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Terrified youngster made the call to Police: 'Daddy is headbutting mummy'

Wednesday, 10 June 2015 00:00 Written by


Kevin Carpenter pinned down his terrified partner in front of children and rained down blows

A 999 operator was told “daddy is headbutting mummy” by a desperate eight-year-old boy, a court heard.

The terrified youngster made the call after Kevin Carpenter, 41, battered his wife in a drunken rage on Saturday, June 6.

Dad-of-two Carpenter, of Lower Green, Wirral pleaded guilty to assault at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court today.

Angie Rowan, prosecuting, told the court officers arrived in Lower Green to find the house in darkness.

She said: “The officers realised the front door was unsecured and due to the type of call they entered the property, in the interests of preserving life.

“They found the defendant downstairs with injuries to his nose. Upstairs they found the victim with two children, clearly distressed and upset. The son had called police to say daddy is headbutting mummy.”

The victim told police that her husband had pinned her to the couch by the wrists and headbutted her to the face several times.

Ms Rowan said: “She begged him to stop but he continued. The victim then bit the defendant to get him off her.”

The court heard the defendant had been drinking when the attack took place.

Mr Patrick Heald, defending, said Carpenter could not remember whether he had headbutted his wife more than once, but accepted his wife’s statement.

He said his client had previous convictions for drink driving but had no convictions for violence.

Deputy District Judge Alexandra Simmonds adjourned sentencing until July 1 for a pre-sentence report to be prepared.

Carpenter was granted bail with the conditions not to contact the victim or to go to her address in Lower Green.

Car smoking ban passed in Wales

Wednesday, 03 June 2015 00:00 Written by

It comes after health campaigners warned half a million children are breathing in their parents' second-hand smoke every week.


Smoking in cars carrying children has been made illegal in England and Wales - with £50 fines for parents who break the law.

It's been confirmed after Welsh politicians overwhelmingly backed a ban today, with 46 voting in favour and just one against.

England has already outlawed smoking in front of children in cars and the ban will take effect in both nations on October 1.

It comes after the Mirror revealed how a two-year-old boy will be put up for adoption because his parents are heavy smokers.

One nurse in the case complained the 'squalid' conditions - including a 'visible cloud' - made her 'gag and cough'.

Health campaigners have warned half a million children are breathing in their parents' second-hand smoke every week.



Cars are worse than houses because they're such confined spaces - and inhaling toxic chemicals affects young children more than adults.

Even with a window open, the 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke can stay in the air for 4 hours and trigger asthma and pneumonia.

The NHS claims it's twice as likely for babies with smoking mothers to suffer cot death - and passive smoking can also trigger meningitis.

The campaigners are now calling on Scotland and Northern Ireland to pass the same law, which will apply to all those with passengers under 18.


Welsh politicians voted overwhelmingly in favour of a ban today after a debate in the National Assembly, WalesOnline reports.

Welsh Government Health Minister Mark Drakeford said: "Children cannot escape from the toxic chemicals.

"They usually have little choice over whether or not they travel in cars and are not in a position to require an adult from refraining from smoking."


“The underlying purpose of these regulations is not to introduce a great spike in enforcement actions but to... change culture.

“It will protect children from entirely avoidable harm.”

There was support from Welsh nationalists Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Conservatives and the Welsh Lib Dems.

Only Peter Black of the Lib Dems, who had a free vote, opposed the ban - claiming it could be a slippery slope to banning smoking in private homes.

But Joseph Carter, head of the British Lung Foundation in Wales, said: “Today's vote marks a monumental triumph for children’s health.

"After years of campaigning on this issue we are glad that common sense has prevailed."



World Naked Bike Ride: Nude cyclist removed by police after complaints he was 'aroused'

Monday, 01 June 2015 00:00 Written by

One witness at the event in Canturbury, Kent, said: "I heard gasps and I turned around - it was a horrible sight"


Police were forced to intervene in a naked cycling event - after reports one of the riders got 'overexcited'.

