattlesnake.
She began her transformation with a series of scale tattoos before later having her nose re-shaped, ears removed and the whites of her eyes permanently stained green – all costing an estimated £42k.
But with a further £28k worth of modifications still planned, Eva opened up about her ‘trans-speciesism’ to The Wizard of Odd TV.
Eva said: "I didn’t want to die in this world looking like a human.
“As much awesomeness and goodness there is in humans, compared to other species they are the most destructive and hateful.
“I decided at that time, that it was time for a change in my life, so I wanted to look like something that wasn’t human."
She added: “I have eight horns on my forehead; I have had my ears removed; my nose reshaped; most of my teeth removed
"I’ve had the white-part of my eyes stained, my tongue bifurcated, my whole face is tattooed and I’ve had some scarification and branding on my chest and wrist.
“I would like for there to be an open dialogue about the world of body modification and understand what it was like to live as a gay-man for 53-years and now as a transsexual woman.
“There’s a lot of misunderstanding about what it means to be transsexual and then further than that – something that I’m introducing – the idea of trans-speciesism.
“I consider myself not just to be human anymore. I’m human AND reptilian.
“My greatest desire in life is to continue my body modification until my metamorphosis is complete.
“This is what drives me – this is the reason why I get up every day and live.”
Source: The Sun UK

Father-Of-3 Kids Hangs Himself During Romantic Holiday With His Girlfriend...You Won't Believe Why

Thursday, 22 February 2018 23:30 Written by
A father of three children has reportedly hanged himself during a romantic holiday he was on with his own girlfriend. 
Nick Crook hanged himself after a row with his girlfriend during a 'make or break' holiday in the Canary Islands.
A British tourist hanged himself after a row with his girlfriend during a 'make or break' holiday in the Canary Islands, an inquest heard.
Nick Crook, 47, stormed back to his hotel room in Fuerteventura after Vanessa Grant said she was leaving him following an argument about him not socialising with other holidaymakers.
The father-of-three, from Bacup, Lancashire, was thought to have deliberately left the door of their room open in the hope of being found in time - but he was already dead by the time Ms Grant arrived back three hours later.
His family later had to launch a fundraising campaign to raise the £5,000 cost of bringing his body home.
Mr Crook, a foreman at a recycling plant, had been described by his family as an 'an amazing friend to everyone' but an inquest heard he had a history of taking overdoses to seek attention.
He split up with his wife Nicola in 2005 and last year began a relationship with Ms Grant but in the days leading up the holiday he had told his family the romance was in trouble.
The tragedy occurred after he and Ms Grant booked into the Caleta Playa Apartments in May last year.
Ms Grant told the inquest, in Burnley: 'Nick and I had been in a relationship for a few months. We had gone on holiday and on that day he was quite vacant. We had met some other couples and I was telling him that he needed to be more sociable.
'After that we went back to the room. We argued and I told him that when we got back home I was leaving him.
'He told me he was going to hang himself but I didn't take it seriously at all. I wasn't aware of the other occasions.
'We went down to the bar and Nick said: "You don't love me." At about 8.30pm he left and I went for a drink with one of the other couples. I got back to the hotel room at about 11pm.
'As I approached the room the patio doors were open and the lights were on and he was very visible. I ran down to reception and one of the other couples tried to see if he was breathing but there was nothing there.'
Mr Crook's ex-wife Nicola told the inquest: 'I spoke to him on the Saturday before he went on holiday. We hadn't spoken for about six weeks before that because we had argued about his latest girlfriend.
'We were on the phone for about 45 minutes and he went on about how bad the relationship had been. He said that it was a "make or break" holiday.
'I just couldn't understand what happened. Knowing Nick as well as I knew him and how much he adored his daughters. I don't believe that he intended to die on that day. I think within seconds something has gone drastically wrong.'
She added: 'Nick and I separated in 2005 and he really struggled with the separation and when he took these overdoses he would always ring me.
'He would never do it and not let anyone know. It was always to get my attention and to try and get us back together but he never wanted to die.
'He tried this three or four more times but he would always tell me or get help of a friend. Over time he accepted it because he knew there was no going back and he was a really good friend after that.
'On one occasion after our break up when I was away on holiday with friends he left a rope at the top of the stairs and told me he was going to hang himself.
'He was in a serious relationship for a few years and was very low when that ended but he never did anything like the stuff before. He had always been a really good dad and would do anything for his girls.'
Mr Crook's GP Dr Rebecca Roxburgh said: 'Nick had a mental health assessment but he denied any suicide attempt stating he took an overdose to alert his estranged wife to his distress. The other two attempts were for similar reasons.
'There was no clear evidence of any depressive illness and they deemed his behaviour as a reaction.'
Recording a conclusion of death by hanging, Coroner Richard Taylor said: 'I have the background of someone who reacts in certain ways on occasions.
'His former wife tells me that in 2005 there were three overdoses but he always wanted to be found and accepted that it was for attention.
'Two years after that there was an incident saying he was going to hang himself and left a rope on the stairs but he never did.
'On this occasion there was an argument and he said he was going to hang himself. That comment was not believed. He goes back to the room and leaves the light on and the door open and can easily be seen.
'I have insufficient evidence to clearly state what his intention was. I could not be sure that his intention was to end his life.'
No details of any investigation by the Spanish authorities was given at the inquest.
At the time of Mr Crook's death his daughter Skye, 19, said: 'Dad's death has been a shock to everyone. We have so many questions that we will never have the answers to because he left us so soon.
'Words cannot describe the way we are feeling about what has happened and we are truly broken. We love our dad insanely and the bond we have will never be replaced We've been touched and absolutely overwhelmed by the support we received.
'Words cannot honestly thank everyone enough who have helped and supported us through this hard time. Dad was an amazing friend to everyone.'
Source: Daily Mail UK

Italian Teen Girl Killed and Chopped Into Pieces, Nigerian Migrant Arrested

Saturday, 10 February 2018 20:14 Written by


A 29-year-old Nigerian migrant drug dealer has been arrested by police in the Italian commune of Pollenza after being accused of killing an 18-year-old girl and chopping her into pieces.

The Nigerian, identified as 29-year-old Innocent Oseghale, was arrested earlier this week by Italian Carabinieri after the body of 18-year-old Pamela Mastropietro was found dismembered and dumped on a street with parts of her body stuffed in suitcases, Il Giornale reports.

The Carabinieri in nearby Macerata were able to identify the Nigerian in connection with the murder after examining CCTV footage from the area.

Investigators say that the 18-year-old had been living at a drug addiction recovery centre since October but had suddenly left the centre last Monday. Using a variety of sources, from CCTV footage to witness testimony, they were able to determine that the 29-year-old drug dealer was the last person to see the young woman alive.

Forensic investigators from Rome were dispatched to the residence of the migrant, who was living in Italy on an expired visa. They were able to find clothes belonging to the victim, some of which were soaked with blood.

The case of Pamela Mastropietro bears some similarity to the case of American nanny Lauren M. who was murdered by a Gambian migrant in the Austrian capital of Vienna in early 2016. The young girl was killed after allowing the young asylum seeker to stay at her apartment in order to escape deportation.

The murder is just the latest in a series of murders by asylum seekers and illegal migrants following the 2015 migrant crisis. One of the most notorious cases occurred in Germany in 2016, when student Maria Ladenburger was raped and killed by “child” asylum seeker Hussein Khavari, who later admitted to being an adult.

Earlier this week a group of German women launched a new movement to give women who have become victims of crimes as a result of mass migration policies a voice.

The #120dB movement, named after the noise intensity of rape alarms, has promised to rally women together and confront politicians and others who have championed mass migration policies.

Britain set to seize assets of corrupt politicians, others

Monday, 05 February 2018 01:21 Written by

Britain no longer wants to be a safe haven for the money of corrupt politicians, public officials and  organised crime, as a new law to clamp down on money laundering goes into effect this week.

Officials estimate that around £90 billion ($127 billion, 102 billion euros) of illegal funds are laundered through Britain every year and this includes money stolen from the Nigerian treasury.

Now officials will use new unexplained wealth orders (UWOs), which came into effect this week, to seize suspicious assets and hold them until they have been properly accounted for, Ben Wallace, Security and Economic Crime Minister told The Times newspaper on Saturday.

Wallace said Russian oligarchs suspected of corruption will be forced to explain their wealth.

Wallace said he wanted the “full force of the government” to come down on corrupt politicians and international criminals using Britain as a haven.

“When we get to you we will come for you, for your assets and we will make the environment that you live in difficult,” he said.

Speaking of Russian involvement, Wallace highlighted the so-called Laundromat case in which ghost companies — many based in Britain — were used to launder Russian money through Western banks.

“What we know from the Laundromat expose is that certainly there have been links to the (Russian) state. The government’s view is that we know what they are up to and we are not going to let it happen any more,” Wallace said.

“Beneath the gloss there is real nastiness,” he said of international crime lords.

“We are going to go after these iconic individuals, whether they are known about in their local community or known about internationally.”