The 'aroused' cyclist was pulled aside and put his jeans back on before being spoken to by officers.

Organisers of the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) said the rider was removed before the ride started in Canterbury, Kent, on Saturday.


The naked rides, which take place in cities and towns around the world, are organised to highlight the dangers cyclists face from cars.


Participants are permitted to cycle naked but must adhere to strict rules.

One witness said: "Everyone was taking their clothes off to get ready for the ride. I heard gasps and I turned around - it was a horrible sight.


"It's fair to say he was overexcited and got aroused. It looked like he was enjoying the event a bit too much.

"One of the organisers went over to him and told him to put his trousers on while speaking on a walkie-talkie to police.

"The man looked sheepish when he was spoken to by the police."


In a response to complaints posted on Facebook, ride organiser Barry Freeman said: "We do not accept this behaviour and he was dealt with and removed before the ride started."

Organisers had previously told participants: "The police have confirmed they WILL act on ANY inappropriate behaviour and we, the organisers will support that.

"If you are coming just to be a pain in the neck and to be the one to end this WNBR we'd rather you stayed at home.


The riders left the grounds of Canterbury Castle at about 3.30pm for a three-mile route around and through the city.

It is the third time the daring demonstration has taken place in Canterbury.

Protesters can cycle "as bare are you dare" but the rules state they must be riding bikes and there should be no skaters, or runners and riders cannot wear face masks.

Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.


Organisers received complaints last year including about one man who turned up naked without a bike.

Kent Police said they kept a watching brief on the event.

Chief Insp Kevin Dyer said: "The primary role of Kent Police in this event is to facilitate any peaceful protest and officers have been working with organisers and partner agencies with the aim of keeping people safe and minimising disruption to the city."


Thursday, 21 May 2015 00:00 Written by

BRITAIN's newly-elected Conservative government plans a dramatic clampdown on immigration in the forthcoming parliament by introducing new laws allowing the courts to seize the earnings of illegal migrants.  

In an unprecedented move, the new legislation which will be introduced by Prime Minister David Cameron in the next Queens Speech, will allow the salaries of illegal workers to be treated as the proceeds of crime. Mr Cameron said the move was necessary because it has become too easy for migrants not entitled to be in the country to exploit loopholes in the system. 

At the moment, firms can be fined up to £20,000 for employing illegal workers but under the new laws, the illegal workers will pay up too as they will be left destitute. This proposal to treat the wages of illegal workers as proceeds of crime form part of what the prime minister says is tougher but fairer approach to immigration that will be adopted by the Conservative government. 

Across the UK, net migration rose to 298,000 in the year to September 2014, well above the levels anticipated by the Conservatives who set a goal before the 2010 election of reducing numbers to less than 100,000. Mr Cameron will see first-hand efforts to combat illegal immigration today when he visits premises in London shortly after it has been raided by immigration officials. 

During the Queens Speech, he will say the government is determined to control and reduce immigration, adding that criminalising illegal workers must go hand-in-hand with other measures to lower demand for migrant labour.  At the moment, migrants with current leave to remain who are working illegally in breach of their conditions may be prosecuted and are liable, if convicted, to a six months' custodial sentence and or an unlimited fine. 

However, migrants who entered the UK illegally or have overstayed their leave are not subject to the same sanctions and the police do not have the same powers of confiscation in all cases. Mr Cameron will say that making Britain a less attractive place to come and work illegally is a crucial part of a fair immigration policy. 

Mr Cameron added: "The truth is it has been too easy to work illegally and employ illegal workers here, so we'll take a radical step and we'll make illegal working a criminal offence in its own right. That means wages paid to illegal migrants will be seized as proceeds of crime and businesses will be told when their workers' visas expire, so if you're involved in illegal working as an employer or employee, you're breaking the law." 

However, lawyer Saira Grant, the director of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, questioned how the new measure would be enforced. She asked if the wages going to be seized retrospectively.


UK's Most Wanted Female Terrorist Responsible For 400 Deaths: Reports

Monday, 18 May 2015 00:00 Written by

Lewthwaite is believed to have risen through the ranks of Africa-based terror group Al Shabaab, after many of its senior leaders were killed in drone strikes in Somalia.

She is believed to have masterminded the death of over 400 people in numerous terror raids, suicide attacks and car bombings in Somalia and Kenya, UK's Mirror newspaper quoted Somali security officials as saying.

Security officials suspect her involvement in the Westgate mall attack in Nairobi, when Al Shabaab murdered 67 people in 2013, as well as in last month's slaughter of 148 people, by gunmen at a university in Garissa, northern Kenya.

Officials now believe her to be the right hand of Al Shabaab leader Ahmad Umar.

"This lady sits at the right hand of the leader directing attacks," a Somali security official said.

Lewthwaite has also launched a recruitment drive for teenagers and women as suicide bombers after bribing their desperate families with a meagre amount of $470.

Daughter of a former soldier, Lewthwaite is also believed to have sent brain-washed boys as young as 15 to their deaths as suicide bombers - after they were pumped full of heroin.

Interpol has issued a red corner warrant for Lewthwaite and security services in 200 countries are hunting for her.

Al Shabaab is an Al Qaeda offshoot based in Somalia which still controls a fifth of the lawless country.


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Chuka Umunna withdraws from Labour Party leadership contest over scrutiny pressure

Friday, 15 May 2015 00:00 Written by


STREATHAM Member of Parliament and shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna has dramatically reversed his decision to run for the Labour Party leadership opting to pull out of the race saying he cannot cope with the pressure of the scrutiny. 

Earlier this week, Mr Umunna, 36, threw his hat into the ring in the fight to succeed Ed Miliband as Labour leader after opinion polls showed him as the leading contender. However, this morning, he dramatically announced his decision to quit the race, saying he was not comfortable with the attention on his private life. 

His remarks immediately triggered speculation that a weekend newspaper is preparing an expose on Mr Umunna and his private life. However, his aides insisted his withdrawal was not due to any negative story which he expects to appear in the media and he has not been subject to any significant hostile coverage in recent days. 

Mr Umunna said: "As a member of the shadow cabinet, I am used to a level of attention which is part and parcel of the job. I witnessed the 2010 leadership election process close up and thought I would be comfortable with what it involved. 

 "However since the night of our defeat last week I have been subject to the added level of pressure that comes with being a leadership candidate but I have not found it to be a comfortable experience. Consequently after further reflection I am withdrawing my candidacy and I apologise to all those who have kindly supported and encouraged me to do this and for disappointing them. 

Last week, Mr Umunna appeared in public with his girlfriend, Alice Sullivan, an employment lawyer for the first time ahead of his appearance on the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday, prompting speculation that he would run. His team were confident that he would secure the 35 nominations from fellow MPs required to mount a leadership bid. 

Following his withdrawal, Mr Umunna is not at this stage endorsing any other candidate for the leadership. His abrupt withdrawal with infuriate MPs who had promised him their support and will deepens the crisis in the Labour Party, following a devastating election defeat a week ago and the withdrawal of another front-runner, former soldier Dan Jarvis. 

Mr Umunna's withdrawal is a significant setback for the Blairite faction in the Labour party who want a return to pro-market, pro-aspiration values of former Prime Minister Tony Blair. With Mr Umunna withdrawing from the race, the contest is now expected to be a straight fight between former cabinet ministers Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper. 

Ben Bradshaw, the Blairite former culture secretary who is preparing to run for deputy leader, urged Mr Umunna to reconsider adding that his withdrawal was a terrible loss. Mr Umunna is a former nightclub DJ, who was supported by Ed Miliband after admitting in 2012 that he smoked soft drugs as a teenager growing up in Brixton. 