UWOs allow the British authorities to freeze and recover property if individuals are unable to explain how they acquired assets in excess of £50,000.

Wallace said that a lawmaker from a country where MPs do not receive big salaries, who suddenly buys a luxury townhouse in central London, would have to prove how they paid for it.

“We will seize that asset, we will dispose of it and we will use the proceeds to fund our law enforcement,” he said.

“I have put pressure on the law enforcement agencies to use them (UWOs) soon.”

Brilliant Nigerian Man Who Had 6 A’s In WAEC Achieves Another Feat In UK (Photos)

Monday, 29 January 2018 01:32 Written by
A handsome Nigerian guy (Mosa Oladele) has got himself trending online after achieving a great feat in a university in the United Kingdom. According to the young man, he had 6 A’s, 3 B’s in his West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

He also graduated with a First Class degree in Computer Science (BSc) and now, he has completed his MSc program in Management of Information Technology while having the Best thesis in a UK university.

A very big congratulations to him.

Nigerian-born British model, Harry Uzoka stabbed to death in alleged robbery operation

Saturday, 13 January 2018 17:22 Written by

A Nigerian-British male model, Harry Uzoka, has been stabbed to death at his home on Old Oak Road, East Acton, United Kingdom.

Uzoka, who was with Premier Model Management, died from a single stab wound on Friday.

The 25-year-old staggered into the street from a housing estate before collapsing.

Speaking to British media, Detective Inspector Beverley Kofi said: “This is another tragic murder with a young male victim who has met a violent death.

“We believe that the incident started at Ollgar House, in Ollgar Close and the victim was assaulted and stabbed before staggering and collapsing in Old Oak Road.

“We believe there were a number of people involved, but we are still working to establish the circumstances and a possible motive.

“We have made two arrests and continue to pursue a number of lines of inquiry. We need the public’s help to piece together what happened — who the victim was seen with, the incident itself and the immediate aftermath.”


Bra fitting: Queen Elizabeth's Bra Specialist Gets Fired After Revealing This Secret

Thursday, 11 January 2018 23:31 Written by
The bra specialist to the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, has been relived of her job after revealing a special secret. 
Queen England
The upmarket underwear company that supplied lingerie to the Queen has had its warrant scrapped after a tell-all book gave details of royal fittings.
Rigby & Peller held the royal warrant for 57 years, but was stripped of support when June Kenton, who transformed it into a world-leading retailer, wrote a book about her work.
The 82-year-old stayed on the firm's board and continued to fit the Queen's bras at Buckingham Palace even when Belgian company Van de Velde bought her majority stake in 2011.
Her professional relationship with Queen Elizabeth II came to an end shortly after her book - title Storm in a D-Cup - was published in March 2016, according to the Daily Express.
Mrs Kenton bought Rigby & Peller with her husband in 1982, paying £20,000, but sold her stake for £8million 29 years later. 
It was revealed on Tuesday her company lost the royal warrant that it had held since 1960 because she wrote about fitting the Queen, detailing she was half-dressed at the time and that the fitting was carried out in front of her corgis.
She also offered intimate details about fittings with Princess Diana, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. 
June Kenton's tell-all book on her professional relationship with the Queen and other Royals offered details of royal bra fittings 
Mrs Kenton dubbed herself 'the UK’s leading boobologist' in a bid to promote the book, adding that 'even the grandest ladies need to be well-supported' and describing the first time she fitted the 91-year-old monarch.
She also revealed the Queen Mother told her that Princess Margaret enjoyed interfering in her choice of hats, but that she always managed to get her own way.
'Shall I tell you what I do?' the Queen Mother asked Mrs Kenton. 'I pretend to listen to Margaret and then, once she has gone, I order what I want.'
In interviews Mrs Kenton revealed that Diana not only came for fittings, but ordered swimsuits designed in Israel and accepted posters showing models in lingerie and swimwear for princes William and Harry to display in their Eton studies.
Russell Tanguay, director of warrants at the Royal Warrant Holders Association, confirmed yesterday that the Knightsbridge-based retailer had lost its warrant.
Mr Tanguay said companies are granted a window in which to remove the royal coat of arms, which is earned when a firm has supplied the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, or Prince Charles for five out of the last seven years.
The royal coat of arms must be removed from any promotional material and shop signs.
Mrs Kenton and her company have has also served Margaret Thatcher and Joan Collins.
A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said: 'In respect of Royal Warrants, we never comment on individual companies.'
Rigby & Peller bras can cost more than £100, with briefs almost as expensive.
Source: Daily Mail UK

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