Mr Umunna added: "I intend to carry on playing my full role as a proud member of our shadow cabinet taking on the Tories and I also hope to play a leading role in Labour's campaign to keep the UK in the European Union during the forthcoming referendum which is absolutely crucial. Most importantly, I will as ever continue to serve the area I know and love - the Streatham parliamentary constituency."


Chuka Umunna withdraws from Labour Party leadership contest over scrutiny pressure

Friday, 15 May 2015 00:00 Written by


STREATHAM Member of Parliament and shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna has dramatically reversed his decision to run for the Labour Party leadership opting to pull out of the race saying he cannot cope with the pressure of the scrutiny. 

Earlier this week, Mr Umunna, 36, threw his hat into the ring in the fight to succeed Ed Miliband as Labour leader after opinion polls showed him as the leading contender. However, this morning, he dramatically announced his decision to quit the race, saying he was not comfortable with the attention on his private life. 

His remarks immediately triggered speculation that a weekend newspaper is preparing an expose on Mr Umunna and his private life. However, his aides insisted his withdrawal was not due to any negative story which he expects to appear in the media and he has not been subject to any significant hostile coverage in recent days. 

Mr Umunna said: "As a member of the shadow cabinet, I am used to a level of attention which is part and parcel of the job. I witnessed the 2010 leadership election process close up and thought I would be comfortable with what it involved. 

 "However since the night of our defeat last week I have been subject to the added level of pressure that comes with being a leadership candidate but I have not found it to be a comfortable experience. Consequently after further reflection I am withdrawing my candidacy and I apologise to all those who have kindly supported and encouraged me to do this and for disappointing them. 

Last week, Mr Umunna appeared in public with his girlfriend, Alice Sullivan, an employment lawyer for the first time ahead of his appearance on the Andrew Marr Show last Sunday, prompting speculation that he would run. His team were confident that he would secure the 35 nominations from fellow MPs required to mount a leadership bid. 

Following his withdrawal, Mr Umunna is not at this stage endorsing any other candidate for the leadership. His abrupt withdrawal with infuriate MPs who had promised him their support and will deepens the crisis in the Labour Party, following a devastating election defeat a week ago and the withdrawal of another front-runner, former soldier Dan Jarvis. 

Mr Umunna's withdrawal is a significant setback for the Blairite faction in the Labour party who want a return to pro-market, pro-aspiration values of former Prime Minister Tony Blair. With Mr Umunna withdrawing from the race, the contest is now expected to be a straight fight between former cabinet ministers Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper. 

Ben Bradshaw, the Blairite former culture secretary who is preparing to run for deputy leader, urged Mr Umunna to reconsider adding that his withdrawal was a terrible loss. Mr Umunna is a former nightclub DJ, who was supported by Ed Miliband after admitting in 2012 that he smoked soft drugs as a teenager growing up in Brixton. 

Mr Umunna added: "I intend to carry on playing my full role as a proud member of our shadow cabinet taking on the Tories and I also hope to play a leading role in Labour's campaign to keep the UK in the European Union during the forthcoming referendum which is absolutely crucial. Most importantly, I will as ever continue to serve the area I know and love - the Streatham parliamentary constituency."


British Man Confesses on Facebook After Murdering Daughter,Wife And Sister

Wednesday, 13 May 2015 00:00 Written by

A British man, Randy Janzen took to Facebook to confess after murdering his daughter, wife and sister before taking his own life.    

Reporting on the Facebook post, NBC News said Janzen wrote; ''Over the last 10 days I have done some of the worst things I could have ever imagined a person doing''.

''I just could not see my little girl hurt for one more second. I took a gun and shot her in the head and now she is migraine free and floating in the clouds on a sunny afternoon, her long beautiful brown hair flowing in the breeze, a true angel."

The post goes on to say that he then shot his wife, Laurel, because a mother should never have to "hear the news her baby has died." A couple days after killing his wife, Janzen allegedly killed his sister, Shelly, "because I did not want her to have to live with this shame."

"Now my family is pain free and in heaven. Rest in peace my little family, Love Daddio xoxo."

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